Were you induced of did you go into labor on your own?

For those of you who have two or more children… did they come on their own, or were you induced? My first son came on his own at 37 weeks, five days. I had to be induced with my 2nd son at 39 weeks. I’m 35 weeks pregnant with my 3rd son & I hope to go into labor on my own so badly… if I make it to 39 weeks, I’ll have to be induced again due to my blood clotting disorders.


Do you have Factor V?

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My first was induced Andy 2nd came on her own

I was induced at 37 weeks due to high blood pressure

I went into labor on my own at 41 weeks 2 days because I refused to be induced. There’s no need to be induced at 39 weeks like so many doctors push for unless there is a medical reason such as failure to thrive in utero, high blood pressure causing issues, etc. Baby will come when baby is ready.

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Induced with both the day after their due dates due to gestational diabetes

I went into labor on my own with my daughter but with my son i was induced 1 day before i was 39 weeks due to him causing me do much pain

Induced at 37 with first, e c-section after 26 hours and 1 cm. 2nd, I planned the c-section on the latest possible date they would allow, but I wasn’t even starting to dilate by that point. The scheduled c-section was way better than laboring, tbh.

My first was induced. My second was not. I hated being induced. Hopefully babe comes soon for you.

My first was a csection due to baby being breech so I was sent to hospital to have her at 38 weeks, I went into labor on my own with my son the day after my due date and had a v-bac, they broke my water though after over 12 hours of labor and had him 24 hrs later :grimacing:

My first came on her own at 34 weeks my second i was induced at 37 weeks

1st was induced because of blood pressure, i was 21…2nd came out on her own quick 14 yrs later!!!

I had to be induced for both pregnancies. One was two weeks early from DD and one was one week late from DD

My oldest came on her own at 38 weeks. Babies 2 and 3 came the day before I would have been induced for medical reasons (39 weeks and 38 weeks + 6 days)

All 5 came on their own

1st induced 2nd on my own

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Every pregnancy is different. No one can tell u what your body will do. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

First was induced at 41 weeks 3 days cause he wasn’t budging, second water broke in the Walmart check out but labor stopped when they checked to make sure so ending up being induced at couple days over 39 weeks and my third was a c section 1 day before his due date because he was breach and my blood pressure was going up daily.

First went into labor naturally and it was easy, no epidural. Second I was induced, it took twice as long and no way could I have done it without the epidural. I very much understand wanting to not be induced… definitely do not recommend.

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I just had my son at 42wks + 3 days according to scan dates 43wks + 5 days according to my dates. Naturally went into labour, 2hr labour from first contraction to birth. All healthy & straight forward homebirth. Other 3 were overdue also from 40+ to 41+ and all naturally went into labour. My first was induced at 42wks however.

Went into labor with my first at 39 weeks 3 days and was induced at 37 weeks with my 2nd due to preclampsia.

I went in labor on my own with both of mine

Went into labor with all 3 of mine without induction. My oldest girl was on her due date…my only boy was at exactly 39 weeks…and my youngest girl was @39 weeks 2 days.

But I did have to have my water broken with both my older kids…because I was so far along in the labor and my amniotic sacks were especially tough. (According to the OB doctors)

My first 3 were induced. My fourth came all on her own as I was vacuuming before work.

I’ve had 7 babies. 2 are csection, 4 induced, 1 came on their own

Induced at 39w6d with #1. Induced at 39 weeks with #2. Induced at 40w3d with #3 but was already in labor that morning.

I was induced with my first two. My first was because I had heart complications. My second was induced 8 days before his due date because I’d been in preterm labor 3 times and I was over it. My 3 and 4th came on their own. My 3rd was born naturally at home, my 4th was born at the hospital for precautions because he was in an awkward position and they didn’t know if he would turn or not. Every pregnancy/ delivery is different. My first was very traumatic he was born at 35 weeks and there were so many docs and nurses and drugs. But the rest were a lot more calm. Be patient mama baby will come. 35 weeks is a bit early yet.

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First induced 40 weeks
Second water broke emergency c section 36 weeks
Third planned c section 39 weeks
Fourth contractions at 37 weeks, planned c section 39.5 weeks

I was induced with all 3 of my kids.

I was induced for both of mine. My first at 36 weeks (pre-eclampsia), and my second at 39 weeks.

Induced, didn’t work and I was sent home. Induced again didn’t work, C-section after the 2nd bag of pitocin.

Induced for all of my kids.

