What are some ways that I can keep my house clean?

Posting anonymously because it’s embarrassing but I need to vent. I have two kids, a husband and another baby on the way and I’ve completely given up on keeping my house clean. I do the basic dishes and laundry pretty daily and I vacuum my floors but I swear no matter what I do or how long I work on my house there’s clutter everywhere, toys all over, papers from various things, just random stuff on almost all my flat surfaces in my house. No matter how much I get rid of or how much I organize it’s never enough and I’ve gotten pretty down mentally because of it. It’s to the point where I just leave my house daily so I don’t have to look at it. Idk how to keep up or get it clean to the point that it stays clean.


It’s easier for me if everything has a space it belongs. Organize one small area at a time using baskets or any storage containers you own.

Toys are always an issue. I contain them in my kids rooms or the play area. I store the overflow in big clear bins because they have so much! When they ask to play with it I bring it back out.

I leave my house too when I feel overwhelmed. Try to tackle one small area a day before you leave! You can still leave of course but try to make progress of one small area daily if you can! You got this!

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Welcome to parenthood as they get older the clutter lessens then make it their job to clean the up god bless u will get through this :heart:

Sounds like your kids and husband need to pick up after themselves. Only have your kids play in their room. If the kids can walk, they can pick up. Your husband needs to step and pull his weight.


Just remember when you’re old, and you’re kids have moved out, you’ll miss the mess :heart: you’re doing enough


I have 4 kids 15,12, and twin 1 year olds and I tell you it’s tricky. It takes a lot of work everyday to keep up with it. I found a show on Netflix I believe called “organize it” and that was a game changer. You got this!


I hope your Whanau and friends can come over and have a clean up for you (a working bee) then it’s like a reset/fresh start. Then you can talk to hubby and the kids of the rules…the saying “many hands make light work” is so true. Good luck mama.x

My house doesn’t stay clean either. Some days I clean it, some days I leave it. I try not to stress over it too much. A messy house is a lived in house :heartpulse:


Momma with 3 kiddos an a baby my best advice is clean as you go make physical list of goals to help get stuff done

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Keeping everything in its place helps and doing things daily not letting it pile up


Following because i feel the same way. Every time people say “declutter” like ive decluttered so much and its not helping. Im slowly adding more storage.
But anyway, following


I got 5 kids and my house doesn’t stay clean either. I would buy child locks and gates to keep them in 1 room while you clean an area n then change them around if needed. Locks for cupboards so they can’t pull anything out after u have cleaned up… hope that is helpful


Literally have less stuff.


This used to be me feeling like the house was never clean and felt like no matter how much I clean kids would make a mess 5min after finishing cleaning and it would be a mess by the time husband came home, what I started doing first stop worrying about it! Not everyone can have a perfect clean house unless you don’t let your kids enjoy their play time.

What worked for me is get two toy bins to be able to fit all of their toys and 1hour before husband comes home I get all their toys and just throw them all back in bins usually when the kids see me doing it they will help clean even the 2year old. I know toys and dirty dishes is the things that make a house look even more dirty. Don’t spend all your time cleaning when your kids get older you will be having a perfect clean house. Also if possible first thing in the morning do your beds so that will be marked offf the list, start laundry if needed and wash dishes first thing in the morning will help you have a big start in your cleaning

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I give my kids each a room to clean. They put their own laundry away, if they have trash they ha e to throw it away, their dishes go in the sink. Get them into a cleaning routine and if they don’t want to clean then take away the power chords to their electronics and not give it back until they help


Clean, then make your whole family move out!


They grow up so fast as long as the dishes are done the floor swept from major dirt and no bugs enjoy them while you can. There is always gonna be dirty clothes in the hamper and wash machine running with another load drying and one sitting on top of dryer cause it never fails take out clean laundry one of the "kids " gets hurt hollers they are hungry or needs help on the potty. Good luck and hold on feel all the love you have from them


I have 5 kids. My house stays clean! Make them clean up! And keep the house in order as they go.


It will never be super clean or tidy whilst you have young children. Just do the basics and enjoy life with them. Life’s too short :slightly_smiling_face: xx

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Ask yourself, is your house dirty or unorganized. Is it lived in as a family home or is it a show room. Relax mum if its a family home. As long as its not filfy and ya have a clean environment :ok_hand: dont worry about the clutter.

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Rotate toys so there are not so many to pick up. Use baskets, shelves, laundry baskets so it’s easy for kids to pick up after themselves. Have set times so they know when they have to pick stuff up. They need LOTS of reminding. Then set a timer for 5 minutes and when it dings everything has to be off the floor.

