What are some ways to break a child from their pacifier?

Okay, Mamas, I have a friend that is at her wit’s end; she is trying to break her 16-month-old son from the pacifier. I am no help to her at all because neither of my children like taking it. Any suggestions? Although I’m sure just not giving it to them is probably the solution.


Throw it away! It will ruin their teeth.

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Yup it will be hard few days but just throw them out.

Just throw them all away. Might be a rough 1 or 2 days but when they see there’s no changing it they get past it

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Cut it in half- they won’t want it anymore lol

Throw them away one at a time. Also cut the tips off each one.

Cut a tiny slit in the top of it.

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Throw them all away! It might be rough the 1st day or 2 but they will eventually forget about it. That was the only way I could break my kids from theirs.

My daughter was almost three and obsessed with her soother! I took it from her in the night, cut the nub, and when she woke up told her she is a big girl and doesn’t need it. She walked up and put it in the garbage herself. She asked for it for a few days, bedtime was hard, but we got over it! Every kid is different. Best of luck mama

My girl lost hers one night. It was 2 days of hell without it but so worth being rid of it​:innocent: good luck!!:four_leaf_clover:

Just throw it away. It’s so bad for their teeth…

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Cut the tip off is what I’ve heard


When I wanted to break my son (now 5) from his I originally thought that his teacher forgot to send it home so I told him that his teacher gave it to the Nippie Fairy. Fortunately that’s all it took.

Yes, unfortunately it’s the same thing for me and bottles… if I didn’t offer it, it wouldn’t be a problem! I know a friend of mine had her 16M old “help” throw his pacifiers away. It gave him a sense of being part of the solution!

I just broken my daughter from her pacifier just take it away it’s going to be rough couple of days it’s was with my daughter

Iv heard cutting them shorter and shorter helps! But my biggest suggestion is to not give a child a pacifier from the start. Make a schedule and stick by it as much as possible, along with a nighttime routine and always change them into pjs at night so they realize it’s time to go to bed if they aren’t doing the usual nighttime routine

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Both my kids broke the habit by me cutting the tip off. Then every other day I’d cut just a bit more off until it was of no interest to them

Cut the tip and cut a little more each day and by the end of the week theres nothing left to suck on

I had all 3 of my kids throw them away themselves.

I told my son it was time to throw them away because he was a big boy and talked about his teeth. I had him throw them away and then we went to Walmart and he got to pick out a comfort stuffie

I told my daughter that the angel babies needed it and we tied it to a balloon and let it go. Any time she wanted it, I just reminded her it was in heaven. :woman_shrugging: Was the only thing that worked for us…


I can’t say what will work best only that I just made the decision and prepared myself for a lot of crying the following couple weeks. Whether it’s common, or I’m blessed, they all only cried a couple days and nights and then got over it. :woman_shrugging:t2: you got this :muscle:t4: I used them on all six of my kids no regrets :slightly_smiling_face:

we were out walking and there were baby ducks
we left it for the ducklings
when she wanted it i just reminded her the duckies had it
it was only a few days then forgotten

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We went cold turkey when she lost it one night… we didn’t look :woman_shrugging: found it like 4 days later and tossed it. It a was tough couple nights.

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With my daughter I just kept telling her your a big girl u dont need one any more and we only used it for naps and bed and when she fa asleep I’d take it and told her whatever we had kf u loose it that is it and so we did and she forgot all Bout it

This worked awesome for my two girls…, will be using this technique for my new baby also when the time comes.


With my oldest we had her throw it away bc she was old enough to know that things that went to the trash didn’t come back out. She was 2 when we did that but with my youngest she was 1 and we just took it away. It was hard but she only struggled for the first couple nights. We replaced it with a comfort stuffy to snuggle. Good luck! It’s not fun or easy but it will pass​:heart::heart:

Just cut it and show it’s “all gone” there will be a rough few tantrums but that’s all part of it,and believe me I’ve done it 6 babies so far​:cold_sweat::joy:,number 7 is in for a rude awakening 2mro so I’m wishing me and u both luck :joy::heart:

Cold turkey. I thought my daughter was going to have a huge fit but she did really good.

We did Binky fairy she put them under her pillow and in the morning there was a coupon to go pick out a big girl toy. She loved it all and was so excited to get a big girl toy and pay with her coupon( daddy stayed behind a minute to actually pay) but the cashier was really sweet about it

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My son was off the pacifier at 2 years old. He only used for naps or bedtime and I had to take them away when he fell asleep and get him used to waking up without one in the middle of the night. It took about a week and he didn’t even ask about it anymore

Put a small slice in it the won’t like it so they will stop after all of them are broken

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My friend cut the nipple off her sons and told him they were broken. It convinced him and he threw them all away lol I know it won’t be always that easy but you never know haha

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Cut a bit off of it every few days until it’s gone. I’ve heard that people have had success with that method. I got lucky in that department. My daughter threw hers away the day before her first birthday. My son never took one. He hated them.