My first was induced, her due date was October 5, 1993, come October 10th the doctor decided to induce me on the 15th born on the 16th if she did not come sooner. My second was induced, I had due dates of March 22, March 30, and, April 14. The doctor started inducing her April 1, (1997) she finally came out April 2 after at least 7 bags of pitocin baby doctor said she was nearly a month early. My son was natural his due date was January 23, 1999, he was born at 12:46 am on the 24th. I would not wish being induced on anyone. Honestly if you don’t want more children after this you could look into a C-section, far better than being induced (my personal opinion)

My first and second both came at 38 and 2 on their own. Had my 3rd 5 days ago. Went in to be induced at 40 wks and went into labor on my own while I was in Triage waiting on the Dr to come in.

I was induced but it was planned early on because I am a type 1 diabetic. Xx

I had to be induced with both of mine. First one was a week late and I was in labor for 3 days. Second one I was in labor for 8 hrs.

All 3 babes came on their own. 2 were 4 days late and one was on the money

1st 2nd on there own. 3rd 4th 5th induced but had medical issues

Bounce gently on an exercise ball while watching tv.

  1. Induced at 42 weeks.
  2. Stripped at 40 weeks, then labor started, then it took a looooong time, so given a little pitocin just to get him going.
  3. Induced at 42 weeks. Again, just a little pitocin.
  4. Induced at 41 +3. Again, just a little pitocin.
    Seriously, I had the last three with no pain meds. Couldn’t just ONE of them have been on time? :joy:

My 1st was 16days overdue, 2nd was 8 days over, 3rd was only 3 days overdue! All come on there own when ready :grinning:

My first came on his own at 33 weeks my second I was induced at 35 weeks

Both were induced.
My first was 40+2 days
My second was 37 weeks
And now I am 31 weeks and waiting on the arrival.

I was induced with my first two at 41 weeks and went into labor on my own at 40 1/2 weeks. I always “thought” i liked being induced better because I was prepared and knew when it was coming, but I wish my first two were on their own! My contractions were so much worse with induction. Good luck :blush:

I was 40+5 when i had my daughter and at my 40 week check up they said they were going to induce me at 41 weeks if she didn’t come before then.

Induced at 39 with both of mine due to diabetes. I had contractions on my own but never progressed.

I went on my own both times.

First I was induced, he was 8 days late.
Second, my water broke 4 days early
Third, I was scheduled to be induced but my water broke 5 days prior. My body needed a little help getting things going.

My first one came on his own at 41 weeks 4 days, I was actually scheduled to be induced that day. My second I was induced and she came at 41 weeks 4 days…My children are just stubborn.

4 babies, i was induced with all of them except the second.

I have four kids going on five. I never tried to go on my own bc I am short and was huge and miserable so my dr gave me choice with first two to induce. I also had gestational diabetes with all but one child (so far two). He told me if I didn’t go on my own it’s unlikely I would with any of my other kids and same with my water breaking. So yea with all the kiddos he gave me the choice of going on my own and I wanted too but im usually so over it by then I just let them induce. Every pregnancy is different

I was due to be induced but then early that night/morning (2am) I went into labor
Had him at 7.49pm

I was induced at 42 weeks with my first
Number 2 came alone at 37 weeks
Number 3 went into labor 39 weeks day before I was to be induced
Number 4 induced at 39 weeks
Number 5 came on own at 38 weeks
Number 6 on his own at 38 weeks

My first boy came on his own a month early and my second I got induced four days before my due date. I honestly couldn’t stand waiting for my second to come on his own lol I preferred the induction

1st, 1 week late on her own, 2nd induced 6 weeks early, 3rd 3weeks early on her own, 4th and 5th on time on their own.

On my own w both boys

Went into labor on my own for both. First was 8 days late. Second was.3 days late.

I was induced with both.

My first second and third I wasn’t induced, they all made an appearance betwen 38 and 40 weeks. My 4th my water broke but I had to be induced to start contractions. Pregnant with my 5th now and hopefully this one will show up on its own.

My first was induced, … 2nd was C section because she was coming feet first and they couldn’t get her turned.

Had both of mine on my own. That was 17 & 19 years ago now. Whoa.

Both of mine came on their own. Both spontaneous at 37 weeks

Both mine came exactly one week early
No inducing on either

Was induced with both of my children due to pre-eclampsia.

All three were induced for different reasons

6 kids 1st due date 2nd a week over 3rd a day or 2 late 4th due date 5th around due date 6th week late and induced :person_shrugging:

I’ve had 6 kids, 3rd and 6th were induced, 3rd was overdue, 6th was due to Gestatiinal diabetes. Other 4 were just spontaneous natural.

1st came on his own 2 weeks early, 2nd came on his own on his due date, was induced with 3at 41 weeks, 4 at 39 weeks and 5 at 37 weeks, and 5 ended up with a STAT c-section.

Two of my pregnancies were induced first one ugir and one daughter had one kidney and second pregnacy was induced because i had group b strep i lived to far away from hospital and third pregnacy i went natural without pain meds

Induced with both at 40 weeks and 5 days. First was because she was big at 9.9 pounds. Second because they thought he was big also but he was a tiny 8.9 pounds lol.

i did 5 natural births no pains at all and was voluntarily induced 3 times (Yea I got 8)

first one went in the night before getting induced lol and 2nd came on his due date. Now with my third due date is tomorrow

Neither of mine were induced. My first came on his own almost 6 weeks early and the other came on her own almost 4 weeks early.

5 kids. 1st came on due date. 2nd 3 days early. 3, induced at 41 and 1 day. 4th 2 days early and 5th 3 days early.

I was induced with both my kids my son was induced at 36 weeks due to blood pressure issues (was in labor 28 hours with him) then my daughter was induced at 39 weeks because my doctor let me be induced ( was in labor for not even 3 hours)

Induced for my second baby but on my own for my other 2. I loved being induced lol you know when the baby is coming so no mad rush to the hospital :smiley: try not to stress… whatever’s going to happen is going to happen! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have 3 children, induced for all.

Had 2 never been induced even tho it almost happened for my second

My first kid i was 41 weeks went into labor but never progressed so had to be induced. Second kid water broke at 37 weeks never progressed had to be induced too.

I’m currently 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant and I’m worried in the next couple day’s she won’t come and I’ll be induced which people tell me is a lot worse?

I was induced with both. My first was just lazy lol my second I had gestational diabetes.

1st one was a day before due date.
2nd one 13 days early.
3rd was 5 days past due.
4th was 2 days past due. All came on their own but the twins (5 and 6) who was 35 weeks and 4 days.

First 2 naturally on there own 3rd induced as water’s were broken but no action next 2 naturally on there own and 6th due tomorrow and having a c section

I was induced with both unfortunately. My oldest came the day before his due date and my youngest came the day after

Both came on their own

I went into labor on my own with all 3. First was at 41+ weeks, second was at 37 week and third was at 39 weeks.
Personally, it seems like the more actively I am trying to get a baby out of me the more they want to stay in :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

We were on the books to be induced with all of my babies. But mother nature took over and I had them all very fast and naturally.

I was induced with my last to pregnancies but ended up having c-sections because of complications. My first was an emergency c-section. Every pregnancy is different.

Born on due date : I was in full on labor with my son, but they had to break my water (which they apparently count as inducing lmao).

Born 2 weeks “late” : My daughter, they had to induce me…multiple times :joy: 1st time they said the damn balloon thing (foolie or whatever) wouldnt stay in cuz I was so much dilated :joy: 2nd time they had to give me drugs to induce me, then broke my water.

I didn’t need induced.

Both of mine came on their own but with my first they did give me pitocin to speed things up.

I was induced but ended up having to have a C-section. She was born at 38 and a half weeks.

So, long story, kinda shortened.
I was a week overdue, and scheduled to be induced on May 21 at 6pm.
I was woken up at 5 AM by contractions that were approximately 2 minutes apart.
Went to hospital.
Only 1 cm dilated.
Was sent home until contractions were 1 minute apart, or 6 pm, whichever happened first.
6pm rolled around (I was DYING from the pain of contractions and so mad they sent me home), went back to hospital to be induced.
Still only 1cm.
Induced, labored, epidural, more labor, more pitocin, I passed out, 36 hours later dr asked if I wanted to continue to wait and see if I dilate more or if I wanted to do c section.

I was hungry.
I was tired.
I was sore.
I wanted my baby.

I opted for c-section.
30 minutes later, I was holding my baby.

I only got to 7cm dilated, 100% effaced.

Induced with my first, but it was because i had a hairline rupture. She was in her due date!

My first was induced at 42 weeks. My second was at about 41 weeks. My third came earthside on her due date at 40 weeks, which happened to be Christmas day. And my fourth was 41 weeks, 5 days. My first was my only induction. :slightly_smiling_face: