Update on a previous post about my son going to his dads

Call the department of child services see if he can be charged

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My son came here and helped us out when we had it, he didn’t get it. And we did everything right and we still got it. Maybe because we wore masks and social distance and he didn’t do either of those when he came over. He got tested for it to make sure when we didn’t need help anymore and he tested negative for it.


People are always catching Covid in the hospital…

Didn’t mean to type that

I’m sure he’s had a cold before. It’s no more than that, you will all be ok.

Some people just think they will never get it. Some think they don’t have to wear masks. They don’t want anyone telling them what they need to do. Please think of yourself first, if you don’t who else will. This virus has know one it may get or even die. I got Covid from work, a Care Center. I tested positive November 1. My whole family came down with it. Not a single had the same symptoms. I knew the risks for me getting was high. Someone needs to care for these residents. Positive on November 1. Started feeling better then it hit again worse than the first one. This last weekend I ended up in bed for 3days. I am 63, I breathing hard and get lighted. I can only walk room to room I just can’t breath and get very week. These are not what they call them. This an an after effect of covid. They don’t know how many I could get or how many months this could go on
I share this to let you know that the Doctor Clinics don’t was us in the clinics. Trying to get answers is impossible, they will tell you they don’t have any answers. They don’t have the answers because each person that gets the virus, is completely different from anyone else
You take control of your babies but also you. If you need to cut visitation until the is better under control. I am also having problems with my memory. I can’t remember things I said ten mins before. I have problems on how to spell words.
PLEASE PLEASE keep your family safe. Vaccines are starting to come. Give some time for them to prove ok to use

This is ridiculous.
First- children have been shown to NOT transmit the virus at the levels that older adults do.
A child who was around a person who was around others who might have been around someone who tested positive is by no means considered a direct contact.
No, if your ex-husband was around someone 3 days ago then it would take 5-6 days for him to develop the disease and to be contagious. Your son has NOT been exposed unless he was around his father 5-6 days after his father was exposed to a contagious individual. EVEN THEN it’s highly unlikely that your son truly exposed YOU 5-6 days later.
It’s interesting that you seem to be more concerned about YOUR exposure than you are about your SON’s supposed exposure.

Irresponsible? Are YOU completely isolated? Not going to the store? Or work? Or having any contact with others? If not, then you are irresponsible yourself. Deciding what is acceptable for you and what is unacceptable for others is the very definition of controlling.
Taking the virus seriously does not mean we need to be paranoid and controlling of other people. It’s a pandemic. It’s going to make its way through a large part of our population no matter what we do.
I’m an RN who works with Covid patients in the hospital. I got Covid myself from a very short trip to the grocery store while wearing a level 3 medical grade mask. If it’s going to find you it will manage to do so despite what you think you are doing to protect yourself.
In the meantime, try not to be a Karen.

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Your not counted exposed unless son gets sick


Here’s the thing with the virus you can get at store at gas station at doctors office on an airplane at the gym … if you knew someone close to your sons dad tested positive then you should’ve let him keep his son until they were done with quarantine :woman_shrugging:t3: also if you know your sons father is going to these parties then maybe you should contact the hospital he works at not out of spite but cause he’s obviously exposing the hospital and patients to the covid when they’re taking precautions to keep covid out of the hospital. Sadly sooner or later everyone’s going to get it just like sooner or later everyone has had the flu once or more in their lifetime. I get it your son has health issues as does mine but my son goes to school he goes to the store with me and we ALWAYS wear our mask and we do hand sanitizer before we go into store and after we get to car and I wipe down the door handles steering wheel seatbelts but here’s the thing you cannot have your child living in a bubble the rest of his life and sooner or later his father will take you to court to see his son cause I got a feeling cause of this situation you’re going to forbid your son to go see his dad.


It has a 99% survival rate.

Omg mama calm down, your talking about 3rd hand possible contact? You could have been exposed 1st hand at Drs office. Chill and let the child enjoy time with his dad.


9 months pregnant and just got over COVID while following all of the CDC guidelines. It’s far from the end of the world. Sometimes you can take all the precautions and it’s not enough. Get him tested and move on. I was the only one in my house with the virus, it’s more fickle then the media would lead you to believe.


I have 4 family members who got it and all have pulled through just fine. My 84 invalid dad is one of the 4 who tested positive. It’s not what the end of the world.


Seems a lot of people are forgetting about mental health this year.some people can’t handle all this and need a tiny break from all this crap.that doesn’t make them a bad person and with him being in the healthcare field I’m shocked this is the first time for him.also do u really expect to be able to dictate what he does :joy:y’all aren’t together no more what he does without your son around is non of your business anyways.also dad hasn’t tested positive so maybe not freak out until it’s actually a thing cause it could very much be nothing


Some people feel that herd immunity is the only answer and can’t really fathom any other resolution.

