Trigger Warning - Miscarriage. I am needing encouraging words

I need help, I just had a miscarriage last night & it feels like my heart is leaving my body. The world is crumbling around me & I feel destroyed. It all happened so fast, but so slow. We tried for months & months to get pregnant, I took the prenatal’s, I did everything & I mean everything the doctors told me to do. I took test after test after test to finally realize we are expecting, my heart was so full, my body felt complete. From the moment the little line showed up, I knew my world would never be the same. We told our son, who’s 3 he’s going to be a big brother. He was so excited, he would rub my belly, kiss my belly & talk to the baby every night & every day. He thanked God, we’d pray & thank Jesus for this beautiful miracle. I felt fine, I felt healthy, I went to the doctors last Friday for a check up, everything was great. I got a phone call on Monday, my HCG levels were at 39 & they wanted me to do a test to see why they are so low. I was only 4 weeks, but I agreed. I went to the hospital for the blood work done yesterday & then went to see my Dr. the same day for the results. He put me in his office, and I could tell some thing was wrong, I felt it in my gut. But I prayed, I sat in that office I rubbed my belly & I prayed my sweet baby was ok. In less than 4 days my levels had dropped to HCG 5. I was devastated, I screamed & cried I was all alone. How can this be happening to me? I’ve done everything right. I mean everything. We prayed so hard, we tried so hard. The doctors said it was a “chemical pregnancy” that the “baby would have had a chromosome issue”. But I don’t understand I had to tell my son the baby was no longer there, the worst moments of my life. It’s like my world is falling apart before me. My doctor cleared me to tell family & friends. We bought onesies, we bought socks, I bought maternity clothes, I loved this baby so much. And now it’s gone, how will I ever be whole. Everyone keeps telling me “look at your son” of course I love my son, he’s my world but what about my baby in heaven. Everyone, even the doctor keeps saying “in 3 months try again” why so this can happen again? So I can have heartbreak. Will I worry the next pregnancy the whole time? I know I can’t leave my son, but I just want to be with my baby in heaven. No I’m not suicidal, I’m really not I’m hurting. I just am hurting. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to be “normal”. I’m bleeding, I’m loosing my baby. I’m loosing myself, I’m loosing our dreams, I’m loosing a life we created. Please help me feel better…


Everything your feeling is totally valid. It is nothing you did wrong so please don’t blame yourself. This is something that just happens and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Just because you have a beautiful baby boy doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed To feel sad about this baby you so badly wanted. Allow yourself to go through emotions as they come and I promise the will heal with time. Give yourself time. You will always have a little piece of your heart that is for your baby in heaven. I pray for these feelings to pass and for you to get your rainbow baby. Try again after one normal cycle. :heart: hang in there mama


I am so very sorry to hear this! I have been there myself, 6 times. I know your pain. My best advice would be, take all the time you need to mourn this loss. We all heal and deal in different ways, so scream and cry and mourn all you need. I would always tell myself it happened for a reason, that I was being spared from even worse heartbreak later on. I hope that can be comforting in some way for you. I also learned from a book I read, that naming this baby can be helpful, makes it not “I lost this baby” but “I lost my baby, (insert name), and I miss him/her everyday.” It did help me. I also kept a diary of my feelings for a long time. And yes, you will worry constantly when/if you become pregnant again. I will keep you in my thoughts. :yellow_heart:

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This time of loss is terrible. I lost two at 10 weeks and one was the same as you. The one that was similar to what you are going thru was the toughest for me. I think it has something to do with the high of just finding out and then this huge crash. For me it did get better in time. Every mother’s day I wear my camo and also the little rings to remember them by. It will touch you and change you in many ways. I pray you can grow stronger from here. Snuggle your baby boy a little tighter. Of you do try again maybe wait before shouting from roof tops. As hard enough to deal with. Even harder when you have to tell a million people. :cry:. With that being said I have a healthy 6 year old now. Peace and Love to you. Also remember you did nothing wrong.

