What are the chances I could be pregnant?

The pill takes a while to get in your system and can leave it way faster.

Was it right around your ovulation time?

Stop sleeping with the ex for one and two the first month back on birth control, the pill, can make you extra fertile. I learned that the hard way. Wished my doctor told me that before becoming pregnant. Donā€™t get me wrong. We were married at the time and are still married. I do not regret my daughter either. Just relaying what I was told by my doctor. Word of advice is pulling out never gives any guarantee you wonā€™t get pregnant. Pre-cum has sperm in it too.

I mean, itā€™s always possible, likelihood just varies. Iā€™d test in a few weeks if youā€™re super worried. Also, I was advised AGAINST taking Plan B in addition to my birth control. It can REALLY mess with your hormones. I know whatā€™s done is done, but if thereā€™s a next time, ask your doctor or the pharmacist before taking Plan B if youā€™re already on BC. Best of luck to you!

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If you live in Texas then yes, youā€™re prego.


Pulling out does not workā€¦


Congratulations momma :rofl:

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My first born is a plan b baby so idk about thatšŸ™ƒ

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I got pregnant several times on birth control and condoms were used as well. Thereā€™s ALWAYS a chance you could get pregnant.


You had unprotected sex, you could be pregnant.

Generally it takes 30 days when first starting a birth control, but depending on how many days you had missed it before restarting it plays a factor and Iā€™m unsure of the percentages it drops as it varies from pill to pill. Plan B has to be retaken after every time you have unprotected sex, is not reliable if you weigh more than like 130 pounds based on information from recent studies, and it royally messes with your cycle and hormones. It also depends on where youā€™re at in your cycle; if it was around the time youā€™re due to ovulate in the time frame mentioned and when you stopped birth control. If you were already ovulating when you had unprotected sex, the Plan B pill was useless as it will not abort an existing pregnancy. Itā€™s definitely possible you could end up pregnant though.

i took a plan b & i got pregnant bc i was ovulating

Nobody here knows, ffs. Take a test.


i believe birth control stops immediately with the pill, and then they tell you to wait at LEAST a week before having unprotected sex when youā€™re starting it up again. so iā€™d go take a test and keep an eye on it lol cause itā€™s definitely possible

I mean thereā€™s always a chance to get pregnant even on birth control :woman_shrugging:t2: early for you to tell quite yet but best of luck!

Why are you screwing your ex?


Take a pregnancy test

Everyoneā€™s body is different
No one here can tell you if your are pregnant. Or how high of a chance you have at becoming pregnant.
Your best bet is to wait and see. Take a test when the time is right

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Hope youā€™re not a resident of Texas!!


So I learned this the hard way :ok_hand:t2:the wonā€™t stop you from getting pregnant if you already ovulated !!!:clap:t2: !! Iā€™ve had two birth control Plan B pregnancy :woman_facepalming:t3: not that I donā€™t love and feel blessed to have them in my life everyday I thank god but man on man if someone would have told me that sooner then later I wouldnā€™t have felt so stupid going in for my six week post delivery check up finding out Iā€™m pregnant :exploding_head:


Did you have sex? Do you have a uterus? You can be pregnant.

My first is a Plan B baby soā€¦.

I would def wait a couple weeks to test bc plan b cancels out birth control!

Thereā€™s ALWAYS a chance.


You had sexā€¦always a chance of pregnancy. Two of my three kids were born on birth control.

Thereā€™s only about a 5 day window a month a woman can get pregnant. It depends if u are ovulating or not.
Take a test on the day of your suspected period to know for sure.

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Sounds like you wanted to be pregnant congratulations mama. Any for of birth control take 2 weeks to be in your system and most people who get pregnant on birth control do not allow the 2 weeks and then say the birth control failed them when in actuality the birth control did not fail you it was you that did not give it the correct amount of time to start taking effect.


If you are ovulating than yes thereā€™s a big chance. But you wonā€™t know for awhile

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I mean any time you have sex you take the chance of being pregnant.

You shouldnā€™t have stopped taking the birth control.


Thereā€™s always a chance. - but honestly probably not a high chance since when actually TRYING to have a baby you have a 25% chance to conceive each month. The likelihood depends on when your LMP was

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U had secā€¦ take a freaking test

Do we look like doctors?


If you had unprotected sexā€¦ yah you could be pregnantā€¦ if you are worried you may be pregnant pee on a test.

Itā€™s takes a full week of taking birth control before it really starts working. I would not count on the pill being effective until at least a week. Hopefully the morning after pill helped. With the 2nd round. But you should definitely keep an eye out for signs of pregnancy. There was a lot of user error and You should not be confident that the pill or plan b helped.


