Tips to get my baby sleeping in his cribs after he comes home from his dads?

Hey, mamas, just trying to get some opinions. My baby is 13 months, and I’ve got him to sleep in his crib. And when he goes to his dad’s he lets his mother sleep w him in bed and then when he comes back home he doesn’t want to sleep in his crib. Do I let him cry it out, and for how long?


He will eventually learn. My daughter goes to my aunts on the weekends and she cosleeps with my daughter but we never have. My daughter knows when she’s at home that she sleeps in her own bed

cosleeping is amazing and very beneficial baby is still pretty young so i would just suck it up and cosleep as well for babys benefit and less stress


Maybe explain what you guys are doing, to get back on a routine!

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I think you need to have a chat with the dad so you are both on the same page about not Co sleeping. It can be very confusing to change his sleep habits from Co sleeping to cot sleeping back to Co sleeping at a young age. He will eventually get used to it but may be a while yet. I know I would hate being in your situation xx


I have this issue when my 8 month old comes back from grandmas. It takes a few nights of crying it out to understand you are not getting in my bed.

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My sons 8 month and just started his sleep regression, wouldn’t want to be placed down in his crib, instead of letting him cry i sit in the room with him and let him know I’m still there as he drifts off to sleep. Your little might be having a bite of separation anxiety being away from you.


Choosing to let them cry it out is a personal decision. Having said that we did let both our kids cry it out but not for a long period of time. I want to say I let it go for 5 mins before checking on them. Eventually ocean music calmed down my son so he learned to self soothe. He wasn’t a binky child so we had to look into other options. My daughter used binkies so she that helped her.

Kids learn the difference between houses. They learn the rules and routine; and adapt for each home. See if your child may like a special blanket or stuffed animal to sleep with. Stick to a routine.

Well dont let them have your kid …in sleep with baby can end up SIDS or would end up wrose!..put your foot down and tell them stop sleep with your son in bed he need in his crib


1 yr old… Your 1 yr old…


I wouldn’t…ever. It’s wrong to begin with, but especially if he’s getting to sleep in bed with his grandmother when he’s visiting his father and isn’t crying it out then. It will be even more traumatic for him.

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I would talk to the dad about this. This is why coparenting is so hard because usually both parents have seperate rules and expectations. So the kids get confused when they go back and forth. Itd be better for the parents and the kids if the parents would agree on rules and expectations. Parents need to be able to communicate with each other.

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Crying it out won’t solve anything. You and his dad need to establish a routine with the child that you follow at both of your houses.

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You make them keep the same rules and he needs to have a bed for him there.

You need to talk to his dad and get on the same page. You are only confusing him by doing it two different ways.

I would start by trying to talk to dad and or grandma and just explain that it messes up the baby’s sleep pattern with you and ask them to stop doing it. You may have to let your baby for a little while, 5-10 minutes, you dont want the baby to get too worked up

Put the baby in the crib. Don’t let him cry for hours,though. Not good for him to get all worked up. Talk to your husband,and let him know,by letti g him sleep with his mother is disturbing his routine. It is your right as a mom

Try and explain to them why he is not to sleep with her in the bed. Send a pack and play with him so that he has his own space to sleep in.

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