My son just turned 4yrs old, he loves going to Walmart but everytime we go he screams, cries it’s a full blown fit! The last 2 times we went, I make him look at me in the face and tell him, we’re going to Walmart,no crying, no crying or we’ll leave. So far he has been perfect in Walmart, he gets a little something for good behavior and I praise him for being such a good little man. It’s more enjoyable now.
don’t go I have always took mine and it was fine
Let her scream, completely ignore her screaming and get your groceries. She will eventually realize it doesn’t get her anywhere and stop. Please don’t reward with snack and treats for behavior that should be expected. Rewards are for doing something great (Winning a spelling bee, doing an extra chores, going out of way to do something kind)
Get one of the leash bags and let her walk with you☺
My son was the same way. Until he sat sideways in the cart with his feet on the other side. If I’m wearing a scarf I tuck it behind him and he just lounges. I also give him a snack and drink.
Have her help you shop. If she yells and things like that ask her to explain what she is feeling and why.
My son would chew the cheese block the clerk would always get a new one
When mine were little and over the cart I bought an exact replica cart of the big ones (not the little pink plastic ones) and would take it along. It folded up for easy transportation and always let her walk next to me and would put her food or snacks in her cart. If it was an impromptu trip and didn’t have it. I would have her hold the list, and let her walk as long as her hand stayed on the cart. (That one took a little practice, but she got it)
I’m just here for the mom fights