Was I wrong to allow my son to shave his armpits?

My husband got mad because I let my son shave his armpits…like is this really a thing? It’s just hair so I didn’t feel the need to ask for my husbands permission when my son asked me to buy him a razor…hes 14 ffs…was I wrong?


It’s His pits…let him learn!! Lol


I believe it’s becoming much more common for men to shave various body parts these days… It doesn’t signify anything except that they prefer that area shaved.


My papa ray shaved his armpits and that was back in the day. Nothing wrong with it

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My ole man keeps All his hair shaved!! Let him be his self!

It’s different but if it’s what he wants then it’s not hurting anything or anyone. Let him do it. Respectfully, your husband is being silly


Absolutely nit. If he wants to shave his outs. Let him tf

No my husband shaved his. Says it’s less sweaty and easier for department


If he wants to shave his armpits, let him. His body his choice.

Why should it be any different then a female? Did you ask permission? I know I didn’t! I had a bf that shaved his whole body, he didn’t like hair. It didn’t make him any less manly. I think your hubby is over reacting.


100% NTA. My late husband use to shave his and my current partner trims them. I am so thankful for men who groom. How tf does the deodorant work if it’s not even reaching their skin? I’d buy a trimmer though to prevent the ingrown hairs and itch.

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Not wrong at all. His body, his choice.

So I just asked my husband how he would feel. “Well men have hair there for a reason”. Well what is the reason. And why do I have hair there. His first thought was it would chafe him more. But we women shave it. Discussion then FINAL DECISION… It really wouldn’t matter, I wouldn’t care. Each to their own as other people are saying.

My husband shave his armpit it help cut down on sweat n bo when it really hot well for him atless ( I think he also does it because he tired of our 2 n 4 year son that autistic they kept pulling it )


I don’t see the problem is just here I had a friend in high school who hated having body hair and even shaved his legs :person_shrugging: never put much thought into it and the way I see your son’s a teen finding himself and it’s his body his choice

Maybe his armpit hair gets all knotted from sweat

Permission? Nope. If he was asking to be involved in those kinds of conversations/decisions, perhaps an opportunity to be next time would be nice.


It’s your sons body. He can decide for himself whether or not he wants body hair or not.


In Asia men shave their armpits and legs

Nothing wrong. It helps keep the odour down as well

Why does he need permission to shave? It’s his body and he’s old enough to make certain decisions.

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Nope, you’re not wrong. A lot of swimmers do it. Also speed skaters shave their legs.

His body, his hair. If he wants clean shaven armpits then let him. His choice.


My husband likes to buzz the armpit hairs I personally agree long hairy armpits are not attractive :joy:


I don’t think you were wrong. Kudos to your son for asking you to buy him a razor! He could have just used yours or your husband’s and just done it on his own.


Maybe your husband just wanted to be the one to help or buy the razor. I told my son to go to his dad about “dude” things and the girls come to me about girl things. If it was something we felt needed to be shared with each other, we did- even after we divorced. It’s called respecting the other parent


Nope I’d let him shave if he wants to many athletes do

It’s arm pits… tell your husband to grow up, and act like a man… the kid is 14 he should be allowed to shave whatever he wants… mom isn’t in the wrong at all!!

Yes boys men don’t shave under there arms

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It’s his body… and shaving is not a big deal

It’s his body and he’s old enough to be making that decision himself, it’s just body hair and I can understand why he wouldn’t want armpit hair.


It’s his body and his hair, to shave or not shave as he sees fit.

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Oh for crying out loud! Worry about stuff that matters. So what if he shaved his pits. Lots of kids do that…and other parts. Your Husband needs to chill and not worry about trivial things.


It is your son’s body. It should be his decision.

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I mean athletes especially swimmers do it


Is he mad that your son shaved his armpits or that you didn’t ask him first?
Imo shaving is normal :woman_shrugging:t2: not everyone likes hair and if he wants to shave he should be allowed to bc chances are he would anyway.

There’s nothing wrong with him shaving his armpits


Your son is his own person at 14 he’s definitely old enough to shave his armpits if he chooses to do so.

No definitely not wrong. It’s your son’s body, it’s his decision.