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I’m so sorry mama. You have every right to hurt and grieve. I can’t say I understand why things like this happen… but your baby is in Jesus’ arms waiting for you in heaven.
It doesn’t make your baby you’ve lost any less loved to try again. And your son will understand someday.


Why would your dr clear you to tell anyone anything at only 4 weeks? That’s absurd.


I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this. It’s so so difficult. And a pain I can’t even imagine. But You are strong and you are capable. You’ll get through this. Lean on those around you. Don’t grieve by yourself. Keep in mind you’re extra fertile after a miscarriage if that’s something you want. I’ll pray for you. :heart:

I am so sorry for your loss.

I’m so sorry this happened to you. I do however find it off a doctor to clear a patient to tell family and friends you’re pregnant at just 4 weeks. My doctor and even superstitious people always say wait till after 12 weeks to announce.

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Nothing I say will even come close to helping you cope with the loss of this child. Us mommas work so super hard to bring children in to this world and love so quickly when those little lines show up that’s our validation we did what we were designed to do. I only want you to remember this no matter how big or small…god only takes the best. Rest assured your feelings are valid and that little one was received by those who have passed before them and will be taken care of.

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I am so sorry for your is kind to yourself.

I remember when I had my miscarriage. I was devistated as well. But now I am 35 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. Keep praying. God has a plan. He will show you a way and will make it happen for you one way or another

Its very common 1 out of 4 women experience miscarriages I had 3 and its nothing that you can forget especially if you been trying but like the doc. Said something was wrong maybe the baby was missing a lung or a organ so the baby would have major problems and that’s why I believe that cuz after I miscarried I had a health babies im on my 4th I did have a miscarriage before and now she’s is health due aug… so hang in there love be strong for your son and baby in heaven dont give up you will have another baby just in perfect time your son won’t completely understand but as long as your ok he will be ok hang in there…


I’ve had miscarriages in between each of my 5 live births. One the baby had stopped growing at 15 weeks and I found out at 19 weeks during the normal sono that I had lost it. My oldest daughter was with me (6 years old) and they sent me to an emergency specialist for a confirmation of demise. She was telling everyone she saw I had a dead baby in my belly. It was heart wrenching. Once they confirmed it I had to have an emergency D&C that turned into a D&E so I didn’t hemorrhage bc my body wasn’t extracting the pregnancy on its own. I couldn’t even bury my baby bc they said there wouldn’t be anything left of him. Although you could tell on the sonogram his head was deformed. At the time I was moving across the country 2 days later and didn’t have much time to accept what was going on. I almost immediately got pregnant and was not ready AT ALL. I still had not gone fully through the grieving process from the previous baby. I actually had considered abortion bc I was a complete mess. Fortunately the state I moved to required counseling prior to the procedure…when they did the ultrasound I was pregnant with twins. I couldn’t go through with the abortion, but I wound up losing one of the babies by the second ultrasound. My youngest was born and she was the best thing ever. She was just what I needed to help me get through that difficult time and she was the biggest blessing to our family.


Sending huge, virtual hugs as in the bear hugs :two_hearts: roll with the feelings. Don’t hide them. Talk to people that will lift you up but don’t ever brush that loss off. It will hurt. But you are strong and will get through this. Eat chocolate, get a take away, do something for you hair, nails, read…draw or write, see if your up for meeting girlfriends in a couple of days, make plans and give your Son am extra special snuggle. All the very best of luck in the future :two_hearts: you need sunshine and rain to make a rainbow :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Oh sweetie my heart just broke for you, I know it mean nothing but time, just give it time… The pain never “goes away” but it does get better… I am so so sorry for what you are going through, I have been there I lost one of my twins at 10 weeks and had to watch them remove my child’s dead body from mine it was terrible and the hardest thing I have ever been through… :broken_heart:


