What are the best ways to clean the outside of a fridge?

Okay, moms, this isn’t baby related, but tips on what to use to clean the exterior of my fridge? It’s not a cool stainless steel one. It’s an old school one with the bumpy texture. Cleaning products and the best type of rag/sponge?


Lysol and a Mr clean magic eraser. I have the same type of fridge.


Depends on what your cleaning off… magic erasers are nice.409 or a degreaser and paper towels


Nail brush and any kind of cleaner will work

Vim or Comet cream cleansers with a dish rag

Maybe the Magic eraser

I use Mr. Clean spray for EVERYTHING!

Lmao i use baby wipes on my fridge thats 22years old

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Try magic eraser from dollar store and also the oxy powder diluted with some water. Should come out clean as a whistle.:hugs:

Magic eraser and simple green

I use scrubing bubbles with clorox and spray let it foam and wipe away like 5 minutes later

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Goo gone oven and grill!!! Best damn invention ever. It will clean everything u throw at it including the worse of the worse ovens in a couple seconds.

I usually just use some kind of spray 409 or Mr Clean. Magic erasers are good too

Wipe down with vim cream and dish soap with a wet cloth, let sit so it releases the grime then wipe out use a good scrub pad (I prefer scotch Brite extra strength but maybe wash it first it it leaves little green pieces from the scrub) then wipe with clean water. For fridge door handles I use magic eraser it get the black grime it tends to build up.

I use grease lightingmo

Magic eraser is what we used. And it helped tremendously

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Magic eraser cleans a lot and it cleans good

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Degreaser and a toothbrush. But that was quite a long time ago. I’d try a magic eraser first, it’s probably easier.

409 with a good scrubber and magic eraser. Also, pure Clorox and some Ajax with bleach. Let it sit a few min and scrub off.

If you have little kids i recommend just dish soap and any rag

The auto glass cleaner “Invisible Glass”. It smells like straight alcohol. It’s available at Dollar General and auto part stores. I also cleaned a glass top range with it. Just spray on and wait 30 seconds. Wipes off with a dry dishcloth. Its amazing!

Don’t use the hose pipe inside for sure

Windex whitens them up… gets smoke and everything off.

I have always used bleach water and paper towels 🤷

Affresh. Tried it once. Never went back

Vinegar, dish soap and hot water in a spray bottle with a cheap microfiber towel. I also used it when we got those annoying gnats/fruit flies due to a plumbing issue. Kills them in less than 10 seconds.
1 cup hot water
1-3 tbsp white vinegar
1tsp(ish) dawn dish soap


Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. They are awesome, they even clean sharpie marks off the walls.

Magic erasers or 409

I KID YOU NOT, the degreaser from the dollar store, totally awesome or mr awsome, is amazing for kitchen grease!! Its a clear bottle with a yellow liquid inside! Its amazing

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Magic eraser and literally any surface spray, I personally use a vinegar / water combo.

I used awesome spray it works great spay on watch the dirt roll off

Dish soap hot water and a wash cloth

Bi carb, vinegar, lemon mixed in water. Then wipe down

Clorox cleaner very hot water on rag to rinse removes Mark’s stains and disinfects .make sure you rinse well

I have an old school fridge. I use hot water and Dawn dish soap and a terry cloth rag

Baking soda n warm water cleans EVERYTHING!

Scrubbing bubbles and magic eraser

Manic eraser and some Windex or vinegar

Few drops of Dawn dish soap, apple cider vinegar, and cup a hot water in a spray bottle. Using a sponge spray the fridge and wait a few minutes before wiping it down. The Dawn allows the vinegar to soak into the dirt and grease. You might need to mop the floor afterwards as well.

Use a mix of half distilled water and rubbing alcohol. Equal parts in a spray bottle. That is what I have used for years and nothing works better on counter tops, microwaves, stovetops.

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I’ve used vinegar and Dawn… 409 works well… my favorite multipurpose cleaner is called Awesome. Most Dollar stores carry it, Dollar General a d Family Dollar do… spay bottle is $1 jug is $3.


Magic eraser. If its greasy, there’s a yellow decreased at dollar general (clear bottle but yellow cleaner) that works awesome.

I usually use disinfecting wipes on the outside of the refrigerator, soap and water for shelves on inside of fridge

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Use the magic eraser. Works great.

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Bar Keepers Friend & magic eraser! Best combo ever!


Magic eraser works great. I use awesome dollar tree or 99 cent store. But forsure magic erasers


Scrubbing bubbles works great

“Awesome” spray cleaner.

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Dawn dish soap and baking soda with water and scrubby brush

A Tbsp of Dawn,4 oz water and 10-15 drops of Tea Tree Oil. Use it in everything.

Vinegar and lemon juice

Soft Scrub without bleach

Old school here but Jubilee wax is awesome

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How about just a little bleach water?

Vinegar and dawn dish soap

I use just a dish rag and water

Spray with 409 wipe down with a dry cloth!

Mr clean eraser work well for stains

Simple green and the I use Clorox wipes once clean just to help with the spread of germs.