This was so annoying to read. It felt like my 4th grader was trying to read me an algebra problem :confused:.


Leave his ass sis sounds like a weirdo

Move forward . You know the answer. Why would you continue to make yourself miserable like that. Better for you to ask yourself that and move forward. If you don’t teach your daughter now you will be watching her do the same thing. People like to talk about wanting to be healthy but they don’t do it and then they wonder why 10 years more down the road their children do the same thing and then they have to watch them being the same misery. Teach yourself and her boundaries so she will have healthy relationships and she grows up into adulthood and beyond.

Wow that was really nearly confusing to keep up with but I’d say if you’re already out of the home and the relationship has pretty much disintegrated you’re better off just to move on.


Dont give in to him he just wants to use you dont let him have any money or your food stamp


You and your baby girl dont need that

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Get away from them all and live a happy life protect your kids !!!


Seriously this should b a no-brainer why would u want to even hav ur child around this in the 1st place seriously ur kid comes 1st so leave n leave him :unamused:


Stay as far away as possible. I really don’t get some of you ladies, the answer is right in front of your face, what is wrong with you??


You have already physically removed yourself from this partner and his family and now it is time to call it quits emotionally. There is nothing good in this for you or your daughter. You need to focus on your daughter, on yourself and build a life without him being a part of it.

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Find a new bf protect ur child

i’d say :v::v::fu::fu: an cut ties, obv he don’t want anything to do with u only when it benefits him! move on girl is ur best bet!

be happy communication is waining

Take that as yous are over and he’s just using you

How old are you? Why would you even give him another thought!!! SMH

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My question is, is he ignoring you bc you moved out due to the SA being done to your child by his nephew? Is he defending the nephew and denying it happened or trying to blow it off?? My thing is… that would scare me to have my daughter around anyone who ignores a family memeber doing those things child or not…My advice, end said relationship get yourself and your daughter into counseling immediately, and take care of your daughter… As a victim of child hood SA from a brother, trust me when I say it really hinders mental health

You’re worried about the wrong shit. Period.

Ex boyfriend he is your ex. You have a kid of your own to think about raise and protect him and his family do not fit into that picture.


Move on. Cut those ties and move to something better.

It doesn’t sound like he’s your boyfriend anymore. He seems to have moved on.

Seriously! You need to ask??!?!


There is your answer…… you’re our, keep it that way!

Dump that whole toxic mess and gtfo.


You already made steps keep moving don’t look back you did what was best :100:

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I can’t see why u would even need an answer to this question … u keep ur children safe and leave . Move on … u don’t need him … he seems to only contact u when he needs something which u already know … keep moving forward


If you’re asking the question, you already know.

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Are you fucking kidding me? His sisters child molested your child and you still want contact with these people? This is disgusting! I would call CPS on you myself if I could. Stay the fuck away from these people.

You already left. Quit trailing to him.

Sounds to me it’d over. Do not let him continue to use you period.

Run as far as possible

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If you’re asking you already know what you need to do. You already moved out & you and him aren’t talking, sounds like it already ended & he does not care about protecting your child from his sick family

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You’ve already done the hard part. You guys are already broken up. Just keep going and don’t ever look back. The adults seem selfish and don’t look out for the children, nor keep the children safe. Protect yourself and your daughter. Text him good-bye and block him (not like he contacts you much anyway, only when he wants something). Someone worthy is out there - you (and your child) deserve so much better. Hang in there. ((Hugs))


Sounds like when u left and he didnt go it was over.

That’s not even a relationship anymore lmfao

You have already left. Keep it that way. Next step no contact.


Um leave it’s already done

Start saying no and don’t look back

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Take this opportunity to get away and don’t look back

I think you already did the hard part by being moved out…break up with him . And you already know what you need to do .

First know your worth, if not yours your child’s

Wash your hands and move on, this is not a relationship or a relationship that you should want your child to see as normal growing up. If you feel you can’t do better, do better for your child. Period.

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Keeping a child safe is priority #1, and you’re already out of the house.

Try to advocate for his other children if you can. But that relationship is OVER for good reason.
You did the right thing, stop overthinking him

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Quit letting him use u. You said it yourself he only calls when he needs something. He hasn’t checked on you or your daughter because he doesn’t care. Cut ties. And i say this as nice as I can, please dont rush into another relationship especially with your daughter.

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Focus on you and your daughter. Cut ties and never look back. It’s clear he only wants you for what he can get from you. His family sounds like they have serious issues. I know, easier said than done but - move on and don’t look back.


Don’t text back and leave it at that. He sadly doesn’t care other than money and booty.

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Your relationship is over.
Respect yourself and stop allowing your ex to use you.


Stay away from that toxic family and boyfriend. Period.

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Move on. It’s obviously over other than for him to use you. Know your worth. Don’t let him or ANYONE use you.

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Dump him! You deserve better

Don’t accept no more calls and block him altogether and get him out of your life

This whole thing sounds messy and unhealthy for you and your child. Drop him and focus on you and that baby.

So you left the house with your daughter, your person still lives there with his auger and her 3 kids, 1 of whom is SA the other? And you only “speak” to your supposed BF a few days here and there through the month but not more than you do?? Obviously you aren’t in a relationship with him. You are a sugar momma and a booty call. If he cared about you, he would have left with you, left that toxic situation and came to be with you and your daughter to be a family. Just not talking means you’re more than likely not together anymore but imma say you dodged a bullet on that, that whole family needs help and you don’t want to sign on for that permanently!!!

My God…do you really even have to ask ??? Cut your ties completely !! He’s no good and useless to you !!