What age should babies get their ears pierced?

I’m letting my daughter decide when she wants to get it done. She is 8 now

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We are waiting until she is ready for them and asks for them. My Italian family is not a fan of this decision. :joy:

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6 months is when we got my daughters done. My 6 year old son asked if boys can get ears pierced so we’ll be getting his done for his birthday in may.

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I’m getting my daughter’s done when she’s born after her first round of shots. Go to a piercer (not Claire’s or a piercing stand) or some pediatricians do it as well.


When their old enough to decide that for herself.


Never, you wait until that child asks


I caved when my daughter was 6. Signed her own consent and picked her own earrings. She had been asking a while. And I feel she’s old enough to understand the cleaning and looking after them. Took her to have them done with a needle though and did my research before I picked somewhere x

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Personally me and my fiance aren’t piercing them until she asks


My daughter was 3 months old when I got hers done. She is 13 now and they are still pierced.

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My mom had mine pierced when I was 6 months old and I still have those holes today at 35. I tried to have my daughter’s pierced at the same age and she kept pulling them out so we decided to not try again until she was old enough to ask for it and take care of it. With my youngest, it’ll be the same. When she can fully understand what it is and can help take care of them, we’ll get it done.

My girls weren’t ready until 5 and 6. I let them make the decision

When they’re old enough to understand that you’re permanently changing their body, she can suffer from infections & that there’s pain involved in this body mutilation. So prolly 18 years old.


I had my daughters done when she was 3 months old


Wait until they are old enough to ask. Let them make the decision when they can. If you do choose to do it as a infant go professional not the mall or small shop to get them done 9/10 they will have to be redone when they are older because the lobes are not big enough yet for a proper and even placement.


My oldest was 5, son was 4, youngest was 8. We waited so long for the youngest because my older 2 had a reaction to the metal.

My oldest 2 had theirs done at pediatrician office at 4 months old. My youngest was 2 months old and we took her to a piercing pagoda in our mall. I switched pediatricians and the new one doesn’t do it. Only issue I’ve had was my middle child constantly pulling the backs off for a while there but she stopped now. My mom had mine and my sisters down when we were babies too.

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That’s not my decision to make that’s my child’s when they are ready and able to take care of said piercings because I am not going to be the parent that’s going to have to be responsible for taking care of theirs. Things like that that can cause infection or bodily harm is not something to take lightly. And it’s also a decision between me and my child and nobody else.


My daughter was 3 months

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My girl is only 2. But my older boys were 8 when they got theirs done.

My girl isn’t getting hers done til she decides she wants it done. I won’t force my baby to pierce her ears even if people say it’s better to do it because they won’t remember, it still hurts them at the time.


I didn’t get my daughter’s ears Peirced when she was a baby and am against it really
But each go there own

I’d wait till they are old enough to ask and nag all year
My daughter asked at 4 I says no asked at 5 I says no kept asking so I says of you really want them I will speak to daddy
So he says if she still wants them done she can get them for her 6th birthday so I took her for her 6th birthday got her then she loves having them and picking her earings and changing them and cleaning her ears herself she is 8 now

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They won’t do it at a piercing place until 3 months old. After that it’s at the discretion of the parent.

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My daughter was 2 yrs old…

It’s not really a need so “should” isn’t relevant unless it’s part of a culture thing.
But I did my get my daughters ears done till she asked for them. And she doesn’t wear warnings unless she wants to now.

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At 8 weeks, I had both my daughters ears pierced.

I got both of my girls at age 1. My oldest was glad and she loves her ears being pierced. She’s 22. My 17 year old stopped wearing earrings years ago because she isn’t much of a jewelry person. Her holes closed up. She wears clip-ons now for special events.
But, neither of them cried when getting it done. They both just sat there through it actually. No reaction whatsoever. We distracted them from what was happening and they didn’t even realize what happened. I did my job to turn them and clean them and never had issues.

When she is ready and asking Mom and Dad if she can my opinion

I pierced both my girls ears at a month old .

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When they’re old enough to want, and take care of them theirselves.
My daughter was 10.
I just had mine done 2 months ago at 38 and it’s been fricken hell with them and regret them.
It’s your babies body, let them decide.


When they’re old enough to consent to it and can take care of it on their own


When she was old enough to decide that she wanted her own body modified


It’s honestly the parents choice on this subject.

My girls got their ears pierced at ages 2 months & 5 months. Neither had any issues or infections. Neither of them remember it either. They choose if they want to wear their earrings or not.

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My daughter can get her ears done when she can verbally consent & understands the process/how to keep them clean herself. It’s her body so it’s her choice… same with my sons, I won’t get them circumcised as it’s their body their choice, I’ll gladly pay for it when my sons are old enough to decide though! :slight_smile:


When they grow up a little and ask you to get it done for them

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My daughter got it done for her first bday.

I got it done at 7months I have no memory of it at all lol.

And my oldest got one of his pierced a few months ago he’s 10.

& my middle son so far hasn’t showed any interest :joy:

Do whatever you feel is best :heart:

I have a 5 - and 2-year-old. I will let them decide.

My daughter was 6 months.

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When they are old enough to give informed consent.


My daughter got hers done at 8 though I wanted to wait til 10. And she didn’t listen and they closed. So now I told her we’ll wait til her 12th bday and if she wants it then she can have it then.

When she’s old enough to provide informed consent.

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Unless it’s a cultural thing, infants getting their ears pierced is solely for the parents.