Kids can help match socks, fold washcloths, empty dryers into a basket, help dust, especially the legs of furniture. Put pictures of clothes on drawers and shelves they can reach so they can put clean clothes away. Kids can set the table with anything unbreakable, take dishes to the kitchen, wash, dry, and/or put away silverware and other non-breakables.

Make a list of chores the kids can’t do and give hubs his choice of half.

Create a chore chart with everyone’s names and chores and give gold stars daily when completed. Review at the end of week. If any family member completes all or most of their tasks for the week there’s a reward. Picking a menu for a meal, staying up 15 or 30 minutes later, a piece of chocolate, picking the family movie, having a glass of something special: whiskey for dad, chocolate milk for Junior, wine for mom, apple juice for baby, for example.

Lower your standards. Family life is messy.

only way to keep a house clean is to not live in it :joy:.


I’m right there with you. Had my knees done this last year one March 17th and one June 23. Then had a major heart attack at rehab in the hospital on July 3rd. I died for 45 minutes while they did cpr on me. They called my hubby and asked if he wanted them to continue cpr and thank God he said yes. Her kids are coming. I came back after 47 minutes of cpr. I was hooked to so many machines. Have some short-term memory loss but can’t stand well or for very long. My house looks like a hoarding situation as I had a roommate in here and my place is so full I dont know where to start. I am looking for an organizer to help me out. I hope I find one soon but am hampered by cost and my hubby is sick right now and it’s been a month and a half. He had hip replacement surgery in December. I’m lost.


Just leaving this here for those mummies that need it.


I’ve learned to embrace the mess throughout the day and just pickup before bed nights. We have a room dedicated to just toys, but naturally my boys don’t actually play in there often, they usually bring a few toys to the living room instead. At the end of the day I just have them help with pickup putting toys books etc back at least in the room even if they don’t make it to a toy box and close the door to “shut it down” for the night before Dad gets home from work. At the end of the day I prefer seeing my kids make the mess even if it drives me crazy in the moment one day the mess will be gone and I’ll be wishing it wasnt.

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Have your kids play in their room only. Off course keep your eyes on them. If you have kids no home is going to be spotless. Have the kids pick up stuff.


I struggle with it & I’m a housekeeper.

I LOVE cleaning I just HATE cleaning my house because I know the other 4 people & 1 dog aren’t doing anything in the way of helping keep it up & let’s face it most of us are barely getting by if we have 3+ kids.

I think honestly you don’t SEE how your house is until you leave a while and come back.

Have you heard of “nose blind”?

Well people just don’t see their mess the same as other people’s mess- even in what looks like a pristine home there are hidden everyday things most people don’t clean or look under or get to.

But since I have started having/teaching my kids how to do a few things and stopped the tablets & TV during the week for the most part the kids are so bored they’ve made a game out of cleaning and helping me even my youngest that’s age 3!!
Kids benefit so much if you take just 30 mins to “play” & teach them a new skill!
My kids pick up their toys now & I routinely have them do a “chuck out.”
I also throw the small pieces they will never miss away. They only eat at 1 table no food in bedrooms or milk & they take their own plates to the sink now.
Any wrappers go straight to the trash can.
My oldest is currently on a “rotating the laundry” kick! WHICH IS AMAZING but it’s so funny because she gets SO excited :smile:

I’ve been trying to do better myself because I CAN do it if I can clean a large house that has a total of 13 rooms in 5 hours when motivated!

Get a bucket of cleaning supplies - start in kitchen dust- and wipe surfaces first then cabinets and microwave then soak stove grime with Dawn power wash & leave it a while & then dust every other surface in the main living areas & do bathrooms last. Bonus points if you pre treat toilets and tubs/showers about 10 mins before you are ready to clean because it takes more time for that to sanitize properly than most people give it!

Invest in a good stick vacuum for sure!
My favorite one from clients homes has been the Dyson v-11 it can finish 13 BIG rooms without going dead & has amazing suction!

But at my house I have a Tineco
A11 that’s handled a lot of abuse for the past 2 years because I give her no quarter :rofl: (unlike my clients vacuum)which I am very careful with even though it’s definitely better made.

The battery life is shorter on tineco but if it ever goes out when I am almost done it’s generally okay because I move so fast I don’t mind to sweep up a bedroom quickly or grab my corded vacuum.

And just invest in an O-Cedar mop bucket with tub- it’s the best knowing you are still cleaning with HOT water after 20-30 mins of mopping and not just sloshing the same dirty mess around!

I don’t recommend the all in one vacs for a deep clean especially with pets🤢 because if you don’t deep clean those bad boys after every time they get FUNKY!

