What are some things I can do to stay hydrated wbhile pregnant?

I’m 15, almost 16 weeks pregnant. I cant keep myself hydrated. I had to draw blood today, and I was so dehydrated that I had to poke at about eight times just t to get enough blood for my lab work. Any tips on how I can stay hydrated?


Water and body armor both also can help post pregnancy if you plan on breast feeding as well

I had to drink nearly 2 gallons a day. Even if you don’t want to… Drink water. Constantly sip aaalllll day

Water and keep ice in the freezer to crunch on

Ask your midwife too x

I put 8 bottles of water in the fridge every day and make myself drink 1 at least every 2 hours. I personally love water and don’t drink sodas. Watermelon and other melons have lots of water. I struggled drinking water that was not super cold, so always kept cold water or fluids. Stay away from sugary drinks or caffeine

Watermelon and cucumbers also Pedialyte


Carry a water bottle around with you no matter where you go, drink whenever you feel thirsty, refill and repeat. Watermelon is also a good shout as well as cucumber :smiling_face:

Pedialyte is safe for pregnant women. :hugs:


liquid IV add to your water and it Hydrates you better then just water alone

Ice worked best for me even through my difficult, high risk,pregnancy

Drip Drop packets like getting an IV. Hydrates you very well. But double check since you’re pregnant if it is safe the pregnancy should be but don’t take my word for it

Powerade zero with the electrolytes

For safety sake…get yourself checked out for gestational diabetes if you’re that thirsty all the time.


Just.keep drinking water add ice lemon slice and a little cucumber

My doctor told me to drink pedialyte while I wad pregnant with my daughter. I was so dehydrated that he was talking about sticking me in hospital for iv. But pedialyte did the trick

Pedialyte popsicles!

Get in the habit of taking a go cup everywhere you go. I had to do that. And now it’s a must. Big Tervis tumbler full of ice water. They’re wonderful, they don’t sweat

I’ve been looking into those Curkul water bottles with the flavor cartridges. Not prego, but continually dehydrated with awful headaches. I don’t drink pop, but also have a hard time “wanting” to drink water. Apparently I can’t live on coffee alone LOL

Water and sport drinks low sugar. If nausea is a problem? Gingerbread helps plus it helps hydrate

You can get water with electrolytes in it, which should help. Pedialyte is also a good thing to drink. If you are constantly drinking water but still dehydrated, you need to see your doctor. Could be a kidney issue in that, your kidney’s are not retaining water like they are supposed to when they process fluids to make urine. Your blood volume increases while pregnant making it necessary to consume much more water than normal.

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Pedialyte all the time.

Go to your obgyn and ask about diabetes not to scare just a ?

Set an alarm on phone add lemon juice or water flavouring so it’s more appealing and buy bottles n chuck some in fridge some how seems more appealing

Get a nice water bottle, maybe HydroFlask. Carry it with you everywhere. Make it a point to drink several ounces before you eat anything. I do NOT think this is a symptom of diabetes. When you have diabetes you are very thirsty

Put frozen fruit in a water bottle with your water. It tastes much better and has natural sugars instead of being sodium packed and full of corn syrup like most of the hydrating gatorades and/or ‘juices’ have.

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Ur doctor needs to test you. You might need an IV.

Ice! I also froze Gatorade!

Flavor your water!! Infused with fruit. Drink coconut water. Munch on ice.

If you’re like me, buy a bag of sonic ice. I lived on it for about 3 weeks because nothing would stay down even with meds lol


Pedialyte and Powerade

Body armor drinks for sure


Depending on what phone you have theres an health app that has a drink water reminder. Or set a timer on your phone.

Lots of water and ice cubes

Gatorade the clear/ white

I used to eat ice all day

When I had this issue my Dr recommended Gatorade after they gave me fluids through an IV.

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I lived on Sleepytime tea

I bought a cirkul water bottle. It helped me drink a lot more water.

Smart water, any water or drink with electrolytes in it

Pedialyte, gatorade, anything that has electrolytes

Life hack: Race trac gas stations let you fill your OWN plastic bags/small cooler with their crushed ice for free! If you use their cups they charge you for ice but bring your own plastic bags they won’t say a word. I did this when I was pregnant with my son!

Propel, flavored waters, fruit infused water, Gatorade, tea. I always had to have a variety of cold drinks on hand but couldn’t do iced drinks once I felt cold I’d be done. So it was cold or room temp.

I drank coconut water I don’t know if there is science behind it but I drank a ton of water pre pregnancy and still did during pregnancy but for some reason I couldn’t stay hydrated… I ordered some that were soooo expensive but I’m sure you can find some where the Gatorades are in big box stores

Watered down gatorade/watermelon/ grapes/ice pops

Put some Gatorade in ice cube trays and just eat them or suck on them throughout the day…helped me so much I was sick.for the first 5 months and they were life savers for me…

Vitamin water
Coconut water
Something with electrolytes
Be careful
Dehydration can cause contractions

Frozen Gatorade helped me

Whenever I was pregnant I drank Body armor drinks when I was sick of water, flavored aloe water in the mornings and before bed, and kept a 1 liter bottle with ice water near.

