Toddler activities?

What do you sahm do to keep your two yr. Old busy through out the day? If she’s not busy, she gets into everything! you can’t turn your back on her for a second. I also have a six month old so there’s that also. My 2yr. Old knows her numbers, most of her letter’s animal sounds so those things are boring to her and she looses interest in them fast. And the weather isn’t nice enough for walks outside yet with baby. Help!! I’m out of ideas


Colouring sheets , different books , paper and pencil to make pictures

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Puzzles, forts, reading books

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Forts with pillows and blankets with a snack and a movie. Oh and i set my daughter in a high chair and let her play with her play doh she loves it

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Washable paints are $1 at the dollar store. I buy them in bulk.

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Weather is always ok for walks even in winter. Babies love it. Take them to some sort of mothers group in your area. It will help them socialize

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We did a lot of treasure hunting and playing with pudding like finger paint

puzzles, coloring/ arts and crafts, play doh,

I can’t remember the name of the book but there is one for entertaining toddlers

I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. Books, activity toys, educational programs, coloring books, musical instruments, a trampoline, tunnel system, the works, but she still follows me around most of the time so yeah, that’s pretty much what they do at their age. They’re curious and like to explore everything around them and want to know everything that you’re doing.


Magnetic letters on a cookie sheet, gluing noodles on construction paper, coloring, play doh, blocks, giant legos, play kitchen, etc


Also if you put heavy cream in a baby food jar and Shake It it makes butter. Mine would shake it forever and then they got to put the butter on toast

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Keep her mind busy and growing. Memory games and if she’s ready practice writing her first name, using scissors and cutting on a line, coloring in the lines. Go to library once a week. Do a craft. Grow seeds inside and watch grow and discuss. Or ABC mouse. Hope there’s a few ideas for you. Good luck.

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Workbooks, coloring, put shaving cream on table let her play in it, give her small chores to do, put on music so she can dance…

Crafts cut up magazines and glue them into shapes of flowers, painting ceramics, baking, coloring books there’s good ones at the dollar store. Pinterest is a great place to look up ideas

We paint. Color. Tv. We also had terrible weather but we try and play in the yard as much as possible. We have slides and swings set. Bubbles. Kid absolutely goes nuts. We have activity books that play music and such she likes dancing. Puzzles. Loves taking things apart.

I’m not a sahm, but if there is a park close by, she may like that. Also, puzzles, books you can read to her, coloring.

Crafts, buy her DVDs of sign language put music and the living room so she can dance

Puzzles, coloring, there’s also painting with water that changes color on paper, play doh

Play dough, baking ,crafts ,water table (play) , puzzles, games, Lego, read, music, build a fort, use boxes b creative, help make lunch / snack/ supper, help clean they think it’s fun, bubbles,paint,crayons,chalk, library ,playground, playground, ice cubes, jello, pudding, cut, glue, fashion show, paint nails,do hair, make jewelry, look and find books (make your own) , tea party, enjoy pretending and using your imagination together have fun​:heartpulse::heartpulse:

why isn’t it nice enough for baby to go outside? fresh air is good for them. babies can go out in all weathers so long as they are wrapped up warm if cold, if not in a buggie ( stroller) good for the 2yr old as well.let her run off some energy. If she’s having to stay inside no wonder she’s bored. Remember kids are not made of cotton wool , they need all kinds of stimulation to grow up healthy and well balanced.

Movies, toys, playing outside, coloring, some screen time, let her help you with the 6 month old, bake together, park,

this is what my 2 year old is doing now. :neutral_face: she LOVES the toilet! :confounded: turn away for one second she’s flushing the toilet 37293 times.

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Take her to a Rec center or playgroup where she can run off some energy, and run with other little kids I bet she’d love it , at the Rec center here they have got gym where the kids have age appropriate toys and a bouncy house to play in

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Popsicles or ice cream in a bubble bath… Works great for an hour or so with my kiddos… And switch that ice cream to a glass of wine for mom lol!

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I taught my kids to count to ten in English and Spanish… Taught them their colors in both and taught them body parts in both.

Ive been in this situation with twins,they are eight now.

Toys that she can play with, let her use her imagination with building blocks or playing outside in the yard and the baby could use some outside time too.

My daughter likes to cuddle and she also likes to play in her room

Give her a box. Seriously a box. It turns into so many things so quickly and You can also give her crayons or markers to decorate it