Well yes you could. Guess itā€™s a waiting game tonsee if you arenā€™t or are.

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Iā€™m not saying this to be
r u d e, but if you have sex, there is a possibility that you can get pregnant.

I think thatā€™s like the second sentence they say after ā€œwelcome to sexual educationā€ in 6th grade.

You can have a tubal/vasectomy, have an implant, an IUD, take the pill, wear a condom and follow it with Plan B and STILL get pregnant.

Donā€™t really need any ā€œlessonsā€ but youā€™re asking this in a Fb group :rofl::rofl::rofl:


In nz we are always told to have protected sex for the first week when starting a pill (or if a pill had been missed) because it wonā€™t be effective straight away

People on here are asking for advice not to be judged :woman_facepalming:t4: none of you who are judging are perfect so check yourselves before judging others, all she is doing is reaching out asking a question, clearly she will take a test, clearly she knows it was stupid, we all make stupid mistakes, itā€™s called life!!!


Simple answer: you had sex, so thereā€™s a chance youā€™re pregnant, period.

Well honestly this is a stupid question yes taking your birth control inconsistently which is basic what you described and then having unprotected sex could possibly result in pregnancy. Duh :roll_eyes: just like when you first get on brith control they tell you to use condoms the first month as it takes time to start working ugh come on people use some common sense :unamused:. So basically wait and see if you miss your period if you do take a test only way to find out.

Donā€™t really need ā€œLessonsā€ like clearly you do if you took plan b then TWO DAYS LATER used the ā€œpull out methodā€ as a reliable form of contraception :woman_facepalming:


Plan B only works if youā€™re under 160-some pounds. If you weigh more than that then you need to request the other one


No offense but if you are sexually active you should know this kind of stuff .

I got pregnant with twins and had the iud . Anytime you have sex there is a chance of pregnancy whether he pulls out or not .

Next time if you donā€™t want to wait 2 weeks for BC to re enter your system you may wanna get spermicide :eyes: good luck

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Sounds like wishful thinking to me.


Itā€™s possible! And for heavens sake use protection do you want a STD or HIV!!!


Any sex can lead to pregnancy.

It takes about 30 days for the pill to fully get in your system, so my answer is yes very good chance you are.


You had sex. There is always a chance you could be pregnant when you have sex. Especially unprotected sex. Why not just take a test instead of asking strangers on the internet?

Definitely for sure pregnant

I was told you have to take pill for 7 days on time every day for it to work. I would consider another plan b if you donā€™t want a babyā€¦

But I am 11 weeks pregnant after missing a day or two of my pill & even took a plan bā€¦ best of luck.


So u split up then slept with him twice without any protection :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: sounds like ur trying to get pregnant to me im only saying what others r thinking :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


You will have to take a test to find out. Everybody is different. Some people get pregnant onceā€¦some it takes a while. Best betā€¦ Follow up with a doctor


you should ask the dr who prescribed your birth control

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You had unprotected sex, so yes you could be pregnant, nothing is 100% effective, wait a week and go to your gp and get tested.

Plan b donā€™t work if youā€™re ovulating

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Everyone is different, you are in waiting limbo right now. People get pregnant on birth control, tubes, tied and all others. Itā€™s just a waiting game now.


I think you just wanted to brag about the great sexšŸ˜‚

It takes 30 days for the pill to be in your system enough to take affect. Also, the pull out method isnā€™t full proof. So, yes there could be a chance you are pregnant.

You stopped taking birth control a week ago, the chances are low.


If you have sex (even protected) you can still get pregnantā€¦ Nothing is 100% effective.

Young one - you need to get a test and check - ya never know - or get checked by professional.

Pill didnt work for me
Think you will have to wait and see

Heā€™s an ex for a reason. Keep him that way


Thereā€™s birth control for everyone. Never stop taking it just because you arenā€™t in a relationship. Thatā€™s asking for trouble


Yes, there is a possibility you could be pregnant. Even if you take your birth control consistently and faithfully you have a chance to get pregnant. That happened to me. Since you took a plan b, thereā€™s a chance that it worked; BUT itā€™s still possible.

Good luck!


Yall break up, and thatā€™s your cue to stop birth control? Then sleep together twice? Sounds like youā€™re trying to trap the dude :joy:


Stop having unprotected sex with him if heā€™s your ex? Otherwise your just asking for trouble and the pull out method doesnā€™t always work either

Itā€™ll depend. If you didnā€™t take for 3 or 4 days, itā€™s a 50/50 shit depending on your body.
See your OB.

