What age do you think it's okay to give your child gum?

3 and 4 and if they swallow it tell them no more gum.

My daughter is 5 and has been chewing gum for over a year now. Im always around her when she has it in her mouth. But as soon as she trys to “play” with it I make her spit it out. So she doesnt get it in her hair. I think it depends on the child. Some kids act older then they really are.

I didn’t let my child have gum til she turned 6… and even then I have to gawk her cause she tries to chew many more pieces than 1

My 5 year & 3 year old chew gum, sometimes. They only chew it, don’t swallow it or play with it. Once done they put it in the trash & go wash there teeth afterwards.

Honestly my oldest didnt get any till he was 7 so literally last year. My other two dont want it. We don’t really have it in the house. I’ve seen kids choke on it and I’m just not about that life lol

My son is 4 and chews gum no problem.

The same age it’s okay to give your child a cigarette!

Wouldn’t even give them any :vulcan_salute:t2: