What are some things I can do to stay hydrated wbhile pregnant?

Pedialyte, Gatorade, water, and body armors help too. Also eat fruits, popsicles, and you can eat things like lettuce that has water in it to help as well😊

I eat ice 24/7 it helps

Drinks tons of water

Small sips at a time

Watermelon. Ice cubes. Popsicles.

Suck on ice. Crush it, maybe add some koolaid to it. Like an icee

Drink water…set goals for 2 hours

Ummm drink water?! :woman_facepalming::joy:

I had people calling me and I had to drink a cup of water with them on the phone. I almost went into preterm labor with both kids due to dehydration. It is serious. You have to stay hydrated

When I was pregnant with my son I had to drink Gatorade all day. It gave me potassium to because I was sick for 6 months.

I am right there with you! I am 13 weeks and cannot stay hydrated! I drink about 3 17oz bottles of water a day, but cannot keep any more than that down. I am trying cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, and pedalyte now.

Chia seeds in your water.

Try liquid IV you can find them at Costco its packets that go in a water bottle, 1 packet is equivalent to drinking water bottles.

Always have a full bottle of water or whatever you want beside you. When you see it, its going to remind you.

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I have a water infuser bottle and put frozen lemon slices in it. I just try to swig from it all day. I aim to fill it twice a day. You can also get water bottles with the times of day on so you have to drink a certain amount each hour. Also try drinking with a straw. I’d avoid caffeine and anything sugary (you don’t want gestational diabetes too).

Body armor it is also supposed to help increase your breastmilk supply but not sure about that and anything with electrolytes you my just not be getting enough

Contigo water bottles are awesome, they like shoot the water straight down your throat, you can take a 12 oz swig and it doesn’t feel like you’re chugging, they’re the best.

Coconut water. Gatorade. Tea.
And just lots of water till you can’t anymore. I had dehydration with both pregnancies, so bad in the 2nd my iron and blood pressure were low too.

If you are drinking water a ton like I was and still dehydrated, I found out I was lacking electrolytes. Coconut water is amazing for hydration as well, or the body armour drinks they just came out with if you like flavor.

I always drank more when I used a straw…

Drink lots of water. Try getting one of those water infusing water bottles. Eat foods with high water content. Foods like fruit and veggies. Try sipping on broth, tea, and eating soups. You got this.

Carrier water bottle around I was so thirsty but I literally had like a gallon jug with me wherever I went and I filled that up about twice a day any type of reusable water bottle put some fruit in it if you would like some flavored water is best yes electrolytes will help but too much electrolytes is actually bad for you

Chocolate milk is a quick way to rehydrate, with a pinch of salt (I was told by a nurse). Have tried it and it has helped me when dehydrated.

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Salt helps you retain water and you can actually over do water try juice, poweraid, Gatorade add mio to water

If u can drink lots of orange juice if u can and plenty of water that what help me

One word. Water. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: