hey mamas, i know this might be a little controversial… but what age do y’all think is good for a kid to have a phone? My daughter 6 (i think she’s still too young) but she’ll be 7 in October and was thinking about getting her one. She has her ipad and takes good care of it. i just worry about her going to school, her friends house etc. and not being able to contact me.
Really? 7? We didn’t even have a house phone when I was 7.
7 is way too young in my opinion.
But there are phones you can do parental control and lock certain things and you can put the browser restricted only for kids too.
I got my son one at 8 but it was a flip phone n it was 100% necessary due to our circumstances at that time. He’s 16 almost 17 now n is extremely responsible for his phone now.
Once they join sports or any other extracurricular in middle school. My 7 yr old has an iPad. If for whatever reason we’re not at the same location and I need to speak to him, I FaceTime his iPad
It really depends on your situation. My son is now 12 but he has had one since he was 7 he has a medical condition for my sake insanity they it gave me peace of mind
My daughter is 9 year old she probably won’t get one until she’s like 12 she’s not really interested
When they start a job or in an after school sport.
There is so many phone companies that offer parental controls. I wouldn’t give my child a phone without setting that up.
I think 7 is young I have a 7 year old and I wouldn’t. But if you worried maybe get a watch. They can text and even make calls and you can see their location on a watch as well.
I got my daughter a smart watch at 10, it only has calls and texting, no Internet. With approved contacts and things only I can control. I think it depends on your situation and the maturity level of the child but I personally disagree with phones under 10 for sure, unless there is some medical/concerning reason.
I got my daughter her first iPhone at 10 years old and she’s 15 now.
We got our granddaughter a go-phone. She can make calls, take pictures to download and listen to music from radio stations. Parents hold all of the controls. No incoming pictures from the internet, no incoming texts or advertising on the phone. Parents put into the approved numbers and contacts.
My daughter turns 8 tomorrow and we are gifting her my old phone (iPhone 11). With that being said, we are not putting service on it, it will only work on WiFi similar to her iPad. If she takes care of it and keeps up with it, we may add her an actual line for her 9th birthday.
If where she’s going doesn’t have a house or parents cell phone why is she going?
My kid was 11 before I got her one. I think 7 is way too young.
7??? Ummm definitely not. 7 is way too young in my opinion as I have a 7 1/2 year old and a 6 year old daughter and they aren’t getting a phone till they are responsible enough for it.
I recently got my oldest a phone, she’s 10. I was going to wait till she was an actual teenager but the circumstances is, she walks to the bus stop by herself and waits a while for the bus alone. She updates me on when the bus is late or hasn’t shown up. It’s also a bonus bcuz then she can easily contact me when she’s visiting family and friends. She is asthmatic as well but very responsible.
In my opinion 7 is too young. I gave my children phones at 11 because they walk to school from that age so I feel like they need them but they have parental controls on them . I don’t think they need a phone before that especially if they have a tablet/iPad.
7 is too young. She can take her iPad to her friends house to contact you if needed. And she can use the office phone at school. My son is 13 and never calls me from his cell phone at school. He has to use the office phone.
7 is Way too young. personally my Oldest didn’t get a phone till year 5 and that was mainly because he was leaving school at the end of year 5 to start a New school for year 6 and he wanted to keep InTouch with old friends ( At first I did have a set up WhatsApp Group on my phone for him to chat to a few friends a few turned out to be a lot more then I thought and I wasn’t Comfortable with them having my phone number so I got him a phone… 7 is way to Young…
Teens like 14 is the youngest id consider
My 7 year old has a Cosmo phone watch for anxiety comfort when he goes to dad’s. He barely uses it, but has it if he needs it.
I think middle school , my 5th grader is begging me for one but I think she’s too small
My son got a phone for Xmas. He’s 9. He usually uses it to really just talk to me or dad. He texts when he’s on the bus and from the afternoon program
My oldest will be 14 in June and doesn’t have a phone- he goes no where without a parent besides school so he doesn’t need one
Do what you want your paying the bill not these people who are saying too young lol. Only YOU know your child and if you think he or she is ready I say go for it . Do what you believe is right not what these random strangers say about it. Also in this day and age where killers are everywhere I would give but that’s just me
I would personally wait until she is older.
My son got one at 11. Main reason is so I can communicate with him. He goes places like skate Park and hanging with friends.
I got my kids (8 and 10) and bark phone with no apps or games. Just for when they have a sports practice or go somewhere outside of the home or to school. You have to approve all the contacts, and they monitor it for any foul language or anything wrong that is said in a text or a recorded video. You can also track their location. It gives me peace of mind!
My son got his first phone at 12 which is a flip phone. He is 14 now and still doesn’t own a smart phone.
I think 7 is far too young. Il only be getting my daughter a phone when she is in high school and is making her own way home
That’s too young. Phones get spam calls, wrong numbers, and things like that.
I don’t do sleepovers for children that young and it’s pick up and drop off for school. The need for mine to have a phone that young just isn’t there.
My daughter got one when she was about 9. And that was because her older siblings all had one, and we were out of ideas for Xmas presents it was about the time all her friends had one too, so they were all calling each other after school and on weekends. Never had an issue with it. But 6 or 7 (and I have 2 atm at that age) just seems so unnecessary and, in my opinion, too complex for them to understand phone etiquette etc.
My twin boys got phones at 14. I also let them game online. Worst mistake I’ve ever made!! We went from having to buy 6 bicycles a year (because they wore them out) to no bicycles. Wait as long as you can.
My son has has his since he was 10 years old and he’s 17 now
My daughter got her first phone at 10. That was the year she started taking the bus and I wanted her to have it in case something happened. She took the wrong bus home on the first day and called me crying. I talked to the driver and met her at one of the stops. I was thankful we had gotten her the phone
When you’re old enough to make the money to pay for it
My daughter got a phone at 7 I didn’t like it but she was doing competitive cheer and spending all her time at the cheer gym 40 minutes away from the house and with having two toddlers I wasn’t one of the moms who were able to just sit in the parking lot and in todays day in age she needed a way to be able to get in touch with me fast. Now I didn’t lock it down with a ton of parental controls
If it’s communication- get her a watch.
My oldest daughter is 12 and still no phone. Maybe when she turns 14.
I’d say if she’s going to have one get her a brick phone ((older model)) one that can only text and call my child is 7 and he’s not getting a phone till he’s like 10 and at that point it’ll be like a Nokia phone
My kids have phones they are 8, 10 and 12 x they use it to speak to their dad whenever they like, tracking when out playing with friends and cousins they call them up then play on their phones talking to each other whilst playing x also their school apps are on their phones to practice maths ect
My son is 12 and just got one. Only because he cruises around town on his bike and I want to be able to get ahold of him. Where is your 7 year old going without you or an adult?
My kids were about 13/14, when they got to 8 th grade when we got them cell phones
Unless it’s for safety Absoutly not, kids do not need electronics this young