Also I get a laundry basket and just throw anything and everything into it that “doesn’t belong” in all the immediately visible areas of the house that guests will see & I take it straight to my bedroom to sort out “later” :woman_shrugging::joy:
If you can just do that first it will help out a TON!

If you are ADHD just remember to turn on some fun music and that everything is a race to the finish line but it also has to be perfect :star_struck:

Do YOU. live in that house alone?? I see that you said you were expecting another child along with the 3 you already have. (including your husband) Does Your family follow a religion that believes its the practice where you , the mother/ spouse are totally responsible for maintaining cleanliness and order in the home?? If not…you need to recruit the others in your family to start helping you…like last week!!
Are your kids at the age they know how-to pick stuff up and put it away?? If so either show them how to, & do it properly, if not tell them there will be consequences… LIST THEM & FOLLOW £THEM. SUCH AS.
EVERYONE… clean it up afterwards…clear the table, put food stuff away , load / unload the dish washer or if hand washing/ dying rotate the chore.
Have a little talk, AFTER a meal , with everyone.while they are all together.
You are expecting another child, you need help!.you shouldn’t need explain but that’s how I would do it. Then tell them things have to change
.Give them a timeframe if there are other commits they currently are involved with, to get started.
CONSEQUENCES: at our home, loss of current privileges are on the top of the list…if their habits are not changed and they do as you have stated.
This includes phones, electronic games, TV , favorite places and time spent with friends
If their belongings are still left everywhere & you pick them up…put in a big plastic bag, yep, EVERY THING & seal it…put it out of bounds. If in a week they do as instructed…they earn 1 bag back., & so on. TRUST ME…IT WORKS. !! This includes teenage girls who leave the bathroom counters a total disaster with their make up, hair dryer, brushes etc. Guys can be just as bad with their daily grooming supplies.
Get a tote to hold cleaning supplies to put under every sink in your home.
We have clorox bathroom wipes, glass cleaner, paper towels, tub/ shower cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner etc.in every tote. (I showed both my son when he was young and he and I have taught his sons how to clean their bathroom). When done using the sink or tub. wipe it out, & the mirror when they use it.DONT Wait UNTIL IT GETS REALLY DIRTY.
USE the towels hang them up when done…or put in dirty laundry. If they don’t they don’t get fresh clean ones.
(It won’t be easy being tough, but all it takes is 2 weeks to become a habit)
Their beds have to made or it Least the covers straightened.
All dirty clothes in a hamper or basket. Clean clothes hug up and put in the closet others put in their place.
If toys are an issue.they are to be put back where they belong, neatly not just shoved in a big heap! We have bins for the kids toys, and shelves to put their bigger toys on.All their video games are also put in the matching case and put in the rack. This is done when they are finished playing with them, and before they go to bed.
No FOOD or drinks…(other than water allowed) in their rooms…it draws unwanted critters‼️
And no dirty dishes.
If your children are younger they still can do things according to their ages. And have the consequences also.
We used to have a cleaning day.where everyone helped clean our home…and their free time came after it was done. Unless another commitment had to be done. Then we did it when we got home , usually every Saturday.


Throw everything away ,room by room is how I do it,when it gets to that point I get overwhelmed then mad because I get no help. It sucks,do it little by little getting rid of stuff


A black trash bag. Go room to room then just put it in the bin outside

Im a single mum with 3 kids and my upstairs is horrendous :tired_face: i only manage to keep downstairs clean but i always do that 1st as thats where visitors see lol :laughing:

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lol we got a dog and it really encouraged everyone to clean up or else the dog may get to it and chew it up then we have no choice but to throw it out. It work for the kids to hide their stuff toys in they room after a few times of the dog getting to it. But sweeping ,laundry and dishes are a daily thing I try to tackle one disorganized thing on occasion and declutter as well. Also trying to teach the kids it’s good to give away toys for yard sell how to raise money them selves . Best of luck gets better as they get older.

Once you get things the way you want, it’s pretty easy to maintain. Give kids small, age appropriate chores, and teach them to pick up their things. It’ll help a lot. Get rid of things you don’t want, need or use. Consider a toy rotation. It’ll cut down on clutter and help kids stay more interested in their toys. I hope this helps.


Maybe you can hire an organizer or house keeper to help?

enjoy your family, enjoy your kids, because before you know it, they are all grown up & gone, You are doing everything right, so don’t worry about the other stuff

It will never always be clean while having kids. It’s okay. I pick a day of the week to clean up, and spot clean in between. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Ask your husband for help.

