*Trigger warning* I found some unsettling things in my daughters phone linked to her dads gmail: Help!

I am absolutely falling apart. My child has a phone that father got for child that is linked to his Gmail account. After a few recent unsettling incidents, I decided to look into what text messages where shared. I then accidentally typed something into google, which came up with something that sent alarm bells. Being very technology challenged, I got a heads up of how to go through search history. This has uncovered a lot of child pornography. I have been to the police, which in turn, child safety will become involved. What do I do in the meantime when said child wants to go to her dad’s and I’m legally obliged due to court orders. I cant said child directly due to the case I have been advised until the child gets interviewed by child protection


You can tell her that he’s busy, or on vacation, away for work. There are dozens of excuses you can give her to spare her the hard truth. Ugh I’m so sorry. Definitely keep her away from him at all costs.


Ask the police what you can do.


I think you would be in the right to keep her, going against custody, for fear of her safety. Especially if the police have been involved and until everything is investigated.


Ask the police and speak to child protective workers. Personally, I would not let him anywhere near her! Ultimately the safety of your child is of the utmost importance!


Child pornography?! File for full custody. Get her a different phone not connected to him and if anyone says anything about it use it as evidence. That is wrong. She doesn’t need to be anywhere near him


We’re these images found on his email? Images found on her phone? Images he shared with her? Depending on her age and where the images were found I’d talk to her even before cps does. She shouldn’t be side blinded when they show up. If she’s seen them or he’s done something inappropriate to her she may be terrified to tell you. I’d let her know it’s ok and she’s done nothing wrong but for her safety you need to know what if anything she’s seen or has knowledge of going on.


File for protection order, have her interview at child dr for sexual abuse prior to children services. That way the court order is null and void as she would be in danger in that situation.

In cases like this. It’s best to consult a lawyer.
But I know if you fear for your childs safety you can keep your child.
In my fiance’s case (mother was being neglectful), we were told to keep his son till court. Of course with that being said there is always repercussion. We now have to allow her 50 over night visits

I would not send my child no matter what the court order says… in order for you to get in trouble for not sending her he would have to take you to court. Because of what you found that is not going to happen… do not allow your child to be around him!


Simple fix. Seek legal help. Common sense, don’t let him take her


I’d take a small vacation this weekend with her if that’s possible

Make sure it’s not your daughter and her friends being curious… because these are some VERY serious accusations


Ask the police if you can get a protection order.

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File emergency custody papers and call police they can make it where you wont get in trouble


If you allow her to go knowing that she may be in danger that will look bad on you. If, God forbid, anything happens.


First off, I am so sorry you and your child are going through this :frowning: second, tell her dad’s working extra hours, if she is young enough to believe in santa, tell her dad is helping the elves and santa get ready for Christmas. I hope and pray the police work well with you and do something. This isn’t anything to mess around with! You’re doing the right thing and taking the right steps.


File for emergency custody. I wouldn’t let him take her at all and you’re in full rights to keep your daughter away from him. I’m so sorry that’s happening to you , honey. What state ?


Do not allow her to his home, no matter what. You need to protect your baby


Get kid own gmail account. It‘a easy make her her own gmail email. It will be too easy for dad to say it’s not him since it’s shared, kid could say someone took the phone or blame dad… he said he she said type thing.


Do you have a court order saying you have to let your child go to her father’s? Have you filed for a protection order? If not, file an emergency petition.

Don’t send her and file emergency paperwork with the court

Go to the courthouse and file for a restraining order for your daughter. Take in every single piece of evidence that you have.

Emergency custody order.


I’d be talking to a lawyer. Find out your legal rights and how to stay within them. You don’t want your reaction to come back and bite you. Is said child old enough to understand any of this? I’m sorry. What a horrible position to be in. Prayers


If her dad is dealing in porn…get your proof…he won’t be allowed to be ALONE with her ever…


OMG. Sorry, I’ll be THAT person. If What you’re finding REALLY IS legit and he’s a sicko, he needs to spend the rest of his days in prison. I wouldn’t DARE allow my child to be around him. No way. He’s a pedophile that enjoys looking at little kids and gets off on it. Get full sole custody of your daughter and when she’s old enough, tell her the truth.


Go to the police department, show your police report And ask how you can get an emergency order of protection to keep him away from her until the investigation is done.


Id sit down with ur daughter and ask her for the truth and see if shes curious.

If its not her call the cops right then and there. Show them. Call cps also and show them proof

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I guess I’m confused on who actually searched those images. Because if you looked through her phone search history it’s her that was searching for this stuff. If it was saved to her fathers email or something that Is a different story. I would be very sure before you accuse him of that because even if he is found not guilty it will still deeply effect his life. I’m not saying he’s innocent but it being on the child’s phone makes me wonder what you searched. I’m sorry this is happening.


