What are some good educational toys?

My son will be 3 in December and will be starting preschool first of next year; as of right now; he hardly talks at all. Maybe 5 words at most, but he is the smartest kid I’ve ever been around. Does anyone have recommendations for educational toys? I’m thinking about getting him a leap pad. Any opinions are welcome!


Leapfrog tablet and the 2 in 1 laptop/tablet is great for his age group.

I’d avoid leap pads. Find toys like blocks and age appropriate puzzles. Read to him and ask him questions about the pictures.


Here’s a sampling of some of the items from the Language Play category, screenshot from our catalog

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I loved the leap frog movies when my kids were that age.

Learning Resources brand and Melissa and Doug toys
Spend some time with other kids his age (if he doesn’t already) to help with his vocabulary
There are first words books that say the words too, then he can learn by repeating

My daughter had the same problem then she started pre school they put her in speech therapy at school

get him in speech therapy…i use blocks and stuff like that. toys that say the colors numbers and animals back…also my 3 yr old loves puzzles

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Melissa & Doug has cute stuff

Leap frog toys. Ask your doctor about his speech. Has he had vision & hearing exams? My daughter spoke very few words clearly when she was 4.5. I took her to get her eyes examined. Turned out she couldn’t see clearly so she couldn’t see how we moved our mouths when we spoke. Once she got glasses then speech therapy her speech became clear. Make sure you examine all possible explanations before putting her in speech. It’s a waste of time if he can’t see or hear how to make sounds.

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I did flash cards. I bought my son colors, shape, numbers and letters. I started at 2. By 3 he could name his letter and numbers. But all kids are different.igot them from Walmart $1each.

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My step son was very much like this and still is a little but you keep talking to them and read books as much as you can he will get their.

iPad and download educational apps

Same for my son. He’s 3, he says a lot of words but not as much as he should and he doesn’t say complete sentences. There’s a speech therapy app called Otsimo Speech, I like it but my little guy is too shy to say the words back to the little girl who is repeating the words.

have a daughter with speech problems got her in public school for speech therapy twice a week for 3 months she was cured only problem now is she wont shut up


Get a Mr pencil from big W :ok_hand:

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My son is the same way. He’ll be 3 in February! If you ask him pick out a blue car or a green block or pick out the garbage truck out of a group of vehicles or whatever he does it, just won’t say it! I’ve tried to say if you want that then say what you want & he just is so stubborn! I’m following this post cuz I’ve seen a lot of good ideas

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You know my second bonus son he was 3 years old just turning 4 when I first meet him
he was and still is all smiles and he did not talk very much at 3 years of age
At 5 year he went to school and he came back knowing the alphabet and songs we never taught him also numbers now hes 6 in the 1st grade and is very smart
I think if hes not speaking by the time he 4 or 5 then I’d go to a speech specialist

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Following. I’m having same issue

All my boys had leap frog toys. Don’t be surprised if he develops a strange accent. My oldest had a cross of a Boston and new York city accent from one of the toys. Still funny and he’d never been to either

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How many kids do you HAVE totally…??? :laughing:

First of all leap pads speak back to your child and encourage speech…so don’t listen to that comment. :joy:

Learn sign language. My youngest daughter was slow to speak but understand everything. We did speech therapy and her therapist taught her some sign language. It made a world of difference.

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Leap pad. Any leapfrog toys really and theres alot of apps for regular tablets my son learned to read and write at an early age because of the apps we used.

P.E.C.S. (Picture exchange communication system) you should be able to find on Amazon.

Mellisa and Doug toys and puzzles

Leap frog :frog: everything! :laughing: I mean it! Get the videos, the fridge magnets, the stuffed toys with the panels are ok, but not worth it. The vocabulary board game when they get a little older is amazing!! But I 100% recommend you get sticky Velcro and attach to the letter cards and the board because one good bump sends them sliding. But the learning videos are actually entertaining even over and over, and as an English major special ed teacher, this is the only thing I’ve found that actually teaches phonics accurately as well as being enjoyable :joy:

Puzzles books magnets building blocks Lincoln logs etc

I have been through this with my son. At 2 1/2, he said many words, but was only combining two or 3 words at a time. I had everyone offering their opinions on what I should do. I listened when his new daycare director told me to get him tested by a speech therapist, because she is never wrong on things like this. For some reason, I was never worried. You could see his little mind always trying to figure out things beyond his age. He could put full LEGO sets together at 3 before he could read just by looking at the instructions. One day, the words just started flowing and they haven’t stopped since. He has a much higher vocabulary than kids his age now. Children do things when they are ready and every child is different.


I would suggest speech therapy. Our great grandson was 2 1/2 when his pediatrician recommended this treatment. It was a wonderful blessing because he didn’t put sentences together and pointed or grunted when he wanted something. Best thing that happened for him. He is doing really well now and, yes he talks a blue streak now.

