Traveling essentials for kids?

We are traveling to MD in September with our 3 year old, it’s an 8hr drive to the hotel. Can you name some car/traveling essentials for the car please!! Maybe even add some links!

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I usually surprise our littles with dollar store trinkets in their backpack. One favorite has been the little pads they can draw on then erase.

If your kid has a tablet or maybe a dvd player. Books to read to them, depending on how big maybe a travel pillow so their neck doesn’t hurt

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I found a great thing at ALDI and maybe it’s available at toy stores: in a tin box there are 4 double sided background sheets plus a host of magnetic animals, plants, etc. You can use to decorate the scenes. No muss, no fuss, hard to drop the parts, and it all gets contained in the tin.

Etch-A-Sketch is good too, and self contained mazes where you roll the ball. Also a playlist of kids songs to sing along with and action songs they can do while seated. I love the Milkshake band from Baltimore: They have CDs if your car still has a CD player. Plan for enough potty stops where you can jump around and shake your sillies out before strapping yourselves back in.