What are signs of pregnancy?

1.) AF 02/09-02/14
2.) intercourse 18/19th, 20th, 21st,22nd, and 24th
3.) 8/9 days after the 18th/19th felt cramping
Sharp pain on right side for a few seconds
4.) two days after noticed minor cramping
5.) backaches
6.) boobs are tender
7.) sex??? Things felt numb down there a little bit :sob::sob:
8.) lower backaches still but hurts a little more still mild. Just doesn’t feel comfortable laying down for long.
9.) body temp staying 99.0, 99.2, 99.1, 99.3, 99.4
10.) still mild cramping all around tho. Lower back and front.

I’m really hoping these are good signs. I’m hoping I finally got my rainbow baby this month. :sob::heart::sob::sob::sob::sob: anybody else had symptoms like this? I need some hope. A part of me wants to say I’m pregnant (it would be too early to take a pregnancy test) but another part of me says I’m not. I don’t know if I am saying I am because of hope or if I really am and I’m just doubting myself. With my first pregnancy. I just knew. Advice? Help? I’m so confused and lost.


Fingers crossed for you but I definitely had the sore boobs and almost achy back

Soreness and slight cramping I had with all 3 of my kiddos:)

Go to a doctor all signs you period is coming too


Each pregnancy is different but my first I had no symptoms except tired. With this one (now 18 weeks) I had sore breasts, tired, gaggy (no morning sickness)

My boobs are sore AF n ive had minor cramping since the beginning. 7 weeks n 5 days along now