A loss of this magnitude is always difficult to process. I know every emotion of which you speak. I remember with my first pregnancy it was also a chemical pregnancy, and it was a difficult time. We lost 3 more in the next couple of years after that before finally going to fertility and doing IUI and finally getting my first live child. Here are some things I have discovered after misscarriage

  1. Give yourself some grace. Your body and heart did not fail you.

  2. It will be very hard but in the next few months, remember to not hold on to sadness and depression too tightly that you forget to see the good around you

  3. Its NORMAL to feel angry at the situation, but its not ok to become angry at the world

  4. Remember to check in with your partner and child, they are going through loss as well.

  5. Do something special just for you. Something cathartic. Some people plant a Memory garden, but me? I bought jewelry with each of my angel babies (4 of them) birthstones. And whenever I put them on I speak to them in my heart

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There are no answers to your questions. No because to the why.
You are not alone.
I have two my arms never met. I will grieve with you.


I had a missed miscarriage and found out about it just under two months ago when I went in for my 12 week ultrasound. The grief was so overwhelming that I laid in bed for a week, not eating, not showering, not speaking to anyone. Just sobbing and bleeding and not knowing how life was ever going to be the same again. I had poured all of the love in my heart into this little life, this person I hadn’t yet met but someone I loved so dearly I would have done anything to protect them, only to find out that my baby had passed away weeks before I ever knew.

I still am not okay. I don’t think I’ll ever be “over” it. But the further away you get from it, the easier that pain will be to carry. My fiance and I wrote letters to our child saying goodbye as a way to honor them, since you can’t exactly have a funeral. The only advice I can really give you is to feel the grief fully but don’t let it consume you. Be sad, be angry, but never blame yourself and don’t dwell on the why because you simply won’t get an answer. Sometimes there’s a plan in motion that’s too big for us to see. I’m so sorry for your loss. You are not alone, and I promise the pain will get better with time.


I’m so sorry for your loss.

I completely understand how you feel. We went through this 5 years ago and I thought I would never move on from the hurt of it all… It’s all we wanted and I felt like it was ripped from me before I even got to enjoy and cherish… It took us 3 years after that to finally get pregnant. I can’t tell you that it’s easy and that the hurt ever goes away, especially looking at test after test of negatives…but it is a journey worth taking when your body and your mind are ready. It’s okay to take time to hurt but don’t let it consume you… Breath and heal…

I promise it will get easier. Be kind to yourself and don’t ever think it was something you did.

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You never get over it but learn to live with it… A sorrow that will come and go ALOT! I was numb from crying so much. My son is my rainbow :rainbow: after that bad storm :frowning: he really helped me. My suggestion is to keep trying nothing will ever heal that part of your heart but my son sure put a good band-aid over it. Also pregnancy after a loss is rough I was so scared but I told myself in the mirror every day you deserve this baby. Be strong also be patient with hubby not everyone mourns the same took mine alot longer. Fight Song by Rachel Platten was popular around the same time really helped me.

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I am so sorry for your loss i have 3 beautiful kids all of them are rainbow babies (babies after a loss) keep trying and i am praying for you

I had a miscarriage at 4 and a half months. You grieve, love the child you have and go on. I had 2 healthy girls afterwards. I thank God for them, and my firstborn son. That baby would want you to be happy and give another baby love.

I am so, so sorry for your loss. You have every right to grieve however you see fit, and as long as you need. We’re all sending you love, hugs, and good wishes. It will get easier, over time…I promise. Sincerely, someone who has been there 4 times.

I know I’m speaking for most of us when I say, we love you and are sending virtual hugs.

I’m so sorry for your loss prayers and hugs

Sweety I just went thru this about 2 weeks ago. There is no words for the hurt and I’m sorry and praying for you and your family. You can try again and sometimes it does happen again but the chances to have 2 “chemical pregnancy” consecutive as the doctor told me is a lot smaller unless there are other underlying health issues 90% of pregnancy shortly after a loss is actually more likely to make it to viability. Again many prayers for you and your family. Words will never be able to make that pain and heart ache go away.

