Update on a previous post about my son going to his dads

My son’s dad went to another party over the weekend. And today found out family members he was in close contact with at the party tested positive for COVID. So, therefore, my son was exposed while visiting his dad. I have also now been exposed through my son, and I am 3 months pregnant. This is why I was so paranoid, NOT controlling. His dad is irresponsible, and even as a healthcare worker, does not take the necessary precautions. To everyone, please be careful out there. Not everyone is taking the virus seriously. They are exposing everyone, including your children. Protect them by any means, and trust your intuition.


You’re not considered exposed bc your son was exposed.
Only if he tests positive.
I had covid and none of the other 5 people in my house ever got it.


Go get tested for him
And you


keep yourself and your son safe–that is not controlling at all!


I’ve actually recently had a similar scare. Not with dad though.
So my partners coworkers room mate tested positive so I straight panicked cuz I guess partner stopped wearing his mask at the office with everyone else. I called around and if your son dose not test positive then your in the clear. Even if dad tests positive if your son hasn’t your all good. Litterally I’ve been at home for a cool minute and 5 months pregnant ant and holy Lordy.

But as long as he’s testing negative your in the clear.

How close is he to this person? Would he of been close to them? I’d be livid tbh. Absolutely livid.
My daughter brought it back from school. She (luckily. Very luckily) was completely asymptomatic. I wasn’t so lucky.
She was tested due to her severe and life threatening form of epilepsy. When she caught chicken pox she was having seizures none stop for 3 weeks. But was completely asymptomatic with this. Just watch out and stay safe


I literally had this conversation with our pediatrician on Friday. My 7 year old was sent home from school because of exposure and her pediatrician stated that our entire family including her 11 week old brother are not at any higher risk because she was exposed until or if she tests positive that’s another story. She hasn’t shown symptoms yet and we will go get tested thursday just to make sure she is negative. The only person exposed is the person standing within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes.


You’re not controlling! You actually care about your kids!


Your not controlling your protecting your child. I had the covid and I literally thought I was going to die. I couldn’t breathe

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This is why I am so scared for my kids dad coming on a plane from Washington to Texas. His wife is a nurse. And they want to pick up the kids right when they get off the plane. I’ve been following guidelines since March and am 6 month pregnant. I’m a nervous wreck

I get it. I do. But for those of us working in covid environments, our families are at risk… We have no say. Yes we get ppe, but I know many good medical staff who have been so careful and got covid so you can never be sure. You could of been asymptomatic 2 weeks ago and have antibodies. You don’t know. Go get a test for yourself and your son. Good luck x

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Look I did everything I was supposed to and still got it…guess what…no one else in my house did…
This is gonna be one of those things that eventually everyone is gonna get it…


My son had it and me and his dad and my who all live together didn’t get it. I feel like your being a lil crazy about this


We were told by health authorities that they dont care about third party exposure.


Me, my mother & father both had it, we did the correct everything and still caught it. A week out of isolation and my 6yo visited her dad… she came home with it. I found out the whole house had it there (including 3 of them being key workers)… my daughter is asthmatic, she had a temp for a night and had a headache and sore throat for a few days. I couldn’t stop her seeing her dad, I couldn’t stop him seeing her even being a key worker. You just have to keep to your bubble. Once she tested positive, we all isolated again. I can’t stop who she sees or who visits who etc when she isn’t in my care, you just have to follow the rules and guidelines. We did everything right, followed every rule laid out and we all still caught it. Everyone eventually will get it. It isn’t certain peoples fault for being ‘immature’. People are asymptomatic and you wouldn’t know they have it, or them themselves. It’s just a virus everyone will have to get at some point, we have to accept that. Hopefully nobody gets it too rough :crossed_fingers:


Is this a pity party because majority of your last post people thought you were in the wrong??? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TAKE A CHILD AWAY FROM A PARENT THAT WANTS TO BE IN ITS LIFE. If you had a court order you would be charged with contempt and fined or jail. Do you understand that?? Unless the judge deems it that he is in harms way you have no right.

You arent any better. What did you do for thanksgiving? Im sure you had family over. Can you say 100% with out a doubt in your mind that any of them had NOT come in contact with someone with covid. They possibly could have and not know it. Or your job, youre telling me not one person tested positive for covid at your job? Or going out for a coffee or anything. Unless you stay away from everyone other then your house hold you have a chance of coming in contact or even getting it.Should he take your son away from you?

