Blue lips after drinking milk? Nothing else cold that I’ve noticed just milk! ? Pedi said it’s normal!? Anyone else baby is 14 months … 30 minutes later he’s fine… he only has one cup or 2 a day of milk if that
I was always told their lips are blue because they have wind they need to bring up?
Does it happen with refrigerated water ?
I’m guessing the blood vessels narrow in the lips becuase of the cold. Maybe try milk that isn’t as cold as just out of the fridge ?
If you’re worried just get a pulse oximeter (the small ones for babies and toddlers) I’ve seen them for under $30. Then you can check their blood oxygen level when it happens. If it’s low oxygen then I would follow up with the doctor or a different doctor. If their oxygen levels are fine when it happens they it’s probably just because the milk is cold. Then you can warm it up.
Try warming up the milk. Sounds like the coldness is triggering it. Here’s a helpful article.
All of the above. Does NOT make any sense.
I’ve never heard of this and this has never happened to my kids
Get a second opinion , never heard of such a thing
Ask another Pediatrician. That doesn’t sound normal. He may be holding his breath too long Does he have breathing problems or any other problems ? Asthma or sinus ? I would get a second opinion
Hmm I would be talking to some other pediatrician cause that does not sound normal. Also I would def be cutting off milk
Sometimes babies/toddlers can go darker around the lips and mouth after a feed if they have wind… really weird and I didn’t know until my first boy was about 8 months old when I gave him a feed at my sister in laws who saw it and Informed me it’s because he had trapped wind… after her saying it I continued to ‘burp’ him and he did let out some extra belches and sure enough the darkening/blue colour was gone might be worth a shot, if you think it is just his lips and he has cold milk it may be that it is too cold for him so maybe leave it to warm in the room for a few minutes before giving it to him/her… good luck Mumma xx
Maybe try warming the milk slightly so it’s not so cold for the baby? Might help
What is he drinking from?
I’ve never seen a child’s lip turn blue while drinking milk. I have an 8 year old and it’s never happened to him and he drinks milk daily
My girls 3 in 2 weeks and she still gets blue lips after having a cold drink. If she goes out in the cold or just gets cold, her hands and feet turn blue.
This doesn’t seem to be normal. I’ve had my own kids, siblings and never happened. Switch pediatricians and seek a second opinion.
What does your pediatrician have to say?