It’s hair. It grows back. It’s also yours son’s body and should be his choice.

It’s his hair. If it bothers him it’s his body. I don’t see a big deal

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Of course you weren’t wrong. I know many guys who shave parts other than their faces. They call it grooming.

While it is a little odd that he shaved his armpits (not judging, just never heard of it unless they’re doing swimming or sports of sorts) but if he wants to shave his armpits let the boy shave his armpits, chances are dad wouldn’t have allowed it anyways, and that would have just made him do it behind your guys back anyways and could’ve seriously hurt himself if he wasn’t taught how, and he probably knew dad would have said no so he went to who he felt safe and that would show him


Its a very common thing in Europe for men to do this. Especially younger men. Legs. Armpits. Everything …everywhere.
Spain. Turkey etc.
Very common.

I mean, I personally would have spoken with my husband about it before but it’s just his armpits which also helps reduce odor so it wouldn’t really bother me much 


Nope his body his choice not your husbands


Let my son shave whatever he wanted. He found out the first time that it’s not something he wants to do again…:sweat_smile:


Your sons body, his choice. It’s nothing that is going to harm him. Some guys actually prefer to have no hair there or anywhere. Heck, I’m lazy and grow hair out :rofl::rofl::rofl: Nothing wrong with that either.


Our oldest son played football and would shave his legs. He said the hair slowed him down. :joy:


It is a rt of passage my husband said she took that from him

My grandfather shaved his pits. Said it helped keep him from smelling and was cleaner. He’s right. I can tell when it’s time to shave mine because the deodorant quits working as well.


Definitely not wrong
If your son doesn’t like pit hair
Let him shave it
If he wants It’s no big deal
Chances are at that age he will want to shave his facial hair as well

He’s 14… It’s his body, not yours or your husbands. If he wants to shave that’s his choice and you shouldn’t have had to ask permission.


My boys got razors when stubble appeared. They were taught how to shave safely and effectively. The parts they choose to hit up with those razors are no longer my concern. I have no desire to know if they manscape. I don’t care if they shave their legs, and one of them has, just to see what it felt like.

My husband trims his armpit hair. He doesn’t fully shave them, but it makes things look nicer when he wears a tank.

I see no issue with it. It’s hair. It grows back.

You may want to consider why hubby has such a reaction to it though.


It’s his body, if it’s something he’s uncomfortable with I say let him shave. Who cares. I let my 9 year old shave her legs because was self conscious about it. They can always let it grow back if they desire.


Maybe he sweats alot n doesn’t like alot of hair.

Hey maybe he just wants to see what it’s like.🤷🏻‍♀️

My husband used to shave his because he would have a lot of sweating and chafing and it would cause friction so he actually preferred to shave it and no nothing wrong with it


No, he’s a control freak!

Husband seems controlling. Give the kid some slack. He is 14. Most kids shave way before then

This depends on why your husband was upset. Like…did he want to be the one to tell his son how to shave? Or is he one of those guys who would say “real men don’t do that”? Because it’s your son’s body and his choice but I can see why he would be upset if he wanted to be the one to show his son how to shave. It’s a bonding moment. Whatever reason ur son has for wanting to shave is his very own and he has the right to make that kind of a choice over his own body. I couldn’t imagine how bad that would be for my sensory issues if someone told me I wasn’t allowed to shave. Especially my armpits.


I would have said no…period


Lol my son shaved “elsewhere” his choice he was 14 as well he’s now 15 and shaves regularly … I just told him to be careful… and no never discussed with husband nor did he ask me :: he just did it … I laughed


I don’t see a problem a lot of guys shave

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Shaving is t that serious. He asked one parent and that’s what matters. It does depend on why your husband got mad. Maybe he wanted the father to son shaving convo. Maybe it was more of a binding moment he feels was stolen from him. But I how sorry wouldn’t have though to ask his dad.


Yeh. You’re husband is wrong. You don’t need his permission to make your 14 year old feel comfortable in his own skin.

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Doesn’t matter your sons reasoning, as long as you made sure he was safe. Tell the husband to grow up and leave the poor lad alone. He’s gonna give him issues. Sounds like your husband has in his mind how a man should “behave” and it didn’t fit his narrative.

Not big deal hair grows back

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The kids 14. Seems a decision like that should be made by him and him only.


No, you’re not wrong. They’re his armpits. Bodily autonomy.

No you wasn’t wrong. He didn’t won’t the hair there and when you sweat it brings a odor also.

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He would have found a way to do it anyway.

These days males shave all parts of their bodies,strange but God knows why


My husband does it. Not wrong at all. Less smell.

No you weren’t wrong,why would he need permission?


And…!? Women shave their pits. Why can’t a boy! I’m so sick of “gender roles”. Let people be people.


Maybe he just wanted him to come to him about it?

Better question is why is your husband pist that your son shaved his arm pits. If your son don’t like arm pit hair then let him shave it. It’s not hurting anyone


If your son wanted to shave then y should it matter? Personal choice I think


Its his body. Its not hurting him or anyone else, therefore you all have no say anyway. Next time your husband scratches his grapes, takes a shower, or shaves his face or cuts his hair, ask him if he got his parents permission first.

Is he mad because he wanted to teach him to shave or is he mad over him shaving arm pits?.. my OPINION is that if you knew he was waiting for that first shave experience with his son then yes you would be in the wrong BUT if he’s mad because the boy shaved his pits than no. It’s hair it grows back. No reason to freak out.

No, you weren’t wrong. It’s his body. It’s not hurting anyone else. They’re his armpits. Not his dads. It’s not like they’re going to be seen. Your husband needs to come down off his masculinity a little. Maybe the hair was bothering him.

Its hair, for heavens sake… I gave my kids permission to express themselves through their hair in any manner they chose. It grows back… My kids have had pink hair, bleached hair, no hair… again, it grows back, and they can feel free to express themselves without long term consequences. I would have mentioned it to my husband before it happened, but I would have supported my son if dad would have pushed back.

Will you daughter have to ask his permission to use tampons? No? There’s your answer.


It’s weird but it’s just body hair I think what you did was fine your husband being over dramatic

Anything with the kids goes through me and my husband as a team. Yes your son gets say but maybe dad wanted to be apart of it.


My 14 year old shaves his whole body, loves a good pedicure and has a better skincare routine than I do. I’m just happy the kid ain’t stewing in funk like some his age. Your husband may be stuck on antiquated ideals of masculinity.


Lots of men I know on construction do it.

Your husband sounds interesting. …Guessing his views on your son being masculine are very strong and he associates shaving with being feminine. Which is crazy. It’s his body not your husbands so…


Your husband is being ridiculous

Typically the majority of men don’t shave armpits but if it makes your son uncomfortable having the hair in his pits then I see nothing wrong with letting him shave them. It’s just hair and it’ll eventually grow back if in the event that your son decides the prickly feeling when it first starts growing back is not worth it to continue to shave them he can always choose later to not shave anymore. I know swimmers sometimes shave their armpits to have better performance with swimming.

I know guys that do this because they don’t like the hair plus the hair mixed with deodorant. Your husband needs to do some reflection.

:woozy_face: What a weird thing to be mad about. It’s not his body. If your son wants to shave, that’s his decision. If it’s a masculinity issue, maybe he should be informed that women grow hair on their armpits too, so men having hair there isn’t some kind of symbol of masculinity anyway.

Your child owns his body and how to maintain it. Your husband is wrong.

Honestly if my kid asked I would of done the same. So I don’t think you were wrong. Why isn’t your kid having these talks with your husband?

If its because of gay/bisexual whatever logic id say STRAIGHT MEN SHAVE THEIR PITTYS TOO!!!

Sometimes its more comfortable, especially for men. My fiance shaved his for sports, athletes do it all the time.

Id tell your husband to check his insecurities.


I don’t understand why your son needed permission.


Why is it anybody’s choice but your sons?


Of all the things to give a crap about…that’s not it

It’s not really that uncommon for men/boys to change their body hair. A lot of dudes shave their armpits for hygiene reasons, or just because they want to for aesthetic reasons. A lot of men shave/wax their chest, some shave their armpits, or even their arms. Your son wanting to choose his own grooming habits at his age is valid. Your husband needs to accept that your son has autonomy and he can make decisions about his own body hair without your husband’s approval.