We really enjoy shopping from this store especially when we started virtual schooling but their selection is amazing .
Lakeshore learning


My Niece never spoke… same age… as soon as she started at daycare, it was like she had saved up all her words. The other kids really got her engaged… and, yes, have hearing checked and maybe consider speech. :heart:


I had my twins in speech therapy when they wouldn’t talk at the age of 2 1/2. You wouldn’t believe how helpful it was. I would have your pediatrician evaluate his hearing and recommend a speech therapist.

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Some kids simply talk later. My daughter was ahead of her age…then just stopped. A few months later…back at it, no issues. Patience and love are sometimes key. Your pediatrician will help you gauge if there’s a need for concern.

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I know some mom’s do not like their kids to watch TV, but in this case, your son hearing words, repeating words, sentences or singing songs he hears.

My son was like that, ww started him in speech, through pre- school and now he never shuts up. The firat step was a hearing test, then an evaluation, and that was it.

Introduce him to music. Songs that he likes and he will learn words thru singing the songs.


Play-doh. Puppets. Go fish/0ld maid card games. Figurines based on what he likes (ex Disney movie characters, zoo animals, doll house type families, Knights/Kings/horses)
Any toys you will enjoy playing WITH him will be educational. Remember kids learn through play. Toys that encourage imagination, taking turns, & interacting with others will teach a lot, without it being obviously “educational”.

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Don’t worry about his not saying many words. I have 8 Grandkids & it appears those quiet ones are just learning by listening. When they begin talking, you’ll wish they would be quieter :grin:

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Leap pads are pretty cool. Also ABCmouse. I was in speech therapy for language delays and it was helpful. To do that now, you should probably look at getting him in the early ed program. Also a good ear exam.

I suggest big piece puzzles, do them with your child. I also suggest foam letters,use them to make small words and his name, one of those shape sorter toys. Get down on the floor with him, look him in the eye when you talk.

I have a Lego building table with blocks. My grandchildren play with it every time they come to visit. They started playing with it when they could pull up to it and push blocks onto the platform. They are 8 years and 5 years old now. It builds their imagination. They enjoy talking about what they build.

Reading stories with him getting him picture books Music singing songs playing with other kids the words will come

Don’t stress it my daughter was a bit speech delayed but preschool brought it out of her and now we can’t get her to stop lol

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Speech therapy would be very beneficial to him

The best thing you can do to enhance his speech is spend time talking with him and engaging him to talk back. I would also get him enrolled in speech therapy. If he barely talks at 3 he is already behind for his age.

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My daughter is 4 and we got ABC Mouse for her to use on an iPad. She’s currently in pre-k and is working kindergarten level on the iPad.

All these comments are making me so happy I have a 2 and a half year old that only says momma. He’s really smart but just doesn’t talk only babbles

After raising three, two with a genetic disability I learned to listen to my gut. Part of my children’s lack of speech was caused by their disability. Part if it was their hearing loss from fluid in their ears. A hearing evaluation is the first step to take. I had no idea how little my daughter was hearing. Both my son and daughter made amazing leaps of speech when they could hear due to tubes, adenoid and tonsil removal. Everyone told me not to worry. Glad I did! This area has one of the highest occurrence of fluid in the ears and ear infections in little ones per March of Dimes. We are a valley full of floating allergens. Fix the issue now so they aren’t behind when they start school. Tried and true. My grown kids would never have gotten as far as they did if I had not listened to my gut.

Get his hearing tested. My daughter was almost 4 and not talking although she showed other signs of intelligence. After going to multiple pediatricians I finally got one to agree to a hearing test. Almost 80% hearing loss in both ears. Fortunately it was correctable and she does great now, but language development was difficult because of the delay.


I got my Great Grand son some cards from Dollar Tree&Dollar General.Colors,shapes,Same or Different,numbers. I got work books that he could work in. I got the animals and he would put the animals on the alphabet example cow on letter C. We read a lot of books.Scholastic are great. I made everything a game. I would put his name,alphabet in dots he would trace them. I got a book of stickers from Hobby Lobby every time he completed something he got a sticker.If you make it fun and talk about what you are learning he will love it.Read a book to him several times then tell him to read it to you.He may not get the words right at first but he will.We done puzzles.He loves them.When you going down the road think of things for him to spot.Hope this helps.It helped my Great Grandson.He didn’t talk much till we started doing these.


I was worried about a friend’s child because his speech was so slow I was afraid his kindergarten teacher wouldn’t understand him. Turns out his frequent ear infections were the cause. Boy literally became a rocket scientist.

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If I was you before doing any thing I would have her tested. There probably isn’t anything wrong. Before I wasted any more time,atleast you will know .good luck to both of you. GOD BLESS!

Have him evaluated for speech therapy. See if maybe a professional could help.

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He will probably need speech therapy. Make a game of saying items all over the house. Shapes colors. Up down under on below. Show him all the above so when he starts talking he isn’t behind try singing pointing out things from books numbers help count toys as cleaning up steps pushes as you swing him…always be patient. There are a lot of ways if you can get him to listen and repeat.

We used an app called reading eggs. It’s free (UK based so you may need to help) but it was phenomenal in helping with words and with reading. Good luck and remember all kids go at their own pace and they will be just fine!

