I’ll be traveling to Mexico in March with my 3 year old and 6 month old…and husband but we know momma is gonna take care of the details lol We’ll be there for 10 days Anywhoo…I’ve never traveled with kids!! What are some must haves to pack? Tips for packing for the kids?
Sheeesh I find myself packing munchies and juices water ect…for my almost 3yr old grandson just to go to the store, My car wouldn’t even have room for me if had to go any further😆
I don’t have kids but have traveled with some, snacks for sure! If you have room bring like a little cooler with sandwich stuff or easy to prepare things to cut on costs of food, if you have a tablet, iPad etc good if not like a portable DVD player (old school hehe my parents used to bring those for us when I was younger)
But also I should have asked is it driving or flying?
A tablet if you have one for your 3 year old,Snacks,and fun activities he or she can do…Good luck Momma
Color books and something for the 3year old to watch like tablet
If you have a tablet, iPad, or even a laptop download several movies from Netflix. Then the day before you come home re-download them or other movies. Snacks, coloring stuff, small miscellaneous toys.
Snacks and if they use tablet make sure to take headphones because kids don’t understand that tablet has to be turn to silent,
Lots of snacks and stops to get out and run around. If you have time, stop at attractions along the way.
Screens seem to be the go-to, but alternatives are books, and maybe you can find kids’ books on tape. There are coloring books where the pages are black and you scratch out designs and find the colors underneath. Crayons will keep her busy but fall on the floor, can get all over your car, and can melt in hot weather. Etch-A-Sketch and paper dolls are quiet and not messy, and you can get the paper dolls in historic or inspirational figures so there’s some learning.
Found tins with magnetic scenery pages and various magnets (flowers, butterflies , animals, etc.) to create different scenes at ALDI. You might be able to find something similar online, or a felt board and felt things instead of magnets. Music with action songs to sing along and do in a seat keeps her busy and moving (Baby Shark, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, The Wheels on the Bus, etc.).
Play I Spy and other car games “I’m going on a trip and I’m going to pack my ____. I’m going to pack my ___ and ___,” and see how far you can remember everything you each said. Bonus points for funny things like dinosaurs. Count motorcycles (when she starts to drive it’ll train her to look out for them). Look for other things on the road: cows, green colored cars, tractors, flowers.
Also we used to travel at night so the kids would sleep. Hopefully she will get bored and nap for a time, but be ready for a quick pit stop when she wakes up and has to pee bad. Limit sugary snacks. Beef & cheese sticks, goldfish crackers, dried or cut up fresh fruit, quartered sandwiches on whole wheat bread are good. Water bottles with pop-up tops keep mess to a minimum. Anything that doesn’t spill—cups with lids & straws make a mess if dropped.
Hope you don’t have to drive all 14 hours straight. If you can stay in a hotel with an indoor pool that helps too. Splashing around helps everyone sleep better and if breakfast is included that’s good too. My favorite is Country Inn and Suites if there are any along your route.
Good luck and enjoy your new location!
If you have a shell servo near by check if they have any of the little travel books, I think that’s what it’s called, it has checklists and other games