I've been in my current relationship for a year. Honestly we rushed into it, like I mean moved in same. I've already worked out why I did that and everything so that's not what this is about. There was 7 people living in the home. My daughter, my boyfriend, Boyfriends sister and her 3 kids (oldest will be called A) and youngest is as well as myself. Big house with plenty of room. This past June it became known that A had been SAing B in various ways and nobody would remove him from the home. Flash forward to August, A has been out of the home now for almost a month but was set to come home. A's mother wasn't not home as she was in the hospital due to self harm. Cps wanted to still place him in the home even with my daughter there and I left the home to prevent that. My main point of the story is my boyfriend. Since leaving the home we've basically gone almost no contact. In September we spoke 19 out of 30 days. October was 8 out of 31 days. November was 9 out I'd 30 days. And so far this month he's only spoken to me once on the 1st. It seems most of the time when he calls its because he wants something, like to use my foodstamp card/money/ or essentially a booty call. He either forgot my birthday or didn't care to message me as well is don't know. Anyway, my point in this being if you were in my shoes what would you do?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. TRIGGER WARNING: SA and Self harm

Sounds like you’re single, keep it moving girl. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Stop allowing yourself to be used. He has made it clear that he only wants to call you when it’s useful for him. Cut him off.


He is showing you his true self. He uses people. I think you already know what to do. Block his number n move on. You need to show your daughter that you respect yourself enough to not put up with that .


Keep your held held high, refuse the use of your food stamps/card/money and buy a vibrator.
Honestly the more you can protect your daughter from an environment like that the best foundations you are providing in life.
Change your number, move if you can and create the best life you possibly can for you and your girl xx

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Leave lol you are allowing yourself to be used which is taking from your daughter in my opinion seeing as stuff like food stamps is for feeding her mouth and yours not everyone under the suns . Do yourself and your child a favor and out you two first and drop his sorry ass .

He’s not interested in repairing the relationship

Throw away the whole boy and all the drama you are already single hunny go live life have fun and focus on you and yours and when he calls tell him to call whoever he has been giving his attention to because you and your child doesn’t need it or want it anymore


I mean, honestly just block his number. He’s not a boyfriend at this point, he’s using you.


Is “B” your child, or a sibling of “A”? If B was your child, worry about your child and let the man go. Your post is a little confusing…


Block him and move on

He checked out of the relationship. Luckily he did because it sounds as if that family has issues.


Move on and start a new life. You don’t need all that drama. Protect your child.


Congrats, it sounds like an easy out away from that :poop: show. Don’t go back


Stop answering the phone…you are basically done well atleast u should be

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U already left… so what more do you need baby? Hes showing you his truth. You and your baby girl need time to heal, grown, and bond together… learn to love and trust each other more than you thought you ever could before considering letting another man in… and that man needs to prove he is worth it when that time comes… cause this boy… he ain’t it


Seems like he’s only using you and I think you kind of know it so the only thing you could do now is ignore him and move on

Block him. Cut all contact off. You need to chose your daughter at this point. Smh


I don’t understand why you’re staying in contact… just leave him alone honey.


Change your number and try and move on

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I would block him. You have no reason to talk to someone who is just using you.

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I’m pretty sure he’s not your boyfriend any longer.


You already know what to do, letting him use your food stamp card is illegal, better quit admitting your illegal activity on social media, he is a user, and you allow it. GROW UP!!! YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!


I think you know the answer!!wrong on all accounts

Think about your daughter. If she was the one in your situation, asking for advice, what would you tell her? We wouldn’t want this for our children, so why would you allow it for yourself?


Keep it like it is… except when he tries to contact you, don’t respond. You need to protect your child. Forget that dude.


With a quickness and don’t look back


I’d stay away from that family full stop. Clearly he is just using you for the thing he wants he doesn’t care about you just what you can give him. For your sake and your child’s move on and find someone who will love all of you no matter what you have.


End things and move on

This cannot be real!! Are you serious?! You block his number and never breathe a word to those people again!


Whenever abuse is the case. The answer is done, gone, goodbye especially when it comes to kids. These things don’t fix themselves and it takes many years of therapy. If they do it to 1 person usually their are more victims and you don’t want that to be your daughter. Id also look into therapy and see if your daughter was abused as well.


Forget him and move on cause I’d bet he has

Move on with your life. No call. No show. No point in you wasting your time. Better block that number and focus on yourself and your daughter.


Do you really need to ask?


I’d just be done. End it, block him & put yourself in therapy to handle your business before dating.


Girl, after the first whole day of contact, you were single. Gone head to the streets baby. Be a bad ass mom and secure the bag.

Run and never look back.


You are not in a relationship. He is just a boy, period. You can loan your food stamp card to any asshole out there. Do yourself and especially your daughter a huge service by forgetting about him. You are being used!

Move asap and shut it all off
Sometimes we get those kinda people in our lives. When people show you who they really are …
Believe them the first time. The party for them ends, when you stop playing it.
Don’t go back to what broke you


Move on he has. No longer be available


You two are already apart. Move on.
Stop letting him use you. Stop answering his calls since it appears you have no ties. This random communication is not a relationship.
Look at it as a new chapter for you, while you keep your child safe, and the very least, stopping your child from witnessing the abuse of others. :blue_heart:


Just be thankful this has been easy for you to leave! Move on!

