Fan Question
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I just found out today I’m preg I’m 21 I’ve thrown up and am having abdominal pain do to this being my first kid amd my stomach is stretching getting ready but at what point does the pain stop?
Fan Question
I just found out today I’m preg I’m 21 I’ve thrown up and am having abdominal pain do to this being my first kid amd my stomach is stretching getting ready but at what point does the pain stop?
Each pregnancy is different. We wouldn’t really know. For me it lasted my whole pregnancy.
You never know, it’s different for everyone. All of my pregnancies have been very different.
I’m 29 weeks with my first and I still have bad abdominal pain. It just depends on your body, honestly.
It never stopped for me
when the kid turns 30 lol
My first pregnancy, at 22, hurt me so bad. I cramped and had belly pains, had hypermesis graviderum [severe morning sickness to the point of hospitalization], had preeclamsia and gestational diabetes. Every pregnancy is different bc im pregnant again at 25 and my morning sickness has pretty much stopped at 13 weeks.
When your 60 and they no longer live with you. Lmao jk congrats
It lasted my whole first pregnancy im on my 2nd now and it stopped at 14 weeks
I’m also 21 and pregnant and for me the cramps and stretching lasted a at least a week consistently but it still occurs time to time. But as those ladies said it’s different for each lady
This is my first pregnancy and I’m 19 weeks now, the pain stopped at 14 weeks
When the kid falls out. If its not one pain, itll be another.
Each pregnancy is different. Usually the nausea and vomiting stop after the 1st trimester but can last the whole pregnancy. The aches and pains unfortunately for me never went a away. They could for you though. Congrats and good luck!
Maybe go to the doctor
Hunny it’s not supposed to hurt! Are you bleeding?
Im 31 weeks with my first and it hasnt stopped and ive been having contractions for 8 weeks now and they havent stopped just kept going
It doesn’t really it’s off and on, your uterus is stretching during your whole pregnancy so cramping and abdominal muscle soreness is normal
To me it felt similar to lighter to moderate period cramps during the first trimester, then after that it was more soreness from the muscles being stretched
Probably safe to assume you found out from a home test today? Call your doctor, or go to a clinic where they can make sure it is not eptopic, stretching pain doesnt happen super early in pregnancy, as baby is tiny
16 weeks pregnant and still get it from time to time. It hurts especially when I sneeze.
Omg never. There’s always a new pain. From round ligament pain, sciatica, hemorrhoids. It’s never ending.
Really depends on how many weeks you are. See a dr and busy ass to get on some prenatals
In about 21-25 years lol.
Gotta breathe through it, it never stops just alternates what hurts that day lmao. My son is 2 and I still have back issues
after bubs born maybe
Death is when it stops
You’re just warming up for the third trimester that’s the worst trimester everything literally everything hurts.
15 weeks and still dealing with that shit. If youre lucky it’ll stop your second trimester.
Pain from your stomach being empty? Or like cramps? How far along are you? Do you have an Ob/GYN?
6 weeks after the baby is born
What pain when u stretch
My second pregnancy, third child I was having the same abdominal pain along with hips. It was so bad I went to the er, everything was fine no ectopic, no miscarriage. I was told it’s the hormones and my body changing, the first trimester was the worst it gets better. I would go to the er though just in case, better safe than sorry
I’m 31 weeks and still experiening all of that:face_vomiting:… Hopefully you’ll lucky and it won’t last that long… But if you are concerned check with your midwife/Ob
I’m 21 weeks and still have cramps. Its round ligament pain most likely.
It never stopped for me
When they move out…
These questions seem to all be trolls
When they turn into wonderful adults;+)
To the four woman who laughed at this you really should be removed from the page
You are very rude
I’m 23 weeks and I’ve had lower abdominal pain like cramping, but my OB told me it was round ligament pain. As long as you’re not bleeding or it feels as if it tenses and lets off like contractions you should be okay! Your muscles are stretching to make room for your little one!
