Was I wrong to allow my son to shave his armpits?

Weird but it’s whatever. However I would have consulted husband. You should with anything concerning choices with children

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I mean I’m more concerned why your husband has such an issue with it? If it makes your son more comfortable and confident what’s the issue

I don’t think it’s odd. Some med shave to help eliminate sweat and body odor. Or some are sensitive to the feeling and it pulls sometimes. It’s about comfort. My 13 year old said he needed to learn to shave. I said ok so you want to shave your mustache. He said no my pubes. I asked why he said I don’t like the feeling and it pulls and hurts. So I said ok. But you do know you don’t need to shave that. He said I know but I want to so I’m more comfortable.


You should of discussed something like that with him…


He shouldn’t even have had to ask your permission. He’s 14. He should know about body autonomy by now, and his dad is being ridiculous.

Not sure what hubby’s problem is…I hope he doesn’t have a problem because he thinks it’s less masculine🙄
Unfortunately I would bet that’s why🤦‍♀️

Maybe your husband was upset because most men doesn’t shave their armpits like women do. Or he could be upset because he didn’t come to him.

1st of alli don’t see the big deal, it’s his arm pits. It will grow back , second of all all these over protective parents , that think kids are stupid and need to be taught to do something this simple , are just dumb , I think he can figure it out it’s not that complicated. He’s 14 I’m sure he knows more about alot of things , that his parents would prefer him not , stop being helicopter parents , if thats the worst thing he does be happy.

At 14 shouldn’t the father have already purchased him a razor and shown him how to use it on his face :woman_shrugging:

I think all teenage boys should. They might stink less. Lol

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Um yes🤷🏼‍♀️ he’s a boy, so…


too old fashioned to comment

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Ok 1st some of these comments with the assuming her child is gay really!!!
He is 14 and prob dosent care for hair, hell he might have hit puberty before friends and feels a certain way. I dont feel he needed to ask his father or anyone for permission, because im sure in his own time he will tell you both, the “why”.

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Bigger conversations need to happen with your husband. My guess is that his feelings are about masculinity and identity, not about just hair. You two need to be on the same page when it comes to body image and identification for your children.


i’m 66,shave mine all the time,i just use the trimmer on my shaver every two weeks,this plus a rollon deodorant i virtually have no sweat or odor or shirt stains. it does not mean your son is gay,i think your hubby thinks your son is effeminate for doing it but it is good hygiene in my opinion.

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Tell his father that shaving his armpits doesn’t make him gay. Any difference in behaviour of our kids would have come up in conversation with my gf just in our everyday chats. And I would definitely would have mentioned it but ultimately it’s up to your teen becuase it’s his body and not hurting anyone

In my opinion yes it is wrong … boys do not shave , but why would he want to shave anyway … ??


Not sure if I’m out of turn, but what was his reasoning for being mad? Did he give you one? I would absolutely give my 14 year old son a razor and say have at it, you wanna shave? Not business what your shaving.

Why does your husband care if his son has armpit hair?

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How old is said child? 14? Old enough to make his own choice about his own body …Is your hubby upset cz hes a boy and done it?

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It’s his body, he can shave anything he wants??? Why do parents have this weird notion that they own their kids and need to give permission for insignificant shit like this lol everyone gets to make the decision on whether they shave or not and it’s literally no one else’s business.

You say “let” like you could stop a 14 year old from shaving anything lmao :rofl:


No? Your son has autonomy over his own body. It’s freaking armpit hair, who cares. Your son doesn’t need his dads permission for that……

I would have spoken to my husband about it before even buying the razor, but that’s the way our marriage is. Just like he wouldn’t do it without asking me first either.


His body, brings him comfort. Why not?

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If he wants to shave his armpits I see no harm in it. At least he asked you!

My husband shaves his pits

Tell hubby to calm down it’ll grow back in a week! :rofl:

His body, his choice. Tell your husband to grow up

All four of my sons shave. Its personal hygiene. Hair stinks when mixed with sweat. Your husband needs to pick his battles. No, in my opinion you’re not wrong. Much peace and love ☆


I dont see the problem with a 14 year old have a electric razor if he is ready to shave most boys are ready about this age its good that he can talk about shaving etc but he needs to understand it grows back and needs to be kept under Control once he done the very first first shave

My cuz does this and he is married with a child. He believes it cuts down on body odor so I’m not sure.

i wont let my son shave his arm pits. its about trends and trends he is not old enough to handle

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Is there a reason he wanted to shave his armpits?