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Start cutting it little by little!

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My almost 3 YO ‘sold’ hers for a gold coin to a lady who needed it a for her grand baby :rofl:


Throw them all away and be prepared for tantrums and crying for about a week

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I lost my Daughter’s , that’s how she got over it.

I was just struggling with my two yr old I was ready for them to go and kept trying to say they for babies and stuff it wasn’t working. Last Monday she lost the last one in the house somewhere before bedtime and I was tired I looked for about 20 minutes and couldn’t find it so the process started. I rocked and bounced her for over an hour while she cried but she eventually went to sleep. The next day she asked a few times I told her they were gone. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. She cried the forest and second night after that we were good. It’s been over a week now and it’s no tears and she don’t even ask for it

Set limits on how long during the day worked for my first. Then he had it at naptime and bedtime. After 2 weeks doing that I stopped giving it to him. Cold turkey. Gave him extra blanket and extra stuffed animals for comfort

I cut ours in half and left it on the coffee table for my daughter to come discover that it had broken. She gave it a hug and kiss and threw it in the garbage.

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With my oldest her dad burned the nipple an told her she didn’t need it she was a big girl then my little before she turned 1 I started tell her she was a big girl an didn’t need it an 2 days before her party she trashed all of them her self an said big girl yay an clapped

Just let them have it! They will eventually not want it! They are not going to go to kindergarten with it!!

I personally just took it from both of mine and was lucky it went smoothly. One of my friends cut the tip off of them so that her daughter couldn’t keep it in her mouth and she lost interest. My cousin took his daughter to build a bear and they put the paci in a bear so she’d always have it but couldn’t use it, and it worked for them.

Let the child decide when to give it up.

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We gave them to the babies. Left them on the front porch before bed and the babies gave her a lovey in return for her binkies

When my youngest threw hers in the car and i couldn’t find it, we told her the dog got it. :woman_shrugging: Not the best way but she didn’t want it after that

Took it away, it was 3 days and nights, but after that it was all good

Cold turkey worked best for my son

I just took them all at once. I gathered them up when he was away & just said they’re gone.

Find them all and throe them in the trash and don’t look back. Little one will be fussy for two to three days… And then will accept it’s gone.

I know a lot of parents who did this and it seemed to work!! Free Pacifier Fairy Printables - Moms & Munchkins

Cut down time when she can use them then be strong when you take it away

The best way was to just take it away. I told my daughter that a baby needed it more than she did but she was 3 when I took hers. Wish I would’ve done it sooner. We “left” it at “the doctors office” for another kid

I let my two oldest kids use a bink for WAY too long. We just recently stopped using them. They asked for them one night for bed I said no you’re too old for them and we were done with it. My youngest turned two a few months ago and I took hers away the same time too. Was way easier than I thought 🤦😂

Mine has never taken one and now this fill in pediatrics dr I saw is basically saying to give her one so we can take away her bottles that she only get for naps and bed.

Just let her have it at bed time for awhile then slowly take it away

We never used pinkies, but rewards helped my daughter give up diapers.

Throw it away deal with the tantrums for a week and its over.


I think my main question would be… do they still take a bottle? … if so… pick one or the other too eliminate … if no bottle… start with only at sleep time (nap&bed) then… eliminate one… do that for few days /week. Its broken. It doesn’t work anymore. Cut just the tip off so the child can see its broken. Then elimate fully.

My son was bad about losing his all the time so one day he lost it and we hid it then “helped him look for it” told him we couldn’t find it so he stopped asking about it.

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Poke a tiny hole in them

Good job she knows there is a heaven even at that early age love u

We gave ours and bottle to the baby squirrels . Worked with all three of ours

One of our great grands they cut them and they didn’t wNt them

We just made them disappear. My baby was only allowed one at sleep time anyway so first we took them away at nap then bedtime. I cut the nipples off her favorite ones which made it less appealing. Then threw away the rest. She was angry for about a week but we just gave her extra cuddles and extra story time to help transition.

Snip a hole in it and say broken, bye bye

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My son one day just didn’t want it anymore and put it down and that was it
But he got attached to the nipple bottles and we are 3 months of no bottle he will be 2 in January

None of my children have used these but I’m thinking if you have used a paci for comfort why at 16 months are you taking it away?
, maybe baby just isn’t ready to give it up, personally I’d cut down by only using at home then only at night, do what’s right for you and don’t be persuaded by other people to stop doing something that comforts your child or continue with something you feel strongly about, you will work out when baby is ready, hang in there mama , xxx :kissing_heart:

Our daughter was a nightmare with the binky weaning. I even asked for advice on this page and nothing worked. We ended up just having to take it cold turkey. It’s a lot of crying and stress on everybody for a little while but its all that worked for us. :sob:

I just did this back in June with my 2 year old. Tell him you’re going to take it away (I gave two days notice) and then take it away. It will be miserable for the first week or so but stick with it and he’ll get over it.

