What advice would you give someone in a long distance relationship?

I’m in the long-distance relationship. 1500 miles apart. We do text every single day. We call each other as much as possible. He was my best friend before my boyfriend and would make me feel like the most amazing queen ever. And as a relationship, he does what he should. But it’s just different. Strenuous almost. Idk. Anyway, my question is, are any of you in long-term long-distance relationships, and what’s the best advice possible?


You should know yourself if it really going to work. When my then boyfriend told me that his visa is already on process for him to migrate in another country, i told him let us be realistic and i wish him the best but i know if he really did pushthrough with his plan we will separate in the end because being together physically is going to be impossible. So what’s the use of being there now if it wont turn into a lifetime commitment together physically. turns out he loves me more so he cancelled his plan and a year later we got married. So my advice is to talk more deeply with your so and asked him if he see you together physically and if he has any concrete plan to make it happen in the near future otherwise stop wasting each others time and move on.

Why not move where he is or vice versa?

In a long distance relationship for the past almost year, with someone i’ve known in person 20 years ago. We talk on the phone multiple times a day and text all the time. We see each other in person every 2-3 months. Its hard but it works for us. Just make sure that you have plans to see each other, so you always have something to look forward to. We’re only still long distance cause he’s involved in a car accident lawsuit and has to go to their doctors. Within the next few months he will be moving across the country to be with me permanently.

Communication is the key. Ya’ll can make it work.

Unless one of you is planning to move, what’s the point?

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Good Communication,trust,loyalty and respect.

Put a timeline to it. How long are you willing to live this way

There needs to be an end goal. A date to when you’ll be living in the same place. Then atleast you’re working towards something.

You alone wear the shoes so do what works for you.

I was :::just a hund miles apart ::for nine or ten months ::;then we moved in together ::: t’was WONDERFUL :::: Now 35yrs later ::: one has passed on ::: do what your heart tells ya :::Good Luck to ya.

Do you visit in person often enough?

Visit often, move closer together, or break up. Harsh but eventually the distance will be an issue. Whether it’s months or years.


Well, how much inclination has he given as to how soon he wants to close the distance? And yourself? Long distance can become a little too convenient sometimes. If togetherness is a mutual goal, set a date and work on it


My now husband n I started off like that. Friends from childhood He was in okc n I was in Chicago.

N here we are 7 years later. Im

I would visit often (2 way street) and see what compromises can be made on moving closer when it’s serious or if you plan on having a future together. I don’t think I could do it so good luck! Sincerely!

Get a Boyfriend and don’t tell him and don’t tell the other one either :blush: That’s what most girls do


Did four years. It never gets easier. The feeling when you see each other is always orgasmically exciting, but the pain of having to say goodbye only gets harder and harder.

My advice would be to start planning out how to be together and work toward that goal. My fiancé and I survived, but the mental anguish and emptiness is real and really difficult to push through without there being an ending in sight.


Trust that he is a good and honest man. Tell him I’m glad you called, your voice brightens my day…

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Have faith, be honest and have open conversations about what you two want from each other and the outcome of the relationship. I knew my now husband was the one. Him in PA and me in South Texas. My daughter and I made the move after 4 months of dating long distance with trips happening on both ends. Got married 2 years into the relationship and now expecting a baby together. Do not listen to people who say it will never work because once you get that mind set, your relationship is doomed

To be honest…relationships need that close proximity. The touching, the hugs, the quality time of just being in their presence. While the love may be strong…but a sort of resentment will form. The distance will take a toll. I do wish I had advice…I had a long distance relationship it didn’t last. We were together for 4 years and friends before hand. But the phone calls will only do so much.


I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work. If you’ve never met then it isn’t worth it. If you’ve met a few times it just depends on the work you put into it. But to me its a waste of time when you are so far away and there’s 0 intimacy and and 0 face to face contact.

My daughter 18 and her boyfriend 19 have been doing it since aug. California and Texas. College. Lots of face time. Have faith and trust each other. Today is their 3 year anniversary. If a couple of kids can figure it out I’m sure you can. Best of luck. And remember absences makes the heart grow fonder.

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Do you both have intentions of being never each other again or is this a permanent situation?
Keep the intimacy alive. It’s a little harder and a little different of course, but it’s still possible.

My husband and I were in 1 for 2 years. I was in OH, and he in FL. It was hard, but we became best friends 1st. We’ve been married for almost 11 years now. It can work if you want it to work. I ended up moving to FL after we got married.

Be careful about expectations. Stay in friendship and support mode. Be real and honest just like you were before…

I did long distance for 4 months when I met my hubby and it was hard, (married 12 years now) it didn’t last! I caved in and came back home coz I got jealous every time I heard a girls name. But that’s me. Lol

I did my LDR for about 5 years, it was very very tough. It took understanding and honest communication, especially about needs.

They are possible as long as both put thier all in it. I’ve been with my husband married for 15years, before that, we dated for 6 years long distance. I was in Chicago, he was Houston. It was hard but we put in the work.

If it’s meant to work it will.
For me, I’d be staying friends until you can be in a normal relationship and see what happens.

The goal in life is happiness! If he gets you there, then go there!

Being in a close distance relationship is hell, so you got my prayers

If you really love each other, you won’t be able to just walk away. You will make a way. Someone has to compromise. And only you know if it’s worth it to you.

I’m closing in and 3 years right now. Constant communication is important. We call all the time. Especially since neither of us are working due to covid. Even when we both did work we did sleep calls. Just fall asleep on the phone together. We send each other pics throughout the day too. He went for a walk and showed me the water and ships,for example. You can spend time together too. There’s games to play together and movies you can stream. Discord allows for screen sharing. Do you give each other gifts too? We often send each other stuff. Also, I’d suggest on planning for the future and saving up for it. I was supposed to move to his city but then covid hit. Now I have to wait until it’s over.

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Life is too short to make exceptions in a personal relationship. You either " settle " or end it. You can find another relationship that is close, and convenient.

Dont trust it. Guy I know moved to Michigan and his gf lives in Colorado. Not even a week her and he already started hooking up with someone else.

it was painful and it sucked

If neither of you plan on moving to where the other is, then it’s pointless. You’re just wasting y’alls time in the end.

Been there done that and at some point someone has to move…what’s the plan? Otherwise it’s doomed.

Make the effort. Will makes the way to be together

I was in an LDR from 2011 to 2017. Sometimes it was hard especially on those days/nights where I needed a hug or a kiss, but we made it work. In 2017 he was finally able to move in and we got married 2 months later. If you guys want it to work, you’ll find a way to make it work. Just be patient and understanding and make sure to visit whenever possible.

Married for 4 years now and I’m in the Caribbean and my husband is in the UK. We both trying to save as much as we can to get it see each other but it’s an uphill battle. We facetime, WhatsApp, call and everything we possibly can to make each other happy and sane. I hope 1 day we can see each other again. Haven’t seen him since 2018

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Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in Europe but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called him. he gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to him. he asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. he cast his spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. And he also told me that my husband will return that he has settled that After a few weeks my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.

Find an end to it. It’s easier if there is an end game. We did it during my husbands post doc. So we always knew it was temporary. We were married at the time and I got pregnant with our first child towards the end.

It doesn’t get any easier. So you have to decide whether to have faith in each other that you can keep it going or to never see each other again. Because there’s no going back to being friends.

They never work move closer or call it quits… get moving girl :girl:t3: location location location