I did a private ultrasound at 19 weeks and they said girl. Baby was super active and then I had my anatomy scan that following week super active barely could get pictures and they also said girl but my gut feeling tells me other wise I’m hoping it’s correct but I just can’t shake that feeling. Just wanting to see if anyone has experienced wrong gender ?
The only time my babies gender couldn’t be determined was when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter. Which isn’t the same as a wrong gender I know, but all of the other times the gender has been correct (2 boys and a girl)
My son turns 10 in November. I went to one ultrasound at like 19/20 weeks and they said girl, went back 2 weeks later and my girl grew a penis. I asked them to verify that I wasn’t having twins… I went with gender neutral everything and had 2 car seats just in case.
I did a blood test and it said girl. Every ultrasound I’ve had it has clearly said boy
You can always do the blood test to be certain if it makes you feel better
You can do a blood test to confirm.
Do a blood test. It’s pretty rare to be wrong about the gender these days like it was in the past. Especially with all the technology we have today.
I had my babies back in the days when scans were not all that reliable and if you asked the doctor would say “I can’t tell!” I did know two women who at that time were told they were having a boy. The first already had two boys and was resigned to having another so when the girl arrived she was so thrilled. The second had three girls when she was told baby was a boy so they did a nursery in blue and bought all new boys’ clothing only for baby girl number four to arrive. They were not so thrilled.
It has never happened to me that they told me the wrong gender. But I’m sure it’s possible. Although I do have to say if two different technicians told you the same gender I would think that they are probably right. But you could always do a blood test if it would make you feel better. Chromosomes don’t lie.
That happened with my youngest. I was so sure I was having a girl. Anatomy scan said boy. I didn’t want to believe it was a boy because I was so sure I was having a girl. My pregnancies were complete night and day difference, so that’s why I thought that one was a girl. He came out a boy
My son was supposed to be a girl at 14 weeks. I bought dresses and everything lol
14.5 years ago when my sister was born the nurses were telling us a woman that had given birth that day was told she was having a girl (ultrasound) and she had a boy instead. It’s rare, but it happens.
Mine was wrong at 20 weeks. They said girl but I was carrying just like my other son so everyone else didn’t belive it. I decided to do a 3d at 8 months and they were like nope that’s a boy lol
I had a friend who was told she was having a boy so they bought everything in blue, nursery,boys clothes,etc. Turned out to be a girl.
I had genetic testing done and was told that my son was a healthy baby girl. He was neither a girl nor healthy.
In 1982 they told me the baby was a big boy, 4 hrs later my 4 lb girl was born! I know this isn’t relevant to now, but a fun story!
Mine was , was having twins told me boy and girl ! Delivery I had two girls
Every one of my pregnancies were different. 5 now. 4 were girls. Only 1 boy.
With my daughter the ultrasound tech tried to tell me she thinks it’s a boy. I was like nah. I’m having a girl. and I did.