So sorry for your loss. I would grieve this baby and if it’s what you want try again. You already know that you can carry a baby to term. You will never forget your baby in heaven but with time the pain will ease. God bless you.

So sorry, pray, everything will be fine. I had miscarriage ending February, I felt devastated and pray and now am 15weeks pregnant.

Sadly It happens . I always waited to tell my other kids until i was 16 weeks or farther so if something were to happen they wouldn’t even know . Hoping you can move past this and try again !

M deeply sorry​:sob::sob:my little one is in heaven too…was supposed to b 4months now

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I’m sorry for your loss. This is something that happens to many women, you are not alone. I had chemical pregnancies for a year trying for my 3rd child. It is hard, take time to grieve. But know that just bc it happened once doesnt mean it will happen again. My rainbow baby is 4 and my pot of gold baby is almost 2.

Everything you are feeling is completely normal. I had my first miscarry in 2015. It killed us broke our hearts we were so excited I had a late term one I was 8 almost 9 weeks :frowning: it wa horrible. But thankfully 2 months later we got blessed with our rainbow baby and 2 years after that our little man and now I’m pregnant with our 3rd. We still to this day ligit a candle on the day our due date was to remember our little bubs and we let our kids know there was a baby before them that we loved but is in heaven. Take your time to heal. Tell your child the truth even know it may hurt or make them upset. The pain never really goes away but you learn to cope and deal with it. Just please grieve with people and properly. You shouldnt be doing this alone. I truly feel for you and wish you luck love :two_hearts: you’ll get your rainbow someday


You’re not alone. I lost a baby last year and my heart still hurts, it takes time to feel anything again. Let it hurt, Hun. It’s what makes us human. Remember, this isn’t your fault and lean on your family, let them love you because you need it. I’ll keep you and your angel in my prayers❤

I know this heartache very well. I lost 2 before my son. My first son I lost 5 ½ months pregnant my second baby at 9 weeks and when I got pregnant with my son they tried to tell me I’d loose him too. This is a heartache words can not describe and my deepest heartfelt prayers are with you and your family. It gets easier to live with but will never fully go away. My losses have made me cherish my miracle rainbow baby even more. They said I’d loose him, he will be 10 on Christmas this year so please don’t give up hope or faith.

I’ve been through very similar if you need someone to talk to my inbox is open, I’m really sorry for what you’ve been through. I fully understand your pain x

Never give up and just take it one day at a time, grieve but also never push anyone away that wants to help you. Believe me it does get easier and it is easier with help from family and friends. Back when I lost my son (Caleb 1986 stillborn), there wasn’t any support groups and today some of the things that you are being told came out of those of us from then. Pictures and being able to hold your child but mostly Never give up and never forget!! This child did exist no matter what anyone says!!

I am praying for you. :heart: I understand your pain, as I lost 5 babies. Don’t give up though, God just needed that precious baby back with Him. And you will be reunited some day. :heart: If you need someone to talk to, just DM me. I may not know exactly what to say, but I am a great listener. :blush:

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I am so sorry for your loss, that is a the kind of pain that I wouldn’t wish on anybody. My very first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage 15 years ago and I had these same exact feelings. It was the most traumatic thing I have ever been through. A couple months after I lost my baby (I was 10 weeks), I got pregnant again and it was twins. This kind of pain never really goes away, I just had to tell myself a few things when I got pregnant again, like that baby knew it was meant to be born with another baby or that God knew i needed an extra special angel looking out for me. And I was terrified when I was pregnant with my twins cuz around the 10 week mark again, I started bleeding so naturally I started freaking out but I ended up having a great pregnancy with my twins. When they were born though, my daughter was sick and had to be on a heart monitor and she wouldn’t keep any food down so she wasn’t gaining weight. Since they were in the NICU, I had to leave them every night and I would just lay down in bed and pray to my baby in heaven ( who I named Megan) I would pray and ask her to watch over her brother and sister and help make them healthy. In my heart, I believe that my baby answered my prayers cuz my daughter’s health turned around and she did everything needed to come home with me. I still believe that my baby has been watching over me and her siblings this whole time and it comforts me knowing that I will be with my baby again some day. If u ever need to talk to, u can always message me. Stay strong and let people be there for you, let you little boy give you a reason to wake up and smile everyday and know that you are not alone. God works in mysterious ways.