I had the same issue. I would drink a bunch of water and was never hydrated enough

I had HG with all 3 pregnancies! I carried a reusable water bottle with me & used additive with electrolytes.

I try to drink water and herbal tea, but if I have very much, I end up throwing up all the fluids I just got down :frowning: I have been eatting ice like crazy though…especially when I can find the chewy ice or crushed ice

I had a doctor once tell me that if you drank anything that didn’t have caffeine, alcohol, or a high acid content, it helps with hydration.

Ginger ale was mine. Not cold though just off the shelf. Orange juice was one kid. Water just didn’t do it. Oh and coffee for one kid and yes it was okd by the doctor

Hospital asap, get a drip

I had my son two months ago and while I was pregnant I was always thirsty…sucking on ice cubes helped me

Get yourself a 2L water bottle and finish that within a day each day

Hydralite is good to have. Ice (I loved ice or icy cold water while pregnant).

Is it possible you have covid? I always drink quite a bit of water but one of the first things I noticed was no matter how much I was drinking I was very dehydrated, even without a fever.

Do the ten gulp rule for water. Fill a big bottle with a straw and every time you pick it up, don’t put it down until you’ve taken ten big gulps.


Fresh fruit! Watermelon, pineapple, grapes, blueberries. They are super hydrating. All I’ve craved though out my entire pregnancy has been blueberries lol


I’m having this issue! I stay EXTREMELY thirsty, I drink 10-12 bottles of water a day at least so I know that isn’t an issue. And i also passed my glucose tests. I can never quench my thirst, my skin stays dry, bloodwork is hell. I’m 38 weeks now and my doctor said I will be fine once I have her.

I drink a lot of water and my doctor said Gatorade helps a lot as well


Eat foods with a high water content aswell. Xx

Cucumbers are great!

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Pedialyte or Gatorade over ice was my go to when I was pregnant. I had trouble keeping water down Bc I was sick allllll the time.

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Set a timer on your phone for every 15 mins to remind you to drink water.

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I ate alot of ice ontop of always having a bottle of water with me

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Coconut water, herbal tea and pedialyte

Liquid IV. They sell it at Wal-Mart now and was highly recommended

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I set an alarm on my phone to remind me every 15 min. To take a drink. I had bubbles that played for the alarm. Look on the app store they have an app for free for it

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Body Armour… not only did they help keep my hydrated but when I started breast feeding, it seemed they help my milk supply too!


Get one of the gallon jugs off amazon!!! They help so much !! It has times that you are suppose to drink. I love mine

If you have sickness drink dioralyte they will replace essential nutrients and keep you hydrated. Other option is crunch ice

I quit bleeding one time when they were drawing my blood while pregnant the stuck the other arm and a few different spots no more blood came out they had to settle for 5 tubes enstead of 7 they told me to have a sushi or something beforehand something with plenty of liquid in it

I chewed on ice, ate a lot of ice pops, drank flavored water

Flavored waters, Pedialyte, watermelon, tea. All this helps if your pregnancy allows

Your amniotic fluid uses 2 liters of water every 24 hours. You need to drink as much as possible to keep your baby healthy.

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I literally chug water all day I found a cup with a straw helps I literally chug a whole bottle of water first thing in the morning I drink 4 17 ounce bottles and then some green tea

I drank a cup of dill pickle juice plus lemon water. The pickle juice helps to hydrate muscles.

I ate ice like it was going out hahahaahh it was small amounts of fluid intake but still in take between drinking and what not. Also do some juices.

Eat a lot of cucumbers. And drink gatorade.

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Drink water. LOTS of water! Like at least a gallon or more. Yes, you’ll spend lots of time in the bathroom, but you’ll be hydrated!!!

I lived on pedialyte with my first two babies and no extra salt

Pedialyte is great…if you drink gatorade use the gatorade zero…

Body Armor drinks. Sometimes more water isn’t the issue, it’s about whether your body is retaining enough of it.

Body Armor drinks, lots of water, and Gatorade

I drank between 100-120 Oz of water a day in addition to body armor

Every fruit that is out of season :joy: and water all day! It’ll be worth it to get a big hug and Sri k the whole thing!

Drink water. Get a 32oz tumbler and drink at least 4 a day.

Powerade is my favorite when pregnant

Ice. Lots of ice. Watermelon, gatorade or any electrolyte drink. If nausea is an issue with water try flavoring with fruits

Gatorade, powerade, pickle juice, pedialyte

Water and coconut water.

I’m having the same problem my kidneys feel like they are shutting down

Electrolyte Powder from Earthley Wellness

Drink Gatorade, powerade, pedialyte

H2O Coach water bottles have been life savers for me

Watermelon! Apples and oranges.

Water, watermelon, cucumbers, celery. Water is the best.