I purge my house once a month get rid of things…I also do this with my kids stuff as they break things and just trash their room pretty frequently it is so frustrating!!!

You need a plan to do things on a schedule. The children also need to learn to put things away or lose them. A daily schedule is the best. Beds get made when they get out of them. Children need to learn responsibility early.

Have everyone do their part.

Declutter. declutter. declutter.

Hire someone to come and clean maybe twice a week.

When mine was about 3 she didn’t want to pick up her toys one night. We got a garbage bag and put them in there. Took the bag in the hallway. Since she thought they were trashed she never refused again.

Depending on the ages of the kids,call a family meeting and explain chores,duties,responsibilities and thst being part of a family is a team effort and it takes everyone doing their part to make it work. Kids can help with cleaning and learn to pick up their toys,etc,etc. I my kids always helped and I worked full time but I took 15 min every evening and went room by room straightening up……it made me feel better seeing it was all cleaned up every night. Hoping you got some good suggestions.

You’re going to have to rehome the husband and kids.

Get tubs for toys. I allowed my children to have one small tub at a time. If they wanted to play with something else, they would have to put what they were playing with back in the tub and trade it out with a new tub or toy. They sell those organizers with several tubs. My 4 yr old granddaughter already puts her toys back in her tubs to change them out.
Everything has to have a place, including papers. Put things back on their place after every use. Every time!
When I walk in my house, I put my shoes in the shoe cabinet by my front door. I also have shelves in my bedroom closet for shoes. My kitchen counters literally have nothing on it, not even a toaster as I also keep that in a cabinet and pull it out when I need it.
My advice: Everything must have a place!


It’s not easy. Idk the age of your kids but 1 thing that kept things at a minimum when they were little was a system where I boxed all their toys in totes. I numbered them & switched them out weekly. This way they only had limited toys out & always got “new” toys to keep them entertained.
Now that they’re older (10) I just feel like I’m constantly nagging them to put stuff away. I’ll lock their phones so that gets them to clean up so I’ll unlock it.

Your husband should be helping tp

Depending on how old your children are Id have them doing small chores. That makes a load of difference on the workload for you. I find I do and feel better if I get up and clean while the kids have breakfast and get ready for school. I try to only have laundry 3 days a week instead of doing laundry every day. Also try to have one spot you keep papers that you need instead of all over.

Give everyone a garbage bag and say “everyone needs to fill this garbage bag up, old toys, irrelevant papers, broken stuff, clothes that don’t fit, it doesn’t matter just fill the bag up” also, if it takes less than a minute to do, do it right then! My house isn’t perfect by any means but my kitchen is close so at least I can hangout in there if I get overwhelmed by the rest of it😂

Well start with having the kids help,I always feel if your dishes are done,towels hung up the bed made then.your house is clean

You don’t live there alone! Everyone should help. Even little children can pick up toys and clothes. Surely husband is an adult and should be picking up after himself. (That’s what grown-ups do.)

Get someone to come clean at least one a week. Husband and kids can also help

Viv digs daw rag daw Dr VW

Start delegating. If I’m walking through the house I ask a kid “hey can you pick all the paper up and put them here” or “hey can you put all the trash in the trash can?”or “hey can all the toys be picked up please?”. Sundays are cleaning day, house gets reset to a starting point. Everyone participates and no one is done until the house is done because we all live here.music goes on, hubby and I take on major tasks. Kiddo is 5 and does better with one task at a time so she wipes down the dinner table and chairs, puts laundry in the laundry room, picks up her own stuff and puts away, sweeps into piles(needs help with dustpan still but will ask for help), sometimes she likes to do dishes (prescrub to go into dishwasher), etc. Not to mention you have a baby on the way, I’d be delegating the hell out of household things to not put too much stress on the baby or my body

Can you ask your mother or mother?In-law?Those are usually pretty good with helping clear a mess and then if they throw something away it’s not your fault l o l

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I had 4 kids within 10 yrs, we both had full time jobs and a business. My mother in law would come over and then go tell others how dirty it is. I went and told her I want to enjoy this time with them not housework. When my kids are gone my house will be cleaned. It shut her and others up, and since they’ve been gone it’s always clean0

I have hoarders in my family and now that I’ve become responsible for live-in parent care I have made 18 gallon plastic storage totes my best friends, all those flat surface catch-alls you described are your enemy, paperwork in one, misc stuff in others, non put away toys in others, label them and stack them somewhere, I find slobs and hoarders are addicted to catch-alls like they were heroin, just keep taking away their drug

Get bins, label them. If you haven’t used it in a long time, PURGE!!

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