My daughter was just over two. I simply stopped buying replacements. When she lost that last one I said, “Oh no, B all gone?” (Because as parents with toddlers we all somehow lose our ability to speak like big people). The first night was rough but she (we) got through it. Funny enough, we moved like a year later and found like half a dozen of those things around the house. Never bothered her. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Mine didn’t take a paci either, but that bottle was haaarrrdd to break so I kind of relate.
We just took it away cold turkey… It sucked was about 2 to 3 days total… During the day wasn’t too bad, but nighttime was the worst.
My advice is take it away. It you do that, be COMMITTED and don’t give it back.

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My mom weaned me down to one pacifier and then one day my nanny asked to borrow it and she pretended to put it in her mouth but popped it down her shirt. She told me she swallowed it.
I didnt ask for it again lol

I started breaking my son at 2. First I wouldn’t allow him to have it while awake. Then when he took naps he wasn’t allowed to have it only at night. After that I took it at night too.

I have twins. We snipped the tip of all of theirs and then left them around the house. They were so confused. I’ll never forget their faces. :rofl: very accepting of it though and every time they’d try and couldn’t get that suction we said ut oh, you broke it and asked them to throw it away. We did that until they were all gone.

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I had my son throw his out to The Cows in a field we were passing…he was 1 at the time and for a couple of days he wanted it and I explained that he gave it to the cows because he did not need it any more

In my house, binkies and bottles went under the tree Christmas Eve and Santa took them away in exchange for presents.

I told my kids she could make a trade it for a new toy. It worked like a charm.

I told my kids yucky and had them throw it away same thing with the bottle

We did a binkie bunny. Took him to build a bear and they had him place the binkie in the bunny.

Many years ago, we got our son down to one. It accidentally fell out of my window & he saw it because it was before car seats. However, every time we drove by that spot for over a year, he said " binky".

Like a bandaid. Get rid of them. 3 days. Do Not Give In. It’ll be done

Just get rid of all the pacifiers in the house. He will cry maybe a couple days but stay strong and you will succeed.

Babysitter here! Either cold turkey or what have done with my last to babies were. I would take it away while awake , no used it for nap times.( MOM AGREED) gotta stick your ground:) it took about 1 week ,and he didn’t ask anymore. And all kids are different .

I just threw them away when I decided it was time to get rid of the pacifier. It was rough for a day or two but they eventually moved on from it. Out of sight, out of mind. It was honestly more of training myself to not give in to them and giving them the pacifier because it was easier. So throwing them away completely just worked better.

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I told my daughter the paci fairy came for them just like the tooth fairy and got them out of the house while she was sleeping. Just told her the paci fairy came and took them because she didn’t need them anymore. Good luck mama and stay strong sometimes it gets hard without the paci

Cut the end off. It doesn’t suck right. My grandson kept saying it was broke.

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I cut the tip off a little each night. And he didn’t get it during the day just at nap time and bedtime… but cutting the tip off a little each night really helped us.

Had this problem with both mine. Cut them off cold turkey. After you get them down for the first couple naps without paci its a lot easier. Worked for my two abour that age. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Frida baby makes a pacifier weaning system. Works like a charm and it is affordable

We just took ours away and got them both new teddies as they had been so good about it :joy:. My mam started cutting the bibs off mine though and I wasn’t long about throwing them myself apparently x

My 3 kids used pacifier. I just threw it and when they looked for it I just said I threw it since they are big already. May a day or 2, then they forgot about it.

We told my daughter that the pacifier fairy took it lol she believed us and never asked for it again. Good luck

They will not take it to school. About two years of age, pacifier was limited to car trips and sleep. At five years old my son gave me his pacifier, said he was too old for it.

Just take them all away. It only takes a day or two of fussy to get through it.
I made my nephew a book about his binky going bye bye-it helped :joy:

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For both my girls we weaned them slowly to just car rides and nap/bed time… Then we took it cold turkey about 3 months later. They spent a few days crying extra and searching their beds for them but eventually gave up. You just gotta be strong and don’t give into the crying.

Our first child was obsessed.

Tried everything (giving them away to dummy fairies etc) - nothing worked.

Then every night we stabbed it with a thick sewing needle. About 7 times.

After about 4 nights - she said it didn’t work and just held it instead. We let her hold it. Never took it off her - then one day it sat on the shelf - left it there for weeks. Then binned it.

Nil tears. Nil stress.

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I cut the the top of the nipple off. I blamed it on the dog and told him that was the last one we had. After trying to use it and hating it, he gave it up. You just have to make sure the baby doesn’t have any secret ones hidden around, I did come across a few of those that I had to make disappear.

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