Talk to the police. They’ll tell you. Or a lawyer.


Call a lawyer and ask what your legal rights are. None of us can tell you that.


Why can’t you apply for emergency custody. Do to the circumstances I’m sure it will be granted. And to be honest I would love to see a judge penalize you if he takes you to court for not following the visitation agreement under the circumstances as well. Cops don’t do anything with those agreements anyway, they always tell you to settle it in court. Keep your child away until it’s investigated thoroughly !

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If you typed in something on YOUR DAUGHTERS PHONE and child porn came up on HER phone history …it wasn’t her father viewing it… It was your daughter…(probly just curious) …phone history is unique to each phone even if the account is shared.


Oh my you pour thing I am so sorry protect your kid no matter what

I would go to court and have the visitation taken away. Also if police are involved and there is investigation should get a restraining order and not get in trouble for not sending your kid over there


How is his search history on her phone?

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Go straight to the police.

Emergency protective order


They can’t punish you or refusing to send your child to a sex offender. If you sent your child it would be negligent. At least until its all sorted out and you know the truth. Better safe than sorry.


Get a lawyer, Emergency Protection Orders can be set in place ASAP.

If you went to the search history on HER PHONE. She was the one who looked it up. Now, if it was in the GMAIL, and was HIS EMAIL then yes, that would be a cause for concern. Back to it being on her history, you might have just accused an Innocent man whose name will be ran through the dirt and will make his life hard.


I would definitely get ahold of the police and also ask for full custody. But also speak with your daughter. And see if she was the curious one, it’s hard to know not given her age.

For those saying search histories are specific to each phone, if her phone is logged into his Google e-mail for everything (google, youtube, etc.), anything searched while logged into that account is visible on all devices.

My kids phones are all logged into my Google accounts so if I go to my Google or YouTube and look at search histories I can see anything they searched on their phones from mine.


It could be him or her…so for now state that you need to investigate further and obtain a restriction on visits for now…it is imperative!..you can then decide with fact in hand

I’d go get a protection order for you and your kid. That way he can’t fight you for not letting her go

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How old is your daughter?


Lawyer. But i think u can file for temporary full custody until it all gets figured out.

You contact your lawyer that’s what the hell you do, s/he should be able to do some sort of emergency temp hearing

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File for emergency custody, contact a lawyer asap.


When it comes to that you are danged if you do and danged if you don’t. If you don’t let the child go over there you violate a court order which can get you in trouble even though you don’t feel they are safe there. If you send them you can get in trouble for child endangerment.

You have to protect your child. You’re not going to get in trouble for that.

If it’s a android and it’s set up using his email either him or her could’ve searched it up. Depending on her age I DOUBT it was her. Request an Emergancy hearing.

You need to file for an emergency hearing so you dont go against the order.


File for a protection order
In the meantime, do not allow your daughter to goto her fathers. You are putting her at risk by sending her there which can come back on you and get you into some legal strife


You didn’t accidentally type anything into anything. You knew what you were doing. Don’t play stupid. Now follow through with what you started doing and contact a lawyer


Emergency protection order. That is considered a sex crime against a minor.


Nope, I’d go to jail first. It needs to be investigated and brought back to court.

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Visitations are a civil matter not criminal. Just fyi you can’t be arres3for skipping a visitation while things are being sorted out. At least not in Illinois


Oh I’m so sorry this is something you’re dealing with. I’d be so mad and probably not thinking right. I’d file Emergency custody get a lawyer . Even if you dont get it asap dont send her you are the parent and you need to protect her . Id be heartbroken that I sent my child to someone who I thought I could at least trust. Maybe look in to counseling for the both of you and your daughter.

File for emergency custody! Better safe then sorry. Get a lawyer and do not send her until the investigation is over! If you comes to the point where they do find him guilty and you’ve been sending her you can loose her too! Something similar happened when I was a kid with my mom she lost all of her kids because of it. If dyfs is called because of what you saw on the email you are not obligated to follow your court order. Let them do their jobs and find out if it’s true or not. Do you job as mom and protect your baby!


Protect her whatever the cost!!!

What could U have accidentally typed into Google to bring up his history of child porn…or did U do the searches?

Majority of the time you can call any lawyer and get free advice on what you should do.
I feel like an order of protection and supervised visits would be a must.

If you send her to him court order or not you’re failing to protect her

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You can file for emergency custody pending the outcome of the investigation you just have to go to the court and file then call your lawyer with the case number from the police and explain what’s going on, they will probably advise you to not comply with visitation due to safety of the child, because if you do send the child knowing the allegations and something happens you can be charged with failure to protect at least that’s what I was advised to do when I filed for emergency custody of my oldest children when they had a cps investigation at their fathers house due to drugs and violence.


