I used a regular stethoscope
Its way to early and it is mot recommended to use a home dopplerb if you are not a trained professional.
Some hospitals can pick up a heartbeat at 7 weeks 3 days with a doppler
10 weeks before you can hear with external Doppler in my experience
I was unable to hear a heartbeat on a home doppler before 14 weeks with both of mine. I would wait.
I would just wait!! Cause if you didn’t hear it immediately, you could cause yourself stress if your baby was alive and ok. (I know I would be pretty worried and in the dr office pronto if that happened lol)
Its almost always more difficult to hear heart tones that early. I would save yourself the worry and stress and wait if you can. But if you can’t, see if your Dr or midwife can request an sonogram. That might put out at ease
I rented a fetal Doppler at 10 weeks. I was 115 pounds. I enjoyed hearing my baby. I kept the Doppler until my baby’s kicks were felt
1st baby at 6weeks 2nd baby no
No but I heard the heartbeat at 8 weeks
That’s usually too early to hear via Doppler. Sometimes the OB has a hard time finding it even at 12 weeks via Doppler
I believe we weren’t able to pick up the heartbeat on an at home doppler either pregnancy until between 9 and 10 weeks.
Wouldn’t recommend. You’ll just drive yourself insane and cause unnecessary anxiety if you can’t find their heartbeat with it.
These aren’t recommended at all for safety reasons as sometimes people use them for re-assurance for reduced movements to see if there is a heart beat. Where in fact Midwives aren’t just listening to the heart beat they are listening for depth and rhythm etc so just to advise not to use them on this basis. Always go straight to your maternity triage or unit if any doubt whatsoever. But if just using to hear the heartbeat for yours or families sake that’s fine. Don’t want to sound patronizing or a Karen either just maybe for anyone on this post that didn’t know, it could save a babies life. Xx
i wouldn’t order one it’ll drive you abs insane and make you more nervous - my doctor always checked the heartbeat at my first appts at 7/8 weeks and we were able to hear it
I used one and couldn’t find our rainbow baby’s until 16 weeks. It’s so much weaker than the doctors office but once you hear it, you will be overjoyed
10-11 weeks I was able to find both of my babies heartbeats
6 weeks is too early, some brands claim they can pick up the heartbeat from around 8/9 weeks and some from 12/16 but many advise to use in your third trimester from around 28 weeks…mainly due to so you don’t cause yourself unnecessary stress from either 1) not being able to pick it up or 2) hearing extra strange sounds that can go on inside there from baby or your own body
No. I also recommend not relying on a home doppler. Everytime i used mine and couldnt find the heartbeat i freaked out. They arent as advanced as the one at the docs office
I used a fetal doppler every night with my baby. We heard his heart beat at 8 weeks.
At home dopplers are not as clear as the ones used by the OB office and typically cannot pick up anything until about 12-16 weeks for most people, so I definitely wouldn’t anticipate hearing anything sooner than that at home but they will usually look for baby’s heartbeat with the Doppler or Ultrasound at the office around 10-12 weeks, sometimes sooner with ultrasound. Hope that helps!
I found my daughters before 12 weeks and the doctor did as well. I was about 9 weeks.
I would definitely order one. However, we didn’t start hearing our baby until roughly 9-10 weeks from our home doppler.
I found mine at home around 12 weeks.
I used one. I couldn’t find baby myself until 14 weeks. It’s much weaker than a doctor office machine.
I could but not till I was like 9-10 weeks
Not until about 16 weeks
I feel like this would just create more anxiety for you if you couldn’t find it yourself which is not worth it in my opinion.
I would totally advise against getting theses especially if you are not trained in using them as you can often think you have found the heartbeat but it’s not it’s the placenta this also shouldn’t be used for reassurance as just because you can hear a heartbeat doesn’t mean everything is OK
Also its hard for a trained professional to find a heartbeat using a doppler before 12 weeks so the likelihood of you actually finding the heartbeat yourself is slim
Not 6 weeks but 9w and on (: Also, once you find the baby you know the difference between its heartbeat and the other sounds.
I tried and tried but didnt get it. Kept finding my own, but couldn’t hear that rapid pitter patter until 10 weeks. That was with my 4th child. You need to put it right at your pubic bone.
I was about 14 weeks when I first found a heartbeat with my doppler. It took me about 20 minutes of very slowly moving the wand around. The further along I got, the easier it was to find. I loved my doppler. It put my mind at ease several times when I didn’t feel much movement.
I wasn’t able to hear it at ten weeks w mine and I have a very small build.
You’ll make yourself crazy if you can’t find it. Even drs and techs have trouble sometimes.
Please don’t use a Doppler.
Trust the professionals.
If you’re ever I doubt they are only a phone call away
They do not recommend trying before that time for many reasons. It’s worth getting but I wouldn’t try to use it before 12 weeks
id leave that to the midwives they are experienced at using these and 6wks is a bit early as usually hospitals do this internally x
I’m tiny 100lbs. My doctor couldn’t find a heartbeat till 10 weeks
They say you just hear your one not the babies
…as we aren’t experts you won’t know what you are listening too…
I had one and it was great to have. I listened everyday until I found it. Then I listened all the time.
I’m 17 weeks and still haven’t heard mine x