You are very much controlling and I feel bad for your son that he has a mother thats trying so hard to take away his father that actually wants to be apart of his life. Just sad


Son is considered exposed, if dad has it in this instance.

Covid 19 varies by case and strength of immune system and believe it or not pregnant women have pretty good immune systems. It also depends if you have a mutated strain of it, in that case the symptoms could be even worse. Its an ever mutating virus. Calm down and breathe, get you and your son tested. Praying is good for the soul and can give you peace. I hope you are okay!

Unless your son tested positive, you were not exposed. I’ve been exposed. I was at the children’s hospital with my son for his cancer treatments. I had to leave and get tested. It was negative. But still had to go quarantine. Just in case. My husband was in to be at the hospital with my son, because only I had been exposed through my co worker at work. I hadn’t texted positive. So no one that lived me with was actually exposed.

I’m sorry this is going to sound harsh but please for your sanity and your childs mental health…GET A GRIP.

  1. You are not considered exposed because your child was exposed.
    You would only be considered exposed if he tested positive.
    My mom tested positive on a thursday. My children’s classmates were not considered exposed because they weren’t positive
    They didnt need any kind of contact tracing.

  2. Contact tracing only goes back 48 hours from positive test or onset of symptoms. So if your ex’s friend tested positive today, then contact tracing would only go back to sunday.

  3. Just because your child was briefly exposed doesnt mean he’s going to get it. When my mom tested positive she asked me what I wanted her to do. I said “live as normally as possible” dont quarantine and dont wear a mask. If they’re going to get sick, it’s better they get it now while they’re already on quarantine than all of us taking turns getting it and some of us being on quarantine for months on end. They need OT and specialist appointments and school.
    And ya know what? NO ONE in the house has gotten covid.
    Husband was tested because he had “symptoms” he was negative I’m about 90% sure he had flu B. That he gave to me…I was tested for covid. Refused a flu test. Bottom line is literally NO ONE caught it from my mom despite us not taking any precaution other than handwashing and normal cleaning. No. One.

  4. Your attitude towards it all is probably more damaging to your childs overall well being than your ex “not taking it seriously” (which again is your opinion)
    Instilling this much fear into your child is completely damaging.
    And keeping your child away. Then preening about being “right” when you let him go so you can continue to withhold your child is wrong.
    Sadly, I know it’s not because you’re a bad person but you are a person who has lost control of thier thoughts and emotions.

You cannot keep your child away from his dad. If I was dad, at this point I would not just file contempt on you but I would file for temporary custody until you can get yourself under control.


Covid is real and if others are willing to put their health at risk, it doesn’t mean you have to or risk your kids. I dont find you controlling at all.


Everyone has a negative thing to say until it happens to them or a loved them or god forbid there own child than they will agree with you. You aren’t wrong mama to feel the way you feel it’s okay!


Hugs. You know that stats in Canada all have to do with the health workers being sick and passing onto elderly s. Now we know why. Hugs. Not your fault. Hugs.

I am 32 weeks pregnant and was exposed to covid through a family member and in turn tested positive close to a week later, luckily my only symptoms were loss of taste and smell and sinus like symptoms. I took emergen- c daily as well as my prenatal vitamins I dont know if the combo kept it from getting worse but it sure didn’t hurt either. I pray you dont get it as I know everyone is different but if you do I hope your symptoms are mild like mine were. Prayers for you both.


All of you bashing this mother need to check yourself!!! She is not stopping him because shes trying to be controlling she is worried for her and her UNBORN babys health and her sons! If this man gave a shit about his kid he would be taking it seriously not to mention hes a HEALTHCARE WORKER!! who is puttin the people he takes care of at risk! You would all soon be cussing if he was looking after a relative of yours and you new this! If she caught this virus it could be serious for her and her unborn baby how about be KIND i stead of giving snide ass remarks and bashing her. Its a scary thing my nan,my brother,my dad me and my 1year old daughterhave it right now and if i was in this womans position n my daughters dad was doin this u can bet your ass he would not see my daughter til he stopped with his mess!

Ignore the people that choose to respond negatively to your post. You are doing the right thing. Take care.


Calm down lady. Your poor kids.


Honey don’t listen to anyone on here, you were in the right, just trying to protect your son and unborn child. No one is in your position or knows anything about you and yours so fuck em. :person_shrugging:

So, my husband and I had covid. Our kids who are 2 and 3 never got sick. Most kids are carriers, but I read that the infection rate between kids and adults is pretty low. They’re mostly just carriers.

I was exposed to my husband first who didn’t test positive until days later, but I had also spent the day with my SIL after being exposed to him and she never got sick. She was around him and still didn’t get sick. So, I think you’ll be okay.

Take your vitamins and quarantine. That’s what I did and it came and went like a cold

Unless you were in direct contact with someone whose positive, you have nothing to worry about. Being near your son, who isn’t sick, but was just in contact. Doesn’t make you a contact as well. This is why this is never going to go away. Cuz people have no idea wtf is even happening.

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You have what’s called secondary exposure and according to CDC you have no been exposed and unless your son tests positive you do not need to quarantine.

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I’ve been exposed over and over. Really. Relax.


My friend is going through right now. Her ex picked her kids up & a few hours later said “btw my mom has covid”. She was told gma was staying away. She talked to her children tonight & heard grandma. Needless to say she’s upset & scared for her kids. I think you (& her) should petition the court for full custody. State that hes knowingly exposing your child to covid by being a health care workers & attending parties where people are positive. Try to get no visitation until thing is contained.


I didnt see the original post but as a mom you need to do what feels right for your kids to keep them safe. If dad is going to parties he isnt taking it seriously. We are in unprecedented times. Do what makes you comfortable to keep you and your kids safe. Ignore people posting nasty stuff. They’re likely the ones not taking the virus seriously either.

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My sister and her husband had it. Myself, son and her 2 daughters were around them exposed and we nvr got it…im not saying this virus isnt serious but if u just wash ur hands wear a mask when u need to you will be fine. My bro in law was locked in the room and only came out to the restroom woth a mask on my sis as soon as she got her results she masked up but wasnt locked in the room. Didnt help tht she had had a newborn recently eother thankfully the bby didnt get it

Every time you go to a store grocery or Walmart your exposed to it.

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I’ve got a friend who LITERALLY only leaves her home for essentials, sanitizes all her groceries, didnt do Halloween, any bday parties, no holiday gatherings and kids are seeing grandparents thru the glass door on her home. Guess what, she STILL got Covid. I mean no disrespect but leaving your home to go anywhere in public puts you at risk to get the virus no matter how many precautions you take. I live in FL, in a county where nearly no one wears a mask, we’ve been in school 5 days a week in person and classes are at fullcapacity (students do wear masks) and luckily none of us have been sick or exposed that we are aware of. Unfortunately, you just never know.


No offense to you at all, but us healthcare workers risk ourself first and well obviously everyone around us. No matter how many precautions one may take a virus is air born. You can’t dodge the air and I don’t mean that to be a smart ass just speaking in general. I hope you your son and the little one stay healthy💜

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Ok then you shouldn’t have sent him knowing he’s irresponsible

As others have said your are considered 3rd party therefore unless your son develops symptoms then you should be good


My older daughter got exposed by her clients she cared for and she was pregnant… She was fine …IF YOU are taking precautions then you will be fine quit blaming others for your responsibility of keeping you safe. Most ppl who have covid dont even know it til after the fact . that’s why its your responsibility… I know I’m sounding mean or uncaring but I’m not. I lived it and I live it everyday when I send my youngest child to school …everyday a new case is reported at school … It’s up to ourselves not others to protect ourselves


The one thing that I absolutely hate seeing with this damn virus is how we all want to blame each other, and think that the way we are handling things is the perfect way. It’s a virus, most times people do not know where they got it. You may come in contact with many asymptomatic positive people. I wear a mask and try to be cautious, but I work, go to the store, have meals out in certain restaurants that I feel safe in. Both my son and my husband had it and I took care of them and did not get it. I think we just focus on precautions but not blame. If dad is a healthcare worker he is exposed for sure but I’m sure he has to work but wants to see his son.
I’m sorry your son may have been exposed and you also but as stated before, secondary exposure so no one may get sick,


I think the dad was irresponsible…when he has his son for a visit, he should be cautious…party on his own time…often parenting means giving up something we want to do, so our children are safe and cared for…no, we can’t live in a bubble and chances are child will not get the virus…but, again …the point is that the father should take his parenting responsibilities seriously…


Praying you nor your son gets sick. I’ve heard that zinc is good as a precautionary measure. I don’t blame you for being upset. Sounds like his dad is a tad selfish.


That’s what a lot of people said, you’ll be fine, well now they are dead. Protection is necessary for a lot of people that are not as lucky to get through this. I would definitely get tested as well as your son unless you already have and do not become paranoid but do try to keep in mind that not all people are considerate and if your child’s Father won’t be concerned about his son then you must be.


Look at all the people who can’t admit they were wrong and their advice was based on an assumption about the mother.


A party is irresponsible, especially if there are people outside your bubble. My family went through a period of either layoff or working from home…the one son who has worked on site continuously is a welder, so he has massive protective equipment. We will see/be with family…masks are required at most work places and businesses, so there is some protection…continue to wash your hands, hydrate, eat healthy…vitamin C and zinc can help against viruses, maybe even prevent them.


I am a 73 year old Covid survivor who knows that a lot of medical field employees take this lightly except the Covid wings of the hospital. They are seeing it day in and day out. I was in the hospital 25 days and it is a tough disease. Mainly forced oxygen and clots. We have lost a lot of people and it is a lot worse than any flu I have ever had. No comparison. You do have to continue your lives. I am paranoid but doing a lot better. I have asthma and had a reaction to Plasma replacement. Spent 3 days in ICU due to that reaction. I am a grateful human being and enjoy everyday God gives me. Fear is a crippling thing. I think the word that best fits Covid is RESPECT to others. Most people do not end up in the hospital and do just fine particularly young people. Even some people my age have done great.


My ex works in a prison. We talked about the boys not visiting till this covid stuff was somewhat calmed down. But it has been going on so long. We decided that it was worth the risk for them to see their dad. He did eventually get covid. Then the kids did and then my wife and I did. It was awful for me since I have a preexisting condition. But worth them not going months without seeing their dad.


An exposure to an exposure is not an exposure. If you’re that worried about becoming sick and you have shared custody, let your son stay with his dad. Order all of your necessities for home delivery and bat down the hatches. There’s no shame or blame in it.


You can take every precaution and still get exposed. That does NOT make him a bad father.


Common sense people. Why go to a party when your going to be around some people you don’t know? Are these parties you really can’t do without? Be sensible. I don’t believe masks really work a 100%, but I wear one. Things are not that hard to understand. So, we feel our freedom slipping away. Children always buck what they’re told is good for them when it restricts them. Adults same way. Wear a mask. Not like it’s gonna kill you to do so. Besides, it’s a great disguise if you want to avoid someone. Or stick your tongue out at someone. Just a little humor. And I’ve been lucky to have had a mild case of it with wearing my mask at work and no one caught it while not wearing mask around me. Who knows.


If your son isn’t covid positive you were not exposed…just saying. I am a healthcare worker at a testing site.

I hope you’ve made every one at the party know this. I was at a party this weekend and there were a few guys there I didn’t know. Don’t know if there was a child there with one of them but there were kids there. It was a birthday party. Considering I have an underlying health issue it would be nice if I knew what party it was.
I tried to keep
My distance from everyone but you just never know who may have been next to me

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Since I have been living the COVID lifestyle for years it’s really easy . Stay home unless it’s absolutely necessary. Parties and gatherings are not necessary.


You have been exposed if you even run to the doctor! You have no clue what others do and you can’t control what others do. From and ex to a doctor that you see. We’ve all had it in our house. I have major underlying issues . I am on hydroxycloroquine because of RA and had the mildest case of all in my home. Our healthiest was the sickest with 104.5 fever and now has full blown pots because of this virus!

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I took precautions and still got it… and no idea where. I guess that makes me a bad mom/grandma. Be cause that exposed and infected my 12 and 14 yr old kids as well as my 5 grandkids ages 11 mo to 7 yrs old.


Guess I’m controlling too. After 28 years of Christmas Eve together not happening. I’m not paranoid but believe when you don’t know what to believe you err on side of prudence. And I’m not even pregnant.


Even if you or ur son get covid… u have no way of knowing truly where & who exposed it to him! Its everywhere! Its a virus! I have worked everyday since this virus began & have worked side by side folks who have gotten the virus… I still have not contracted it & if I did… I wouldn’t blame them… it could had easily been a guest(customer) who unknowingly had covid that I’ve served! This virus mimics many types of illnesses… so theirs really no way to know where anyone derived it from! Your son needs his father… all children do… if you deny him access… your son will rebel against you! I would definitely keep him safe for now due to the virus spread but don’t use it as an excuse to freak on him(the dad)!


My granddaughter’s X sent her children home with his brother. Next day brother tests positive. Luckily both test negative.

If he is a healthcare worker and is just now catching covid, I would absolutely think he was taking proper precautions.


