What are the rules on drinking and breastfeeding?

I have a question, I breastfeed my son, and I am attending an event and might want to have a drink. I breastfeed, but I’ve got a whole deep freezer full of milk saved. What are the rules of “ pump and dump “ when alcohol is consumed? He’s eight months old, and I pump, and he takes a bottle.


If you’re sober enough to feed you really don’t need to dump. There is so much research behind this.


If your safe to hold him your safe to feed him… no need to pump n dump! Xx


People really seem to be making their own rules these days :woman_shrugging:

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My doctor told me if you are sober enough to work your pump, you don’t need to dump!


I was told 24 hours. But idk…

If you can drive, you can nurse. I personally never pumped and dumed. My child is healthy. (Not saying “mine survived yours will too” just puting our bf journey out there)


The pediatrician and lactation consultant told me (10 months ago) that if I can find the baby, I can feed the baby. :joy:


You dont need to pump and dump. It leaves your milk like it does your blood. If you’re sober to drive, you’re sober enough to nurse. The main concern about nursing while “drunk” isnt about the content in your milk, it’s because you’re more likely to drop baby, fall asleep on them, etc


I don’t know about alcohol but when I had surgery they said 48 hours. My son was a week old.

I breast fed 5 babies until their second birthdays and drank with all of them! I pumped and dumped once, when I was out of town and was only pumping to keep my supply up! If you can drive, you can feed!


I was told by lactation nurse that once you feel it is when you need to pump dump. They also make strips that you can test the alcohol level in your milk so you know for sure if it needs to be dumped.

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I always go by “if you can drive, you can nurse”. But if you really want to make sure, target sells alcohol testing strips.


I was told pump and dump was an old way of thinking - and dark lagers are actually good for increasing milk production. Just pace yourself when drinking and you’ll be fine. Talk to your dr. if you are worried. Honestly I didn’t have time to get drunk enough to even get worried while breastfeeding I was so busy and tired haha :joy::ok_hand:


No need to pump and dump. You’d literally have to be black out drunk before there was enough alcohol in your system to affect your milk supply.


If you google “breastfeeding and alcohol,” the CDC has data and recommendations that include “Not drinking alcohol is the safest option for breastfeeding mothers. However, moderate alcohol consumption (up to 1 drink/day) is not known to be harmful to the infant.”


The WHO recommends waiting a minimum of two hours after drinking to breastfeed (but preferably 3 or 4 hours). By that point the alcohol should be out of your blood stream/milk. No need to pump and dump. :slight_smile:


These sober enough coments don’t make any sense :angry::angry::astonished::astonished: I can have about 10 drinks and be sober enough to feed the baby doesn’t mean I should be breastfeeding after that much alcohol intake ! !.. everyone has a different alcohol tolerance !!! You should not breastfeed while being under the influence. … doesn’t matter if you feel sober enough jeez !


My doctor told me that alcohol leaves your milk at the same rate it leaves your blood. On the few occasions that I’ve had a drink since having my baby, if I feel tipsy at all, I’ll pump and dump and use some of my freezer stash just to be safe but if it’s been a few hours since my last drink, I won’t worry about it. Target and Walmart also sell little packs of alcohol testing strips ($10 for a pack of 5 I think?) that you can dip in your breastmilk and it will tell you if there’s alcohol present.


Both share the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations.

For every 8oz drink you have. Wait an hour.

Pump and dump for 24 hours.


Your boobs are as drunk as you are. Meaning, alcohol leaves breast milk at the same rate and time it leaves your blood. Pumping and dumping doesn’t remove the alcohol. It just empties your breasts so your supply isn’t messed up from not being able to feed baby. So if you feel drunk then your boobs are drunk. If you feel sober then your boobs are sober.


I took a BF class and the instructor said if you have one drink and wait an hour or two you will be fine to feed. No need to pump and dump!


I drank once while breastfeeding, the rule is generally if your BAC is low enough to be able to drive, you can nurse. I was too nervous tho so I gave him pumped milk I had in the freezer, and I pumped and saved it to use in a milk bath when he had a bum rash


Never any need to pump and dump.


You only need to wait 2 to 4 hours before pumping to get alcohol out of your system. no need to pump and dump.

They have test kits at Walmart so you can test your milk to see if it’s safe.

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Michael Anthony Silva

If you’re really concerned just don’t breastfeed him the next day and do it the following day, it should be fine if you have enough breast milk saved up in the freezer you shouldn’t be worried about anything.

If you plan on getting sloshed out drunk, then pump and to keep yourself from getting engorged and feed freezer milk. If it’s just one or two drinks, just wait 2 to 4 hours to nurse again, I have an 8 month old breastfeeding baby too, she doesnt drink as often as they did at 2 months so you should have enough time between feedings to let it get out of your system.

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Too drunk to drive too drunk to nurse.


Rule of thumb: if you’re fine to drive, you’re fine to nurse/pump. No need to pump and dump unless you get drunk. One drink won’t effect your milk, and your milk should be fine after a couple hours after your last drink.

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NEVER pump and dump. And don’t bother with the alcohol strips. They test positive with orange juice. Waste of $. As long as you’re not blackout drunk you’re safe to feed baby.


