Honestly? I didn’t feel the need to let others know. It was private to me and my pain to carry. Unless they already knew I was pregnant then sure I told them. What would be the need to tell anyone? Though I’m not suggesting miscarriage should be taboo, I will mention that I’ve had 4 if the conversation is in that realm but otherwise I don’t mention them.
If I was you, I’d only tell those I was close to and could get support from.
How to get through it… well that’s a tough one. Honest answer is… you don’t. Each day the pain becomes less and less but you still have days (due date etc) that it hits you hard. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to grieve.
As for SO, my SO barely reacted… which upset me but men deal with things completely differently to us and in the end he was just trying to be strong for me. If there isn’t much of or a different reaction to what you’re expecting/hoping for then communicate with him, tell him you want to know how he feels and hopefully this will help.
Try whenever you feel ready