Prayers for your health and everyone else’s, this virus has no agenda, people are getting infected with doing everything they know to do to stay healthy, stop blaming and just take care,:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

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I relate to this, it’s how my son’s father is. The amount of insults he’s made to my intelligence because I wouldn’t let him take him without agreeing to take precautions, ridiculous.


Everyone should stay in their bubble. When you venture out you are playing with fire :fire: so sad


My grand daughter is an EMT worker and she got the virus, she doesn’t know where she got it cause she has been going out doing her thing (you know how it is when your young and single )
She told me that she didn’t want to come around me till she knows it’s safe around March or so 2021.
I have high blood pressure, diabetes and COPD.
I can’t just stay at home like a hermit and not get out some, I take care of my grown son and husband that I chauffeur to and from doctor visits and going to the store etc.
I hope you and your son will be ok.

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You did not have direct contact with a positive so you are not exposed


COVID is a scamdemic. If they say you have or have been exposed to COVID you are beeing lied to. So please live life without fear of this scamdemic!


The new vaccine says you CANNOT be breastfeeding or pregnant or planning to get pregnant until 3 months have past. Do not know if you can ever get pregnant again and have to get a second injection! Your name will be put in a nationwide identity system. Headaches and symptoms will persist but may lessen…just don’t know. …

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Its coming around everywhere and getting closer and closer. My husband and I just got clear from it. I go in walmart. You see them everywhere with no mask with me in line right behind them. I am wearing a mask but they are not. If they had known that I just got over it, they would have been freaking out! But I was wearing a mask they were not. I am so very sorry you got exposed. Please take care of yourself. We have no idea who we caught it from. I also believe in letting everybody catch it like the herd immunity. It is pretty bad and I pray that you don’t get it. Take care

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People should only be mask less, with those they live with full time.


No matter what almost everyone will get it some bad some not mask or no mask!


You might even be 4th party, your son 3rd party and his dad primary contact.

Try not to worry unless you have to. If his dad tests positive, your son then becomes primary and needs to be tested and so on.

Good luck!

My husband decided to be a dad this year when the pandemic hit and my 12 year old son tested positive because Dad chose to take him around a bunch of people and not wear a mask. I have a 6 month old

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Children are most likely to be a carrier and not get it.

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Stop using Covid to manipulate and control the relationship between your child and other parent. Let your child stay with Dad until after your new baby is born. Anyone can be exposed at any time …Dad is not to blame in this.

You need to get yourself and your child tested
Call a clinic to set up a time. The testing is done outside the clinic

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Wait…I’m confused. Let me get this straight…You took other people’s (including people online) advice about your child, over your own better judgement…and now u feelin’ some type of way? Im stuck on this part… :thinking:

Are you saying you are exposed because your son was? If he gets it then you would be exposed but don’t think you are just because he was. Just asking before everyone goes ballistic

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I’m sorry but I can’t see you having it because its a Plandemic. Its flu season, influenza so I can’t see how you would get it unless you got tested with thier false test results.

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It will go away if we all act responsible with the help of the vaccine and doing what is right for ourselves and for everyone else, don’t listen to people who don’t take this seriously, be safe not sorry.


I mean… You can be exposed 100xs while at Walmart…


Drink lots of hot tea, have a pot of boiling water on the stove, stand over for 5 mins 4 to 5 times per day and inhale that hot steam, drink the hot tea, lemon ginger, for same amt times per day, that helped my husband and I really a lot

It makes him an incompetent father, disregard for his sons safety.

Where is the compassion?

Son is actually third part mother would be 4th part. Father was at party not son

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Your aware you canget this any where not just a party ,groc ,walmart ,po etc :roll_eyes:

Is going to a party a precaution?

Your son is not exposed unless he was with his dad 3 days before his dad tested positive.

A friend i know did everything they needed to do and still got it


Always blame someone else

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I’m so sorry. Please make sure you and your son both get tested if you haven’t already. :pray::pray::pray::pray:

Going to the market you are exposed, if you are back to work you are exposed going to the bank or any other errands you are exposed. Not saying the dad was not irresponsible, but dont think your playing it safe if your doing any of those activities i mentioned.


Omg. Calm down Karen. Your precious socalled vaccine will be here soon enough

At least he should have been careful

Im not letting this virus control what I do


Make an appointment and get yourself and son tested.

If everyone wore a mask everywhere, everyday, we will still be exposed to covid at some point. That’s just reality.


The only way your child can infect you is if he is positive

Oh no, you might a virus with a >98% recovery rate.

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some people has absolutely no idea of the seriousness of the pandemic