Ok. I just tried this. I typed s. Came up with last s history. Including supercheap
So i clicked on that. Went to supercheap page. I then went to gmail account. Typed in search history. Then it came up with everything that has bern searched and even maps on my phone. All with dates and times. So i would say this is what the mum has done. I never knew this either.


First of all as a mother I would be taking the phone away from her for awhile. Monitor the phone for awhile to see if it’s dad who’s really doing it. I wouldn’t want to label the dad if it wasn’t him. If actively had been done while the phone has been took away. Then you know dad is the one doing it. I would make sure you have all the facts right first.


File emergency custody order

Go file for an emergency restraining order. Now! Before the courts close for the weekend.

Shoot the sick bastard

Wtf no dont and file a report

Just the way this is worded makes me sus. Sounds like a setup. Gut instinct.


Dont send her. My mom kept me from my dad when I came fwd about abuse. The only thing that happened was they asked to come into the police stations and they questioned me. Sent me home with mom.

File emergemcy custody. Dcs has no say over a judge! Protect your child.
Now that being said-- if its the history on the child phone on the internet that is the child’s search history
His would not show on child phone

Dude hes being investigated for child porn…I’m pretty sure the court will understand when you withhold parenting time.

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Definitely do not allow her to go. I would be honest and say that you are worried about her safety. A few things to look for without talking to her about it. Have her grades dropped or has she had a major change in behavior? Has she been destroying toys or lost interest in things that normally bring her pleasure? Make sure you do not grill her, let CPS handle it, or you may have to try and prove that you didn’t coach her. I would let her know a day or two in advance that some people are coming to talk with her. Let her know she has done nothing wrong and is not in trouble. Give her whatever she needs, extra reassurance that she’s a good kid, cuddles, maybe a favorite meal.

How old is the child?

Ok so I don’t understand… It’s the daughter’s cell phone that he has backed up on his Gmail account?.. which is his Gmail/email. So my question is if the search is showing up on her phone couldn’t it be either one of their search history?.. could a kid get curious and search something like that? Or did the phone she now has used to belong to him and he gave it to her without resetting it :eyes::eyes: either way that’s horrifying. If she found anything in the text messages sad to say the worst might have happened.

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Already reported to police so make up excuse for child not to go. Copy of police report if he challenges you for court. Hopefully the child didn’t pull up the child porn. You must have had a suspicion he might be strange? I would have never thought with my son’s dad to even check.

This doesn’t make any sense.
Daughter has a phone linked to dads gmail.
Mom “accidentally typed something into google”… these are not related things. Did mom google child porn and feign being “technology challenged” then blame dad for having it? Gmail and a google search aren’t the same thing…
Daughter clearly isn’t afraid of dad and wants to spend time with him.
I’m glad the police are involved and I hope dad is punished if these accusations are true. I also hope mom is punished if they’re proven false.

Say the kid has lice! No one wants that, keep the child home and take whatever paperwork you have from the police to get an emergency injunction!


Take the contempt charge and keep child home! No judge in their right mind will hold it against you!


If CPS said no then don’t just make a police report and go file for immediate soul/full custody and to temporarily stop visitations. You will not be arrested.


Get an emergency protective order for your child! Go to the courthouse and bring all your proof.

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I would find a way to not send my child there. Lie, do what you gotta do!


What a wonderful holiday post :unamused:


Take a trip out of town or say she is sick.


Be a mom. Protect your child.

Go to the police.

Ask your child questions

What does this have to do with “my favorite holiday”???

Ask attorney to get immediate court order

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I would do a modification to the current order and due to such circulation have a supervisor for the visits even if it means child protective services has to do the visits


If you don’t not feel safe to do not have to send her!

You don’t have to lie, just don’t let her go period,I feel there is far more things going on, talk to her or have a friend if you can’t but don’t send her

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Get emergency court date for the custody. Let the courts k ow what’s gapping

Don’t send her, take all proof to law and get a protection of custody for her there may be more going on than you don’t know


Keep that baby at home. If you refuse visitation, all he can do is file a contempt order. In which case it’ll take months for the judge to contact you to get your side of the story. You simply explain what happened. Or file for emergency full custody through the court. You’re not obligated to send the child to a place that you feel he/she could be in danger.


Wtf. Tell him the truth.

They can’t make the child go. Police will not enforce. You protect that child no matter what.

This story is very sketchy. I’m pretty sure if you brought that info and that phone to the police they would have done more and child services would be contacted immediately.

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