Puzzles - ones with larger pieces, and wooden building blocks; both are great for fine motor coordination. Toys with shapes that fit into places. Big wood or plastic cars and trucks to push around. Magnetic letters on the 'frig. All are good for using the imagination. Technology is wonderful, but cannot replace old-fashioned toys.

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Lots of reading to him. I read a lot of Dr Seuss to mine. I read slowly and pointed to the words as I went. My kids were reading by the time they hit kindergarten.

Idk if this helps but I was 4 years old before I started talking. I just didn’t want to talk to most people.

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Songs and nursery rhymes are a good start.

I’m not sure it would be so much toys as working on building vocabulary if that’s what you are looking to do; get him talking more. Play games about repeating and give high value rewards and lots of praise. Have you requested a consult with a speech therapist? Is anything incorrect with his mouth like, maybe tongue tied?

Perhaps American Sign Language would stimulate his speaking. It can be like a game.

Keep the electronics away from them as long as humanly possible is my suggestion!!

You might want early intervention. My son started spoech at 2.

Look up what he should know at his age and how well he should be speaking at his age

School districts will assess him and provide him with therapy and probably preschool.

Anything can be educational if you use it right

I used a ball to teach my kids how to count

Have you considered flashcards wit oictures/words of colors, shapes, animals and etc?

Leap frog is great and music. Sing with him

Don’t answer for him , don’t allow him to just point at things he wants .

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Puzzles!! Ones with alphabet, or animal pictures

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Talk to him. Have conversations with him. Ask him questions. Puzzles and of course have him checked out.

Play word games. Make him repeat toys or snacks as you give him

Vtec has the best educational toys

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Go to a teacher supply store in your area.

Early intervention through your county

Also have his hearing tested.

Leap frog movies. The letter factory is the best one. My boys were nonverbal and leapfrog movies helped so much, they finally started talking more after watching them

Check to see if he is tongue tied. Simple procedure to correct.

Leap Pad or most anything from V Tech

Gears, Blocks of all sizes. Board games like Chutes and Ladders…came land. A child that she needs hands on manipulation type toys. Large wood needs threaded. Dress up clothes. Kitchen set. Tool set for small children. Also good old finger painting, macaroni art…soft clay. Shapes and colors blocks. Blocks are terrific! Trucks…for trucks big machines. Books read and read and read to child. Then read some more. Pop up books.

The best thing you can do right now is read to him.

Magna tiles forsure!!!

Have his hearing checked

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My son didn’t talk Much til he was 5 , had a small speech issue with a his R’s and F’s . Took him to get checked at 3 and they said he has a great vocabulary just chooses not to talk. Some boys just don’t have that need like girls do to chat incessantly. My son is 15 and still doesn’t talk much. He’s chatty at about 9 pm. His little brother is 5 and has been talking since birth.

I use ABC mouse for my three year old and he loves it.

I would talk to his pediatrician about that though, he should be speaking close to 250 words and sentences now. He might be having hearing, speech or vision issues.

Lots of one household kids are like that. Seen it thru yrs. of babysitting. He needs a playmate to draw him out. Also ask T.Bird. love you

My son barely spoke at age 2 1/2, he could say multiple single words…I was very worried, then one day I asked him what he would like for breakfast, without expecting an answer and he’s said “ I think I’ll have eggs!” And he never stopped talking! I honestly think he just wanted to get it right!

When my 2nd child, Kevin, was going on two, I too was concerned because he spoke very little and Kim, elder sister, talked just after one and a half so was concerned and took him to dr. He told me Kevin didn’t have to talk because his sister knew what he wanted and took care of it for him.

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Talk to his pediatrician about a hearing test. Kiddos this young don’t know what they should be hearing and can’t explain if they aren’t hearing properly. Your local school can do assessments to determine if he needs speech therapy. The younger a child recieve services the better. We had similar concerns with my son and he has a great vocabulary now. Please feel free to IM me if you’d like to talk some more. I have a 20 year professional background working with kiddos who have speech needs. Good Luck!

My son isn’t talking that great maybe less then 6 words but we have been in S.T for about a year now and he’s 31/2. But that boy will tell us what he wants in his own way or by sounds he plays with vtech toys, cars, anything that makes music. Don’t push him to hard or they will never talk.

I think you should get his ears checked and rule out any hearing loss. Then if that is not an issue, then Speech Therapy. The earlier you start on these things the better outcome!! Good luck!!

My granddaughter didn’t start talking much till she was almost 3 1/2 ish…like yours, she’d say a few words.
All a sudden here comes all these sentences…
Each child is different.
Leap pad is great learning tool.

Currently going through this. We have our grandson full time. With very little words. Had him tested through early on. And now work with a speech therapist each week. Stem toys… science, technoligy, engineering & math.
Coloring, playdoh, puzzles, bristle blocks, legos, bolts, reading stories, music wuth movement. Playing together with favorite toys.
We discuss colors, shapes, and animals etc.
I change it ip daily to keep him intrested. And let him pick what we are doing next. Working wonders.

Did you consider to seek an evaluation with a speech terapist?! God bless you and your family :pray::heart::pray:

V tech toys are good.