We just got back from the OB. If there is no heartbeat at 8 weeks is there any hope?

Couldn’t hear my kids till 10 or 12 weeks

Because ransoms on Facebook can give medical advice…see your dr.


Yes, my dr told me I had miscarried, I told him there was no way I could be 8weeks. I sought a second opinion. Glad I did she is now 24yrs old.

Pray hard and rest until next appointment :sparkling_heart:

Why post this on Mother’s Day? Unless you had an ultrasound done you most likely will not hear a heartbeat. It’s usually after 10 weeks when a heartbeat can be heard.


If there’s no heartbeat it’s gone.


Because she is a mother and today might be especially painful to her. Your Dr should be more informative but he seems not worried. You can call. From now on you can’t leave the Dr without all your questions answered , even the hard ones. My sister put it in perspective for me, you hire them, they are your employees, you take charge. And prayers for you

Damn are these serious questions or sre you just fuckin with ppl to get a reaction


Maybe she did ask her OB and is just seeking some encouragement jeez🙄 you people are vicious damn


Our bodys are all different some can hear the heartbeat at 8 weeks others cant I couldnt hear my daughters till 12 or so weeks but if you are concerned contact your gp and they can give you all the answers you need best of luck :heart:

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Yes!!! My baby had a heartbeat at almost 7 weeks. But sometimes it’s to early to see a heartbeat.

You should have ask your ob right there on the spot


No. Sorry for your loss

I had an ultrasound and they told me i wasnt pregnant. 6 months later i had twin boys.:smiling_face:

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Why can’t you put trigger warnings on this shit…

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Would need an ultrasound to determine that. If you had an u/s and seen a sac and no heart tones, there’s no hope :pensive:. Sorry for your loss :disappointed:

Wait you got back from the OB
But then you consult with Social Media Specialists?


Dunno. I’ve been lied to and cheated on but never pregnant. Go back to your doctor. Prayers to you, and yours.

Yes, There is ALWAYS hope!! Keep praying and God will find it soon enough!!

Yes, baby could be younger than you think, or the heart could not be devloped enough to beat loud enough to hear, or baby could have stuff in the way of the sound waves that prevents you from hearing it. about 12-16 weeks is a good heartbeat age for baby.


What did the OB say?


When i got mine done around 8 weeks i dont think they could hear one but i think they could see it still

Prayers :pray: I think u be okay

It is possible, that at 8 weeks, the heartbeat can’t be HEARD yet, as the baby is very small. However, if the OB said that the heartbeat has stopped, then there isn’t any hope that it will come back. I’m very sorry. BUT, if your doctor just couldn’t hear the heartbeat, then an ultrasound will tell you!


Why are people so rude to this girl she clearly wants someone to talk to hun get a counselor im sorry for you’re loss but no heart beat means no baby you can try again and be susesefull good luck in youre futcher find a group on Facebook for woman in youre situation


Transvaginal ultrasound is needed in this set of circumstances


There is always hope :pray:t5:


I personally have had this go both ways, one pregnancy they couldn’t hear it at 8 weeks and I did have a miscarriage a few days later… Another pregnancy they couldn’t hear it a 8 weeks but did an ultrasound to check and I now have a 10 yr old. My advice is to ask for an ultrasound. Best of luck, prayers and good vibes to you.

Yes, I was 13wks and they couldn’t find a heartbeat on Ultrasound. They sent me home with papers about miscarriage. I went back in a few weeks later and they found my sons heartbeat. He had been a twin. His brother passed and was blocking them from finding him.

Anything is possible. Maybe they couldn’t hear it for some weird reason. I wish you the best :heart:

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You need to have a transvaginal ultra sound and blood work to check your hormone levels. If your levels are dropping then The pregnancy is not viable. I’m so sorry sorry. I went through this myself. It’s so hard. Sending love and prayers

Dates could be wrong,did u have external/external us, hcg bloods?

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What did the doctor say?

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Tons of prayers! What did your Dr. Say?

Didn’t hear my last sons heartbeat until 10 weeks but they checked with ultrasound at 8 weeks when no heartbeat could be heard with doplar. He is now 8 years old . Good luck to you :two_hearts:

They don’t always find the heartbeat at the first ob appointment but an ultrasound is usually scheduled to look for a heartbeat. I have 5 kiddos and my last they didn’t hear the heartbeat at the office but the ultrasound they did.

Ask your doctor to order an ultrasound. No heartbeat doesn’t necessarily mean no hope. The fetus could be turned around or there could be something in the way.


Please let us,the ones who really care, what happens in the next week or so.
Sending prays.


It’s really hard to find a heartbeat at 8 weeks but an ultrasound would better tell you if there is one.

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They did not hear my sons until 12 weeks. So I’m not 100% sure what to say. What did the OB say?

I believe that may be too early. But, if they did an ultrasound, they may have been able to see something there.

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There is hope.at 8 weeks was told my uterus was empty no sign of being pregnant but later at 12weeks was change

My ob didn’t find a heartbeat till I was 9 weeks hun so there is hope I hope it all goes well

I will pray for a heartbeat. But they’re slim

Go for 2nd opinion. If the result is the same then I think there is no hope. That is from my experience. Be strong and pray. Miracles do happen.

What did your OB say? Was it a vaginal ultrasound? Did they draw blood to measure the pregnancy hormones to compare to another date? Depending on whether the levels are increasing or dropping would be helpful to know. Maybe the dates are off. I know my dates were incorrect and at 5 weeks a vaginal ultrasound could not detect a heartbeat but when I went back the second time it was there💜

There is still a chance… Pray… God has the final say

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From experience could be too soon, I didn’t hear anything until around 10 to 11 weeks… im hopeful :relieved:

Could be not 8 weeks yet. It’s still hope

Internal ultrasound is the best way to know for sure.

Don’t give up , they sent you home for a reason

Probably too early. Watch for cramping and bleeding. Hope all turns out well

God bless you either way

Did they do a internal ultrasound that is what I had to confirm

Get an ultrasound done

At my 9 or 11 week appt the nurse told us before listening that we may not be able to hear it yet and to not get upset/sad/worried of we couldn’t.