I have stopped reaching out to people that don’t take the time to check on my kids.
I agreed with the first part. The last one sounds like controlling to me. You should talk to your family and let them know your concerns. I hate one way relationship. That’s why I agreed with the first part. Your family should meet you guys half way. This week you go, next week will be their turn.
No. As adults when we have issues we use this thing called communication:sparkles:. Just like they could be reaching out more you could be voicing your issues. Unless you’ve voiced the issues you’re having and they’ve done nothing to fix them then there’s no need for them to be cut off. Imagine what cutting them off unexpectedly would do to your kids given the fact they see them weekly as you say.
No, he’s not right. You have a say so in this. He’s just a small minded, low self esteem, control freak. They’re your kids too and that’s your family. You can make all the efforts you want , it’s your right. WHY do women think they have to put up with this type of crap?