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Not even a question! Girl bye! :woman_facepalming:

Run! :running_woman:

Ugh leave… just quit all contact and tell him to piss off.

Run and don’t look back


I would be single at this point. Let him know, you’ve already moved out and obviously no one is worried about you or the child you took out of the home.


Move on and make a better life for yourself

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Move on. Sorry you are having to deal with this, however if i was in your shoes i wouldnt be taking my child back to a place like that. You bf is using you for only his needs it time to get your and your childs stuff and move on.


Make sure you have all your stuff and just stay gone. That house isn’t safe for your kid and you seem to be being used. Why stay there?


Throw that whole family away


This is a no Brainer. Get out now. As fast as you can go, girl!!! The answer is as plain as the nose on your face. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


Living with his whole family would never work, and honestly it looks like he’s using you, you don’t need that
Why would you want to put your daughter in this situation? You have no ties to him

nothing. Don’t answer his calls, Like you said, it’s just for sex, Unless that is all that you want, ten OK, but if you want more, it doesn’t seem like it is going to happen

I don’t know why you’re even asking what you should do

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Ok. So this sounds like another made up story from this page, but I’ll play along.
Who’s B? Hope it’s not your child. That would mean your condoning the SA. Even if it wasn’t your daughter why the hell would you want your child around a rapists you obviously have no respect for yourself, atleast protect your child :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Move on the food stamps is not for him anyway you don’t need him

Read yall. She already left.

This is common sense! Leave him and care for your daughter first stop worrying about being in a relationship and be a parent first!

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Block the parasites number!!! Move on!

He is a cockroach. Move on darlin. You deserve so much more for you and your little.

You’re already single. Please don’t take his calls anymore. He don’t give a shit.

Completely done. Use your foodstamp card? Was he included in the lack of income to receive it? No safety for your child. FORGET it.

Walk away girl. You are not obligated to this guy in any way. Sounds like you’re his caretaker and a booty call
Just walk away

Get your own life. He don’t are about you

Get the hell away! Why you even questioning this? He doesn’t care for the safety of YOUR CHILD! Stop focusing on him, get your act together and study your child!


You already know what to do…Toxic to say the least…

Leave him. Take care of your daughter and find a better life for you and her.

I’d get as far away from that as possible for you and your children.

At this point it’s not even a relationship, just block his number or change yours and move on with your life. What an awful situation, i’m sorry

Not consider him your boyfriend anymore actions speak loud and so does silence
Move on be happy
Nothing is gonna be that much different it seems except you won’t be used

Walk away. And don’t look back. It’s that simple.

Focus on you and your daughter cut contact start again

He wouldn’t be my boyfriend anymore. I’d stop all contact with him too

Dump him. He’s not a good boyfriend or man. U don’t see him hardly at all. U don’t live together but yet he uses ur EBT card for his needs?!

Leave take care of yourself and dump is lazy ass

Block all calls from him and move on :bangbang:

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You need you respect yourself and move on. You and your daughter deserve so much more. This guy is using you and that’s it.

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Find a new boyfriend

He’s not your boyfriend. You’re his friend with benefits and $.

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You already know the answer, you don’t need us to tell you what to do. Stay safe.

That isnt your boyfriend anymore… thats a leach.



Stop allowing yourself to be used.

If it’s your house it’s time to clean house everybody out but you and your child

You,now there is mental illness in that house You moving out was vital tell him you both need time out for a few weeks see if he comes around or is happy about it I think move on he don’t love you

He made his choice…. He’s shown you exactly what he sees you as which is free groceries, sex etc. he didn’t move out with you. Did he put up a fuss about the other children being safe? What about this kid who has a high chance of being a victim of SA as well. Be glad you’re free and your daughter hopefully wasn’t harmed!

He needs to be kicked to the curb sounds like they all do! Focus on you and your child and that’s it!

I hope you listen to what everyone is saying. You need to get out of that situation and if not for you for your daughter. She deserves to be raised in a safe environment.

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Throw him in the trash because he’s broken and go find yourself a new shiny toy.

Just text its over …and thats it …

Everyone but you and your child needs to move out.

Stay gone!!! You dodged a bullet :roll_eyes:


Break up with him. Geez.


Sounds like you kinda already did it… ya just need to stay gone.


I would leave , he doesn’t sound like he’s doing anything for you except give you a headache and heartache. Stay gone, Block husband number and move on


Dump his ass. Plain and simple. No contact with him at all. He’s a mooch.

I’d be on my way to bigger n better things girl. U may be lonely at first but I guarantee u won’t regret that shit. Figure out how to love urself enough that u never ever let any man treat u that way n be ok with it like u r right now

Walk away and cut all contact.

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Dump the house and everyone in it :laughing:

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Who does the house belong to? If it is yours - bf & his family need to get out. If it isn’t yours, you and your daughter to leave yesterday. The bf’s family sound toxic - - -