I’m so sorry you are going through this! My heart breaks for you. I just went through the same thing a couple weeks ago. We found out right before my period and told our closes family and friends. We didn’t tell our kids due to two previous losses ( 21 weeks and 14 weeks). Then we lost the baby a week later. It was awful! So I have no words to help heal your broken heart all I can tell you is grieve. Lean on those closes to you and understand it’s ok to be sad. It will start to hurt less but you will always remember this baby.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Ive lost three, two in one year. It never gets easier but you do learn to live with it. Take all the time you need to grieve. Praying for you and your family

I am so sorry to hear this big hugs thoughts and prayers sent I am always here for you me and my husband had a bad miscarriage 4 years ago May 6th I was 7 in half months pregnant I was pregnant with twin girls they both in my toliet I still hurt so bad inside and out

I need friends I have been thru so much more

We had 2 of them about a year apart. I understand how you feel. No words I can say will ease your pain. Just understand there are many of us that have been there. Don’t be silent and definitely don’t bash yourself!

I am sorry for your loss. Miscarriages especially early on are more common than women know; us usually because most people don’t talk about it. Keep your head up and try again. This doesn’t mean something is wrong with you or that this will happen every time. Sometimes it just happens with no explanation. Take your time and grieve then when you’re ready try again.

I’m so sorry for your loss and of course you should mourn the loss but remember that for some reason it wasn’t time for this little soul to be on this earth YET! Hold on tight to your faith. I am speaking from experience-i have four grown daughters now!

I had a chemical pregnancy and an ectopic back in 2018, it was a really hard year. Our rainbow baby is now almost 11 months old. You are not alone, it’s ok to be sad, and take as much time as you need to grieve.

I’m so so sorry for the loss of your precious baby :sob::sob::sob::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

Prayers for you and your family it will take a while to get over The Grieving and the pain but you will always have an angel with you prayers and hugs sent your way

Christmas eve, I found out that I lost our baby… it all but killed me. Less than 6 months later, around the due date of our baby, I got pregnant. I was terrified the whole time. I had complications. That only made it worse. When I had our son… a part of that whole in my heart was filled. It won’t be easy sweetheart. You’ll panic and be scared. But when that baby comes… your heart will feel a little more whole. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

I know how u feel give yourself time and allow yourself to be angry

I’m sure this does not help the pain, but when my daughter was 3 (2015) we got pregnant- miscarriage 1 happened. I wasn’t too devastated because I knew this sometimes happened and we would try again. The next year (2016) - a septic twin miscarriage, at 12 weeks, which almost took my life. This one was devastating :cry:The year after that (2017) -another miscarriage, painful and also devastating. But we prayed and prayed and as I sit here writing this I’m holding my SECOND rainbow baby boy. He’s 9 months and I also have a 2 year old boy. Miracle boys :blue_heart::blue_heart: I know it hurts really bad right now, there is Hope mama!

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Your little one is in Heaven and you will see her again. Maybe when we are in our eternal home, those who lost a child will be the only ones that have children for all eternity, since when we die ( noted from people who have died and been resucitated) they say when an adult or old person dies they get their youthful 30"s body back. They also say there are children in Heaven. Maybe we will be the lucky ones then for all eternity. I lost my little girl, Andrea to cancer just before she turned 2. Someone left this poem at the funeral parlor and it still means so much to me. That was in 1979. I hope you will get some comfort from it? A little bit of Heaven came to both of us one day, but soon this little breath of God was suddenly snatched away. The joy you felt within your heart has now turned into grief, You feel that nothing found in life will ever bring relief. Nay parent’s if you hesitate you’ll find it otherwise. The grief you have is really but a blessing in disguise. The waters of eternal life have freed your babe of taint. Twas meant by God that you should be, THE PARENT’S OF A SAINT.