This is me not being r u d eā€¦


Are these questions for real??


Every incidence of unprotected sex had about a 1 in 10 chance of resulting in pregnancy. Contraception reduces that to 1 in 100. Based on your wonky birth control doses this month, Iā€™d say around a 30% chance of pregnancy. Significant enough to be prepared to deal with a pregnancy and to buy a test to rule out pregnancy even if you experience bleeding. Bleeding after Plan B could be breakthrough bleeding or implantation bleeding not necessarily meaning you arenā€™t pregnant. Donā€™t stress over it, just be prepared to have to deal with a pregnancy and hope for a negative test. Good luck!

Oh young childā€¦ you can get pregnant when you have sex, regardless of birth controlā€¦ nothing is 100% effective against pregnancy except abstinence.

Not certain, but birth control usually takes a month to get in your system. I think

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Iā€™m going to make this as simple as possible, if you have unprotected sex there is a high likelihood of pregnancy. ALWAYS.

With the pill if you miss 2 days a month always plan a back up. Pills take a month of every day taking for them to work.

My girlfriend got pregnant while on birth control and she took it religiously. So it is possible


I have 2 kids on the so called pill. So anything is possible.

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The only thing the morning after pill does is stop you from ovulating. Thereā€™s a chance you could be pregnant. Make an appointment with your ob or even the health department.

Well if you miss your period youā€™ll know for sure. There is a small chance.

Very good chance you are!

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Thereā€™s always some chance when having unprotected sex, even the pill is not 100% effective. If you miss your period take a test :woman_shrugging:t3:

If you werenā€™t ovulating then the pill should work fine. Most women ovulate a week before their period.

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Any time you have sex, thereā€™s a chance that you can get pregnant. Even if youā€™re on birth control :rofl:

You should be alright there is always a chance thoughā€¦ and taking the plan b can change your period so I wouldnā€™t panic if your period doesnā€™t come when itā€™s ā€œsupposedā€ tošŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

Totally starting to see why there are so many unplanned babiesā€¦no one knows how birth control works smh


The pill takes 30. day since the chain is broken. Hope your planning on reuniting with your ex cause thereā€™s a really good chance you could pregnant


The pill can take upto 6 weeks to be fully covered but even if you are on the pill you can get pregnant this is what happened to me with my first child

I think people talk about their sex life way too much. What ever happened to keeping your personal life private

I mean if he stuck it inside you always a chance of pregnancy even if you are careful lol but it kind of sounds like you are trying to trap him :woman_shrugging:t2:


If you donā€™t know how sex and pregnancy works, ya probably shouldnā€™t be doing it.

It really depends on your cycle and what point your at.

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Last I knew of the pill was that you need it to be in your system for a month before it actually takes effect


My first question is why on earth would you stop using birth control because you broke up with somebody? Arenā€™t the chances higher now that you might be intimate with someone new? If I were you I would get back on it religiously if you plan on being sexually active at all whether it be your ex or some guy you meet on match. com (just an example!)
Sounds to me like heā€™s not pulling out on purpose, well of course itā€™s on purpose, but you know what I mean is he trying to trap you? Be weary.

But to answer your question, of course thereā€™s a chance anytime you have unprotected sex, but itā€™s been my experience that it takes your body time to adjust so you might be ok? Of course thatā€™s just my uneducated guess. It probably depends on where you are in your cycle, youā€™re more fertile some days than othersā€¦ the only way to know is to get off Facebook and go get a test.
Some can detect it earlier than others, they cost a bit more but youā€™re paying for peace of mind here!

I wouldnā€™t sleep with him again if heā€™s not gonna respect you and pull out like you asked.

If you have sex, thereā€™s always a chance. Did you tell him you stopped the pill? I would never have sex with him again if I asked him to pull out and he refused. Thatā€™s wrong. It does sound like a very toxic relationship and Iā€™ve been in one so Iā€™m not judging. Iā€™d just stop sleeping with him now before you wind up knocked up by someone who obviously doesnā€™t respect you.

You had sex. You could be pregnant.
Especially given that you stopped BC and then started again.
Definitely a chance

Pregnancy tests at Dollar Tree

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Well since you can still get pregnant ON the pill when using 100% correctlyā€¦Iā€™m sure there is a chance you can be pregnant nowā€¦timeā€™ll tell lol
As the pill is only 91% effective when used correctlyā€¦that goes down when not used correctly.
Good luck lol

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Wait another month see if you miss ya period? Itā€™s only been a week