My best friend got it and I was in close contact with her but I didn’t get it. He’d had to have breathed enough or touched places where the virus was enough to get infected himself. So try not to panic. Just watch both you and him for symptoms. Drinks lots of fluid and eat superfoods. They work great for the immune system. During this time of worry, think about the good things. You are in your second trimester! This is a good thing. Fevers are believed to be more dangerous during the first trimester when all the development is taking place. I’m not Dr but I had a bed rest pregnancy and read all the what to expect books and that’s what it said about why they worry about German measles. Prayers no on else comes down with COVID.


I get where she is coming from and her concerns. The dad should have known better not to go to party with the virus and him being a healthcare worker. As far as her being 2nd exposed. My clients son in law got it who gave it to his wife my clients daughter who gave it to my client who gave it to me. So it doesn’t matter. She should bf concerned but not a lot of people are. They think this virus is just the flu.


I hope both of you stay healthy… If visitation is a court order, I would file for a court date to suspend them until a time at which the visits will not be a risk to your child’s or your own health! I had a friend who had visitation for his 9 month old son and when the mother was caught on camera at 2 different block parties in Chicago, he filed for a court date! Her irresponsible behavior caused him to be granted temporary full custody with no visits until a time when her behavior is no longer a risk to her child! Just sayin

I understand your position. I am 6 months along and I allowed my son to visit his dad during the Thanksgiving break. I had a gut feeling that I should’ve kept him home, but I let him go because I knew it had been a while since he had seen him. He normally only goes during Christmas and summer break, but his dad had asked for him on this Thanksgiving break and since I knew I wasn’t going anywhere, I was like, he can go. Well, 4 days later after my son got back, he tested positive for Covid because his father sent me a message that him and his wife had tested positive. Our household all tested negative. But my household has been in quarantine since early Dec. So as a mom, you have the right to protect you, your family, and your unborn baby. Keep up with your vitamins and supplements. Make sure you are drinking lots of fluids and getting rest. Get tested if you have suspect anyone has any symptoms. Unlike Lynne Lee, you can get Covid because your immune is already down due to you being pregnant. Stay safe. :pray:t5:

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It’s not about taking it seriously, it’s about not letting it control your life. It’s a virus. Look forward to most likely getting it

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Your son and you for that matter, can be exposed anywhere.


I’m pregnant, 2 of my Co workers are pregnant, we’ve all had covid twice with one of those times during our pregnancy. You’ll be fine. Our doctors weren’t worried at all. Calm down. Covid has a 99.7% survival rate. :woman_facepalming:

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Covid is not a pandemic. Dont believe me? Google America death clock and see actual deaths in America this year. We have less than last year and will still be less in 2 weeks. How can that be? Because covid numbers are as fake as media is. This covid scare was to get voters to do mail in ballots instead of going in person. In order to cheat ! Most of you got duped. It’s no worse than the flu


My question to you all is to avoid being exposed do you take wipes to the store with you, wipe down the cart, wipe down everything you pick up, touch or put in your cart? Then do you wipe down the register area before you put your stuff on there and wipe down every bag before your groceries are put in? Do you wipe down your car before you load up, wipe down your counter before you set them down then wipe off all groceries as you put them away?

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Not wearing masks not doing vaccinations


If Covid is SO contagious, why hasn’t it wiped out the homeless population? They don’t wear masks, sanitize their hands or social distance. Maybe the mask reduces your immunity. It certainly does for everything else.

Masks, gloves, sanitizer does not stop a virus an immune does.

Please don’t get the vaccine if ur pregnant. They can’t tell anybody the side affects on the unborn baby.

As soon as you leave your house you are exposed, my doctor said

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Stop Spreading the bullshit and fear mongering

This virus is about control

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Pull your head out your ass

It makes him a selfish self absorbed narcissist

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Going to a party with people the child is not normally with does not sound very precautionary to me, I would not do it and would advise anyone not to do it. I agree with Mom


I am 100% behind you. You are responsible for your own safety and your son’s. Ignorance will cost them their lives. Follow your mother instinct. Covid is real is killing. It will take your love ones. I see it daily. If you feel like telling this mom she is crazy or over reacting I pray that this covid does not hit your home. Keep well momma stay safe and shiver your child with all the love in the world one day he will thank you

Just wanna say that this mom may not have been irresponsible sending the kid, she may be under a custody agreement w the courts sooo…

The reason the virus can’t be contained is people just can’t stay home from a party, school, restaurants, or any other place they just must go. Some people, 300,000, might still be alive if they could.

I am so sorry for hear what you are going thru. Prayers for you and your family.

Get him tested just too be sure we can’t live in a bubble

praying , but dont panic - God will heal all