What are the reasons my sons skin could be irritated?

My son has some irritation on his cheeks. I brought it up to his doctor on his last checkup and she said everything was fine because he is a redhead. She asked me if he’s ever had skin irritation which I said no and all she said was oh. So I got no answers from her I was wondering if I could get any from y’all.


How old is your son? Does he wear a mask? Has he been using any new soaps or hand sanitizer?

Probably just too dry. My daughters gets this if she’s been outside

My son had this his cheeks would get red turns out he ended up having eczema

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Could be something he ate or soap that didnt get rinsed

Does he drool in his sleep? Sometimes when they drool and get their pillows wet and sleep in it, it will cause irritation.

My 7 year old has had red, dry skin when it gets cold since she was very small. Inuse Vaseline Intensive care with Shea and cocoa butter after baths, it’s been the only thing that ever helped her. It’s in a brown bottle. Her dr recommended only using Dove Bar or liquid soap because it has no dyes or perfumes.

Both my kids have sensitive skin, they get dry chapped cheeks easily. I use babyganics balm on their cheeks which helps. They are also sensitive to the laundry detergent I use, I have to use a free and clear detergent. Good luck momma.

My son also has eczema. Idk how old your son is but babies cheeks get red when they are teething as well

Try this cream. My son had baby acne as a newborn and then later developed eczema. This cream literally cleared both after two applications!

try Eucerin cream. Some kids have sensitive skin this worked for one of my kids with this issue with days each time.

How many kids… Or problems can 1 person have…??? :disappointed_relieved:

Could be many reasons ezcema laundry detergent dairy dry skin changes in the weather ect. But honestly one thing i would mainly suggest is changing the dr cause she seems distant and not really caring bout ur concern. Best of luck

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If you are really concerned go to a pediatric dermatologist. One of my sons had yeast on his face as a baby. Another one had something called pitoriasis rosea. Look it up. There is medicine to clear it up.

My son and I are both redheads with sensitive skin. He gets eczema on his cheeks when the air is dry, or cold, and when he sweats. He was sensitive to lotions, soaps and detergents for a while but mostly outgrew it. We both get heat rashes easily. We use Aveeno eczema soap and lotion and try to use natural scent free detergent.

Dairy is always my first guess. Takes a month to clean the system of it and see how the skin reacts once you reintroduce

One thing with my oldest and now my youngest daughter is whenever they start the process of teething (sometimes long before they even get em,) I noticed my girls cheeks always turned red. Eczema, cold weather/dry skin, something you’re putting on or near their face. My oldest daughters skin was so sensitive, unless her father was clean shaven, he couldn’t have his beard near her bc it always caused her to rash up, even tho he used nothing in it. My youngest is now that way too. Most times if they get sick and it involves anything with a cold symptom, they get red cheeks too.

Dehydration, irritation

Not hydrated enough
Allergic reaction
Changing of seasons
Dry skin
There’s literally hundreds of reasons.

Dairy what was with my son soon stopped milk and food milk in cleared

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Probably evens m eczema or probation dairy.

Have you tried Norwex laundry products or their face and body cloth?

Have you changed any kind of soaps, body wash, laundry detergent, lotions? If he has dry skin have you tried a lotion? Is there any changes were he’s being exposed to new irritants (like day care upping the cleaning or switching to a bleach water mix or going to school and now being in a Boces program for cars, welding, construction, etc)? My daughter as a baby got that really irritated red cheeks that’s kinda common in babies. I used pure romance miracle oil on her and after maybe a week it was gone.

Ring healthline and ask them. Does he have any other symptoms, ie, flue like symptoms, etc etc?

Is he wearing a mask? Skin irritation is a huge problem. No real fix for it. Skin is designed to breathe. Good luck.

How old is your child? My son had what the doctor called neonatal ache when he was younger and she said to put aquaphor lotion on it. It cleared up once he was older

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My daughter had the same thing, also a red head, cleared up within a few days and never came back. If you dont use it everyday, the min you start to see a little pink, rub some aquaphor on it and it should go away

Mask. My husband came home with a raw patch under his mouth.

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Not enough water maybe?

Take him to a dermatologist

If you want a second opinion ask to see a dermatologist.
I was told my daughter had baby acne at birth come to find out she was allergic to the dye in the diapers.

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Aquaphor usually helps my little ginger. It’s called the irish curse. Your skin gets inflamed for no reason at all. As they get older it will happen more when they’re angry. I’m redhead to and I still have this issue and my cheeks are permanently red. My chest and neck get red and irritated when I’m mad or anxious.

My youngest is the only one out my 2 and my sister’s 5 that sunburns or has sensitive skin. He was redheaded, but more dark blonde now at age 3. His cheeks get super red after 5 minutes or less of being physically active. I think if there are no bumps, just redness, it may not be of any concern.

Try eczema cream. It makes it go away almost instantly

My daughter always got rashes on her checks the only thing that helped was putting aquaphor on it morning and night. Im not sure why she used to get them but she did grow out of it.