Was your first sweep effective?

Was your first sweep effective? If so how far along we’re you and what else did you do that day? I am SO ready for baby to come


My membrane sweep was 38+1 and I had baby at 38+2

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I was 2cm dilated. Did sweep on Wednesday, went into labor Friday afternoon. Had him 330am Saturday on his due date.

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Nope I had 3 with my first was also 4cm the entire 3rd trimester he still came a week late

I had mine swept at 2cms and went into labor within a week I had it done

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Yes I was 2cm dilated and 38weeks went into labor that following afternoon & babygirl was born 11hrs after getting it done.

I was 39weeks 5days. Within 12 hours of my sweep, i was in labor. Mind you, i was 50%effaced and 2cm dialated since 35weeks 2 days.

It wasn’t. And my midwife told me, it won’t do any good if your baby and body aren’t ready. She was right. All 3 times.

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No. Walk and drink tons of water. Get an exercise ball for $10 from Walmart and sit/rock on that. Keep moving.

It didn’t make me go into labor but it did make me dilate. I went from a 1.5 to a 4 in 2 days I think

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36 weeks- no- false labor
Did it again at
37 weeks - yes- had baby a few days later.

No, 2 sweeps at 39 weeks and 40 weeks. I was induced at 42 weeks, labor for 12 hours.

At the risk of sounding uninformed, what is “sweep”

I had 2 or 3 sweeps with my boy I think starting at 39 weeks. They didn’t do anything. I had him at 41 weeks. My daughter, the sweeps also did not work. I had 2. With her though, after I had the sweeps i had awful contractions for an hour or two then they went away. She came normal time. They both had to be induced.

Sweeps did nothing for me. It was the castor oil shake, I was hesitant because I did castor oil with my first and it just made me really sick, but I only took it by itself that time. But this time around we did a shake with ice cream peanut butter and a raw egg to bind it to a protein and I didn’t get sick at all, baby came that night! 8 hrs later. Don’t do it unless you’re full term though I was a week past my due date and didn’t want to transfer from home to hospital, and didn’t have too!:purple_heart:
You got this mama! Best of luck to you and baby for a safe healthy delivery!:heartpulse:

Nope and the subsequent sweeps did nothing as well. For both kids. I sat at a 3/4 for about a month with both.

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Nope, it did nothing and I i still ended up with a C-section.

I had my sweep on a Thursday , I was 38 weeks and 3 days & 2cm dilated , had my daughter Saturday morning.

I had my first born 48 hours later after my first sweep x

Had one done with my 1st, didn’t do anything outside of very very mild cramping. 2nd, had one done at 39 weeks, 24 hours later my water broke and he was born 14 hours later. It’s hit or miss but will only really work if your body is actually ready. I was already dilated to a 2; I think when it did work.

With my 1st I had 4 and none “worked”, my second i had one at 38+2 when I was already 4cm on my own and had him that night! My 3rd I had 3 and none were effective :crazy_face: