At what age would you feel comfortable letting your children sleep in the top bunk of bunk beds?For reference- my two toddlers share a bedroom and we need more space for them. We’re taking a set of bunk beds from my moms house. My daughter, who will be 5 in March, would be on the top bunk. She has slept in bunks before but it’s only been a night here and there while on a vacation. She sleeps through the night.
My daughter is 6 and doesn’t like being in her loft bed. She wanted it sooooooo bad lol
My 4 & 7 yr old both sleep on the top with no issues. They share a bunk bed and alternate bunks each night, and sometimes they both end up on the top, lol.
Mine little guy started at 5, they have guard rails, unless they flip and flop and end up with their heads at the foot of the bed she will be fine! More importantly is ladder safety lol no jumping from the top!
Our son was 6 when we started letting him sleep in the top bunk of the bunkhouse of our camper. We built a small rail and have never had any issues
Get the bars for the top bunk
Eh we custom made diy our they are 5ft tall. My oldest daughter at the time was 2.5 yrs old never fell from it. Youngest was 1.5 on the bottom
My 3 year old does, just has a mattress thin enough to not go over the rails so he can’t roll off. He gets up and down the ladder just fine. (If he doesn’t just jump off:roll_eyes:)
My youngest was like 3/4 when sleeping on the top bunk. Only fell off once
We had some and the oldest wanted bottom and youngest wanted top so I had a 4year old on top and 5 year old on bottom. We did end up separating the bunk but not because he wasn’t safe just the 5 year old would push the top bed up with his feet while his brother was on it. But as long as they know the safety of the top bunk they should be okay.
My 5&6 year old daughters share bunk beds. They have for about a year. They take turns on who gets to sleep on top bunk because they both like to.
My daughter slept in a top bunk at 6 and was fine
I believe the legal age where I live is 8 years old, at least it was when I was in a Women’s Shelter. I was informed by them that legally my 7 year old (at the time) was not a permitted to sleep on the top bunk due to risk of them falling out. I don’t know if they were just fudging it, or if it’s a real law.
At whatever age they can climb the ladder up and down without assistance
I was like 6 when I slept on my bunk bed. I fell off a couple times when I was just doing dumb stuff with my brother and trying to flip and stuff lol. But I never fell off when I was sleeping. I’m sure she’ll be fine!!
I think 4-5 is old enough
The best way to decide this is to base it off the manufacturer and ur child’s ability to be safe. Do you know ur kids won’t jump off it or push each other off the top if they get upset? If the answer is yes they can be safe then get one.
We have triple bunks and our kids have all slept at the top by age 5
i have a twin on top full bottom and it’s only 4 feet high a little more maybe but it’s not so high from the floor she started in it at 6 and is 8 now still there
We had a bunk for my 4-5 year old. He was fine. Idk depends on the child. I would put bean bags underneath lol… mine never fell off we had a guard.
My now 7 year old did a few years ago bc her older sister is too scared to sleep up there hahaha. Their baby sister has fallen asleep wirh her up there a few times too without issue and there is a built in railing shes 3yrs probably earliest she had a nap up there was 2 though.
I would put a railing or board across. When I was in kindergarten I was sleeping and fell off top bunk and woke up on the floor the next morning. Didn’t even wake up when I fell but thankfully I didn’t get hurt.
This is my 3 year old grandson climbing a rock wall I built on the end. He tore thru that in less than minute. He plays on them all the time with no injuries. However he will not sleep in it.
Never. Too dangerous. You can take them apart.
Never under 6 years old. Recommendations are 6+.
As long as there are safety rails 5 should be old enough. You can always buy an additional safety rail that goes under the mattress or is fitted for bunk beds. Unless your child is a wild sleeper your daughter should be just fine.
My son has been sleeping in his full size loft bed since 3 and it’s almost 5ft off the ground. When I bought the bed, I just ordered an 8in mattress for it instead of like a 12in so that his mattress wasn’t flush with the railings so there’s no way he could roll over the side!
Depends on the kid and their nighttime tendencies, but I’d say no younger than 3. 4 or 5 is probably more reasonable for some kids.
I recommend no top bunk at all for kids who tend to sleep walk
When they’re able to get themselves up and down unassisted
never i do n ot think they arecsafe
As long as there’s the frame that’s usually there to stop people from falling off, she should be okay at 5.
My son has been sleeping on a bunk bed since he was 19 months old he is 8 now. He doesn’t sleep on top bunk anymore but when he did I used a side rail so he wouldn’t fall off.
Most come with a built in guard rail but if it doesn’t just use a portable side rail until u feel like she doesn’t need it anymore
I looked at buying sone standard bunks but recommended age for them all was 9 so now I’m looking at the lower style bunks where 1 is on the ground and another about 1m up.
Most top bunk beds come with rails around the edges to both keep the mattress inside and prevent rolling off. I think 5 is fine. My daughter’s used to share bunk beds and my oldest was between 5 and 6 when she got on the top and my youngest was like 3 on the bottom. Now they just have twins split apart and are 8 and 5.
My daughter just turned 6 years old. She has been on the top bunk since she was 4 years old.
At first we had my son on the top as he was older but he wouldn’t get down to go pee he would pee the bed, so we swapped them around. She loves it
My son was 4 when he started sleeping on the top, never had any issues
If there is a rail on bed should be fine my 2 daughter’s were 5 and 6 I put my calmer trustworthy daughter at top and other one on bottom.
my 3 year old sleeps on the tops bunk. there’s full railing and there’s stairs not a ladder