When there turn 18
I’m 27 weeks and I still have painful days and the nausea gets better some days and others u still throw up at least I still do
Literally it doesn’t. Haha
My oldest is 9 and my youngest is 6 and the pain still hasn’t stopped🤣 just kidding… kind of. With my first I had that pain off and on throughout the whole pregnancy
Drink lots and lots of water and when you think you cant drink no more keep right on drinking it … some woman feel the baby grow the whole pregnancy
Drink more fluids, What kind of pain? I was uncomfortable, I had acid reflux a lot. Talk to your Dr about your symptoms.
It’s gonna get alot worse before it gets better to be honest. It’s worth it though.
When they go to college, then it gets worse.
Wait till you sneeze. Round ligament pain.
See you gynae and make sure all is well. Don’t let regrets follow. Please just go? If anything goes wrong, it will be worse pain than what you feel now. I pray that you and baby are well and that you will have an easy pregnancy from here on.
Honestly I had pain through all of my pregnancies including my current one but once you hold your baby for the first time it is worth it
I didnt have any pain until I was in labor. If you are having pain, see your dr.
It will only get worse as the years go by.
when their 21 and on their own
It’ll stop in about 19. Years so my wife says
Lmao its doesnt, called having a child. Better get used to it once they are brought into the world just a different type of pain. Learn to embrace and carry on
Hahahahah it never stops
When you see the streets of gold.
When the sun rises in West and sets in the East, when the seas run dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
Ohh boy…uhm…next question…
It literally just doesnt lol.
After the baby is 1 month old.
I never really had pain with any of my three pregnancies except during labor.
In about 18 years from now
As others have said, a while after your kid is born.
It never does. I have a 27 and 28 year old. I will always feel their pain.
Never first they are a pain inside and then they can be pains at times on the outside lol
My daughter is 22 still a pain
Get ready mama. This is the beginning.
Really I didn’t start feeling bad pain until 6 months. I had back pain but at 6 months is when I really started to stretch in my pelvis
I didn’t have any pain during pregnancy. Maybe you should go get checked.
How far is it stretching at 6 weeks?
The pain never goes away. Girl there will be different kinds and levels of pain for as long as you’re a mother
You get pregnancy pains, labor pains, headache pains, stepping -on -a -toy-in -the -middle -of -the -night pains. Tuition pains, new shoes every other week pains… list goes on and on
But seriously, every pregnancy is different. Depending on your size, you may feel normal pregnancy pains differently or more intensely. If you haven’t had an ultrasound yet, and the pains are worrisome, you can go to your local ER and let them know you’re pregnant, approximately how far along you are (1st day of your last menstruated cycle to present day is approximately how far along you are) they will check for ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy developing outside of the uterus) especially if pain is unbearable on one side of your uterus.)
The throwing up is most likely “morning sickness” , that not everyone gets, but can occur at anytime of the day. But understand your uterus is stretching and growing and those pains are round ligament pains. Very normal, very very common. Please try to relax and best of luck with your pregnancy. I hope it’s a happy and healthy one
Ya no. They don’t go away. buck up buttercup
Grease your belly and keep it greased that will help with the stretching
The pain stops once both of the babies shoulders are popped out.
Try mint tea should help with morning sickness
I have twinges but mostly just morning sic
The only pain I have is when I stretch to hard and my round ligaments in my lower belly feel like they are getting pulled tight. You wont feel like until your belly actually starts growing though.
Get a belly band or gertle to support growing belly. Stay hydrated, lots of cramps, spotting, nausea, low round ligament pain can be deterred by drinking enough water.
Also stretching and/or yoga everyday has helped tremendously!
Are you working or on your feet a lot. Get a good good pair of shoes and remember to take a break if needed
Not until they leave your house, i suspect.
Never because then when you have the baby you forget to eat and have hunger pains
Never lol you will give birth but the pain never stops lol
Agreed. You give birth, they grow up, rip your heart out of your chest even though you kept them away from drugs & hulagans
I had pain here and there, round ligament pain is what they call it. Just your body stretching to make room for that baby. If you are bleeding or anything else that seems alarming I would just go ahead and go get checked out
Hasn’t stopped for me so…
I’m a man but my guess is 18 years
When the child tirns18
Depending on how far you are, the stomach pains/cramps could be implantation cramps…but if you’re really concerned call your ob, good luck and congrats!!!