What are good bottles for a gassy 2-month-old?

The Smilo bottles, cutting his tongue tie, and gripe water/gas drops really helped our LO

Phillip Avent they are the best

What does his pediatrician recommend? My mom used to put Karo syrup in a bottle of water. ( just a touch)

Passing gas or tummy hurt gas? We had issues with powdered formula. Switched to ready to feed or concentrate. No more problem. If the baby is passing really smelly gas, it could be a milk allergy. At last it was for mine.

Try a lower iron formula

Dr Browns, I also ordered a powdered goats milk that was more gentle on the tummy

Dr. Brown bottles and Mylicon gas drops. My son was extremely gassy and had horrible acid reflux. Had to be on medication for that. Also, had to switch to Nutramigen formula, and then when he got older, Enfamil Gentle Ease.

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