No hateful comment please
Hey mommas, Before anything know I am getting a prego test Monday. I just wanna know if anyone else went thru this symptoms and later found out you were pregnant. I’m 4 days late, I am extremely tired, my breast hurt, I’m way more moody then normal, and I keep getting cramps but they are short and don’t last more than an hour at a time. Could y’all let me know if anyone has had the same?
Def pregnant! Congratulations
Sadly those are all signs of period coming as well as pregnancy symptoms. The only way to know for sure is to test. It’s a cruel joke mother nature plays on us!
Ooh. You’re having a baby
The same thing happened to me before I found out I was pregnant, the easy give away for me was the breasts.
That’s what made me take a test!
I get those symptoms when I’m due on?
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Do not get your hopes up. But definitely get that test. I went 2 weeks late before I got my period. Mother nature can be cruel.
could be pms, could be pregnancy hormones
Same thing happened to me, I tested a week later and it was positive. I thought I was just getting pre menstrual cramps, they felt just like it
Almost positive you’re pregnant, if so congratulations!
Why can’t you take a home pregnancy test now? Well, 4 days late is too soon for those anyways. But yes, don’t get your hopes up. I get those symptoms before getting my period. My cycle is 34 days so I’m always 4 days “late” it seems.
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I had those symptoms and took a test when I was 6days late and got a positive test
You could be. I never once had a pregnancy symptom, just was late and took a test and it came back positive, then got my blood drawn. But definitely take a test, you’re most likely are pregnant
It could be either of the two!
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I wish people would follow up on these posts so I can know. The outcomes haha
This happened with my middle baby and youngest
Could be either. Wait another week and take a test. Good luck and if there is a baby, congratulations!!
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I had a positive pregnancy test when I was 3 weeks and 5 days! So not to soon to test!
This is why I would never ask a question on here. You have a legitimate question and instead of women trying to help or support each other, there are a few women reacting to your question with a laughing emoji.
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The only time my boobs hurt, when I’m pregnant.
I thought I had the flu until my period didn’t come.
Those are also signs of your period coming only one way to know for sure
My only tell tell signs at first was missed period and fatigue. My boobs didn’t start hurting until farther into my pregnancy. But before and during my period my breast hurt terrible!
First off, I’ve always had irregular periods. Always. Usually before my period starts I’ll get sore breasts. I’ll get cramps, and frequent urination. Well, before I took a pregnancy test, this all happened: My breasts were sore, I had frequent urination, I heard my nephew puking in another room entirely, and I had a heightened sense of smell. I took the tests from Wal-Mart, and it came back positive. Had to go to the ER later on after that and found out I was only 5 weeks and change pregnant. So when I took my test, I must have been right at 2 weeks pregnant. If that. So just take a test and see. Good luck
I felt like that each time before getting a positive test
Why wait until Monday? Just take the test.