I will pray that you will become pregnant again soon, and that little baby of yours in Heaven will be watching over you and the pregnancy, and watch over your family forever while he or she is up in Heaven getting things ready for eternity.

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I found out I was pregnant. I was overjoyed and scared at the same time. It was my first. I was 19. But I was with the most amazing guy ever. I went to the OBGYN and they did all my tests to confirm everything. The next day…I spotted a little which they said would be normal after the exam. I got up the next day hemorrhaging. I called the OB’s office. They had me count how many pads I was filling up an hour. When I reached a certain amount, they told me to go to the ER. I drove myself because in all actuality, I had no idea what was going on until my mom told the admissions nurse what was happening. They took me in immediately, got me into a triage room in the ER. Then I had to go to use the restroom. All was good…then I saw little lights zooming across my vision. I pulled the emergency cord and the next thing I hear is “I’ve got her” You’ve got who? is what I remember thinking because my hearing came back first. I woke up on the floor. I had passed out due to blood loss. A little later they came in and delivered the devastating news. I was 10-12 weeks along…I knew 1 week. I asked if it was anything I did wrong. The nurse told me no, it was probably just “One of those things.” I felt defective for quite a while…lost weight because of the mental anguish I suffered. The “most amazing man” or so I thought shattered me to my core 3 months later when I found him cheating on me. The same day, same time that I was told that I lost my little bundle; my brother and his wife; who was on the other side of the state was being told “congratulations, it’s a boy!” But through all that sadness came a rainbow :rainbow:. Because the next month, after my break up, and in my sadness, the good Lord blessed me again. I was able to sustain the pregnancy for almost 37 weeks and had a healthy baby girl. Today, she is 20 years old.

You will never forget the heartbreak of your lost angel. You will always wonder who they would have been or what they would like. They will always be with you. 21 years later, I still feel the loss. But without the loss, I wouldn’t have my oldest. There are more things to come. Have faith and God bless, Momma. :heart:


I have had 2 miscarriages. We told our families then not to long after we had to tell them we lost the babies each time. It was heart breaking. I think about their due dates. We just passed one of the due date few months ago. It was a hard reminder how baby is not here. Im sorry for your loss. There are no words to take away the pain. Just encouraging words and prayers. I am still grieving. But its possible to keep living and move forward, not forgetting your baby but moving forward day by day knowing that your one day closer in meeting him or her one day. In the mean time, take it one step at a time with Jesus and our heavenly Father.:heart::broken_heart::heart:

I cant even begin to imagine the pain you are feeling​:sleepy::sleepy: i am so sorry for your loss momma

It is hard & it is sad. I have 3 beautiful kiddos (one biological age 9) my Husband and i have been trying to get pregnant again for around 7 years. In febuary of this year something told me to test and I did and I was pregnant. Showed up on all 3 test within a few seconds, I was in complete awe, so happy. Then just hours after that test I had cramping and light bleeding.
I laid in bed with my Husband for an hour or two and sobbed, then the er. I was diagnosed “threatened miscarriage” told to get my obgyn and keep my hcg checked. At first it almost doubled as it should then did not quite double, then plateaued. I git a nit so great obgyn anyways but my regular doctor was great and suspected ectopic from.the beginning. I ended up having to have the methotrexate injection (but atleast those weeks of chevking levels and waiting for decisions were hard but i held it together and kept praying. I realized later how bad that hurt me and I did have to stay revisiting it and having a little cry alone to helo myself heal. Just take care of yourself, it WILL get better.

The little angel that you were carrying wasn’t ment for this world . But good luck when you try again . Xxx

It sounds like you need professional help. I hope God gives you strength and comfort to deal with your pain and loss