I’m waiting until my daughter’s ask for their ears pierced. We teach “My body, my choice”, so we leave it up to them.


My guy didn’t want to do it bc it would hurt her. So I went decided to respect that.

Now we are just waiting until whenever she wants them I guess.
She does pull on her ears and get sad she doesn’t have be earrings like me. But I have gauges.

I waited until she wanted it done which she asked right at the age of 3. I made a whole mommy and daughter day out of it.

1st daughter: 6 months old
2nd daughter: 5 years old
Son: 10 months old

When you, the parent, decides to do it


Let the babe decide when they’re ready. My 2 girls don’t have their ears pierced. I got mine done when I was 14 and was happy my parents gave me the decision whether or not to get it done.

When/if THEY decide they want it done.

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When they ask. And can care for the piercing themselves. My girls are 5, 3, & 1. My older two have asked but I don’t want them to have them done til they can responsibly brush their teeth on the regular. But to each their own

My oldest was 6, for hers done at Christmas…she asked. My youngest is 3 and when she asks well take her

Omg some of these responses :joy::joy::joy: smh

We were going to get our daughters done at 6 months old however she was a very colicky baby and we decided it was best to wait. she’ll be seven in April and we still have not gotten it done at this point we’re just waiting on her to tell her she wants to do it.

My first was almost 4 years old
My second was about 5 years old
My third is almost 7 and hasn’t ever asked.


I wait until they ask to have it done.

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My daughter was five and I was five too when I got mine done

When my girls were old enough to ask for them

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I let my girls decide. My oldest, now 16, wanted her ears pierced whenever she started pre k, so at 4 yrs old and my youngest daughter is 13 and does not want her ears pierced and I’m not going to force her to do it

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When they are old enough to decide. I’m almost 40 and never wanted to.

When they asked to have it done


My first daughter was 6 months old because her pediatrician offered it. My second daughter just got hers done at 6 years old. It was soooo much easier with my first daughter. I loved the experience with my second because she was so excited and so brave, but she kept getting worried they’d fall out and almost damaged her ear by over tightening them. Luckily everything was fine, but my older daughter didn’t even know they existed as a baby and it was super fast healing. And my oldest daughter likes that I did it as a baby because she likes that she can take them out and it looks like she never got them pierced. Ultimately its up to the parent. If I could have gotten all my piercings out of the way as a baby I sure would have :rofl:

You do you. If you think your kid will leave them alone as babies then go for it. If they dont like it later in life, no one will force earrings in their ears


5 months old for my oldest

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My daughter was 8 weeks

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I did my daughter’s at 9 months. My boys asked to have it done this year at 17, 14 and 13

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I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was 19 XD I got a tat when I was 18. Both were birthday gifts XD

I’m going to wait til my daughters actually ask for it. But ironically, I don’t even used the ear ring holes anymore, but they are still there XD

Some as young as a month old…but please be mindful of the back piece…that it doesn’t become imbedded into the back of ear lobe…:cherry_blossom:

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3 months she’s 9 still pierced and can choose when she wants to wear earrings didn’t even cry she was fine


My daughter was 4 months old. She’s three now and still wears them. If she wants them off she tells me but for the most part she doesn’t mind wearing them

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I got my daughters ears pierced when she was 6 months old. I regret it, she has refused to wear earrings since she was 2. I should of waited til she was older and let her make her own decision.

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You should let them make their own decisions about their bodies


When they are old enough to ask for them

When they ask and are responsible enough to take care of them! My three girls were 16 when they decided they wanted them

5 years old. When she wanted to get them pierced.


It’s their body, so when they ask.


Both of my girls were 3 months old. The oldest is 11 and wears them off and on. Middle is almost 10 and has her second holes and wears them daily.

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We’re waiting until she’s old enough to ask for it. It should be their choice.


Most professionals wont do them before they are 6 or so
Always seek a professional


3 months for both my girls :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


When they can ask for it to be done


10+ years old. Earrings are incredibly uncomfortable to sleep in. My daughters take them out at night and put new earrings in each day. A baby wouldn’t be able to verbalize that pain/discomfort.


Wait until she’s old enough to ask for pierced ears. It should be her decision, not yours.


After they get their shots so I took them after they were 3 month’s


Old enough to ask for them.

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When they are old enough to understand and consent to the procedure. :woman_shrugging:t2: Babies should not be subject to unnecessary cosmetic body modification.


When my children asked for them so ages 6-5-5-12-2 four girls and one boy and yes they all asked

We out here poking holes in our babies without consent? :upside_down_face:

When they ask to have it done and you feel they are old enough to understand and handle it.

Old enough to ask for

A few days ago and she’s four. She asked for them

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I got three of my girls done at 6 months old


I’m waiting til my daughter is old enough to ask, and go to a tattoo shop,


Right after her 2 month shots!


When they ask for it.

When she asked me for them.

My husband and I agreed that when she could ask for them

NEVER unless they ask and want it done why pierce holes in skin for stupid wee studs it’s not cool

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My first kid, at 3 months. My 2nd, I kept waiting and she was finally 4. I let her decide. She did it at 5


Babies shouldn’t get their ears pierced. Let them decide when they’re older. It’s just one more thing to take care of.

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I was 27 when I got mine pierced for the very first time.

I got my babies done when babies, but now I just waited for my other children to decide.

When they are old enough to consent and take care of them properly.


We got our daughters pierced at 8 months old. She did great, only cried for a couple minutes.