Nope. Your husband needs to respect what your son wants to do with his own body. It’s just armpits to begin with, the son may just not like the hair growing right there.

Nope it’s not your husbands choice. Your child came to you with grooming concerns over their own body and you listened. Good job that’s what you should do! Some people don’t like armpit hair and it doesn’t matter what gender or sex they are.

My kid has autism and was also uncomfortable in the beginning of developing his armpit hair. He brought up shaving his as well or trimming it at least. We did end up getting him a body trimmer. He ended up getting used to and has now chosen not to shave it. But that was his choice about his body. We help our kids think through their choices and support them when it’s not something that puts them at risk.

What are you supposed to supervise him in the shower? Lol

Not a big deal at all. My 13 year old shaves his because he don’t like hair. It’s his body.

His body his choice.
He is literally harming no one.

MY DAD 60 he shaves his armpit says it less smelly

And next thing ya know he’s identifying as a girl :roll_eyes:

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It’s hair… it’ll grow back. :joy:

He’s 14, old enough to make minor decisions like that. Not the end of the world. It’s best you help him with it and him do it safely than him deciding to use a possibly not safe or contaminated razor he borrowed from someone else.

OMG !!! He is 14, he can shave his head if he wants

I see both sides but I think u should’ve ran it by dad 1st

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Our son was an athlete in high school and he shaved all the hair from body except head and he now is a full grown man marred and going to.be a grandpa next mth he’s just being a kid

I truly hope your husband didn’t make a big deal in front of your son about this. I see nothing wrong with it, especially at 14. Good luck to you all.


You did NOTHING wrong. Sounds like your husband is aligning shaving underarms to being feminine and that’s just dumb.
Your child is trying to figure out who they are. They are SO hard on themselves. The last thing any teenager needs is to be shamed for trying to know themselves.

I’d probably prefer it if they (men) did! :sweat_smile: TBH! I think it’s a decision he should be able to make for himself. What if he wanted to shave his pubic hair? Same goes for that too. If he wants to do it, he’s gonna do it regardless of what his parents say. Not “letting” him is wrong. IMO.

I would just say that ignorance is your defense this time. Your husband has now expressed that he wants to be informed of/involved in decisons like this. So, next time, just give him the courtesy of mentioning it to him. “Hey honey, do you have any thoughts about son shaving?” He may have had a perspective on it that you (or your son) had not considered.

My husband trims his armpit hair. Who tf cares. He also shaves/trims his belly and chest. Your husband is weird. He can’t control what your son wants to do with his body.

My husband doesn’t shave his pits but he often shaves his chest, stomach, AND feet!!! He is part Greek so he got them hairy-Greek genes lol. So, I do not really see the difference in your son wanting to shave his armpits. I’m curious what his reasoning was for wanting to do it and your husband’s reasoning for getting so upset.

It’s his body :woman_shrugging:t3: my son is 7 and has his own fashion thing going on. His dad thinks it’s weird he has his ears pierced and he wears dangly earrings. People thinks he’s weird for dying his hair different colors. But it’s his birthday so if that’s what he wants to do and it’s not hurting any one then let him.

My husband shaves his arms and armpits :woman_shrugging:t2: oh whale :whale:

Nope. It’s HIS body. Parents need to learn they don’t own their children’s bodies. My child, which is an adult now, decided when her body hair first started growing in to shave it, then as she got older, decided she didn’t want to because it’s very fine and blonde and can’t be seen. Plus she doesn’t have personal relationships with other people at the moment. So she isn’t worried about it.

We don’t own our children, we birth them to raise them to be responsible for their own bodies.

Pit hair is not a reasonable argument, especially when it’s not his. Idk💁‍♀️

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. I hate all the unrealistic standards for men. I I can’t imagine walking around with it all that hair under my arm. Good for him.

I mean it’s something to discuss for sure. But I personally do NOT like body hair, makes me alot more sweaty and itchy. But I am a woman… it’s just hair in my opinion. Just apologize I guess and move on. It’s not like you bought him makeup lol

Ask his permission? For what? Has absolutely nothing to do with your husband and a 100% about what your son wants - for his body.

Let him wear a dress and makeup next.


I know someone, an adult male, that doesn’t like body hair. He’s 100% masculine. It’s personal preference. It’s hair I don’t see what the big deal is. Shaving body parts isn’t just a “girly” thing.