Ypu dont have to pump and dump for one drink. As long as you aren’t getting sloshed, you are golden.
Old wives tales say dark beers actually help milk production

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Don’t dump. Waste of milk. He’ll be just fine


My ob said this chart is a good one, and this is to completely clear it from your milk, which you don’t have to do. Having a very small amount won’t effect the baby at all. These time limits would be like the overkill time limits.

Wait two hours after your last drink, and you’ll be good to go.

As long as you are sober you can breastfeed the alcohol will leave your milk like it leaves your blood


A drink (or two) is reasonable and there’s no need to pump and dump unless you need relief. I wouldn’t do shots but a beer or glass of wine is pretty reasonable - typically an hour a drink helps it clear your system and with food is great too.

Use the breast milk you have saved. Never pump and dump.

if there’s alcohol in your blood there is alcohol in your breast milk.

no alcohol in your blood means there no alcohol in your breast milk.

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It depend on what you are drinking and how much

I have one drink every now and then and breastfed. I don’t pump my milk.

Let’s say you have a sweet and sour amaretto ( usually my drink of choice. ) You’ll be fine.

I have had margaritas
Sweet and sours
Hippie juice

With my dinner when out obviously I only have one drink. I never drink more than one drink.

Don’t drink. But if you must. Depending on how much you drink wait three hours before nursing. Or you can pump and dump

If you want the most correct info I would take this to sanctimommies.

you can drink beer, is ok with breast feeding

You can buy strips to test your milk if you want to be sure.

When the alcohol is out of your system it would not then be in your breastmilk. Pump as close as you can before you have a drink. If you are only having 1 or 2 drinks and not pumping for another 4 hours your good to go. If you are drinking more than that, yes alchohol would still be in your system aka your milk by your next pumping session and would not be safe to give baby. There are also strips that can be purchased to check milk. I have always ebf my babies straight from the tap lol and have just abstained completely from drinking the entire length of nursing or until babies weaned after 1 yr. While this has never bothered me or made me feel left out, I understand some would like to be able to have a drink from time to time. Be safe and have fun!

The AAP and CDC both say there’s not enough evidence to say one drink will do harm but since there’s not enough evidence proving it doesn’t either, it’s best to make sure there is no alcohol in your system. Since alcohol is the same level regardless of whether it’s in your blood or breastmilk, pumping and dumping is futile.

It takes 2 hours per drink for the alcohol to leave your system so if your baby feeds in intervals less than that, it’s best to have some pumped milk ready for them prior to drinking. Seeing as how you have a whole deep freezer full, you can definitely have one. If you’re going to have more than one though, then you might want to pump and dump just enough to relieve engorgement during the hours you’re waiting for your milk to return to normal.

DRINK UP MAMA! There is tons of research that the amount of alcohol that actually goes into your milk is irrelevant it’s so tiny. Look up Dr. Jack newman he is the guru of breastfeeding and explain that pumping and dumping is unnecessary. Only pump to relieve pressure or to keep up with baby feeding schedule. The only concern is handling your baby drunk. Drink up and enjoy yourself! From a nursing mama that occasionally loves to have fun xo


Do your research. You can gave one of two drinks and not pump and dump

Ask your pediatrician, but mine said don’t breastfeed for 3 hours for each drink.

You don’t have to dump, just wait until you are sober to feed again.

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There is no reason to pump and dump. If you are fine to drive you are fine to feed baby. The amount of alcohol that passes into the milk is minimal.

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No need to pump and dump, it won’t get rid of the alcohol any quicker. Only minuscule amounts of alcohol will actually pass on into your milk, as far as I’m aware the general consensus is that if you’re okay to drive you’re okay to feed. Unless you’re making a habit of drinking heavily the biggest risk to a baby is the effects of actually being looked after by a drunk person not the alcohol itself x


If you have a freezer full of milk and he takes a bottle then pump and dump until YOU are happy your milk is ok. Check the guild lines obv but you have a lot of back up milk to keep him going for a few days.

So this is my 2nd baby that I’m breastfeeding. 1st one I never drank ever, it terrified me. This time I learned it actually dissipates. Just like it does in our blood. One drink than wait 2-3 hours to breastfeed. I pumped a bottles worth for NYE before drinking. Had 1 beer and a mixed drink over the course of 3hours. Stopped at 930. And tested my milk at 1:30 am and there wasn’t any alcohol in it. Pump and dump is not necessary. I still am not going to make this an everyday thing though. Too fragile of a time in my opinion.

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I think you should ask a dr!

Pump and dump literally does nothing but waste good milk,
if you can drive you can feed
Have one glass of water for every drink and you’ll be fine.

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OH MY GOD, DO NOT PUMP AND DUMP! You can breastfeed 2hours after you’re last drink!

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If you feel normal, you’re fine!

You don’t need to dump, just get sore boobs from being full. Your body will metabolise the alcohol out of your system. I had a wine one night (okay a bottle) after my first drink he wanted a feed, he was fine. I finished the bottle off over the course of the evening, 4-5 hours. When we got home he wanted another feed, I used what was in the freezer but he wanted more (he was coming up to his growth spurt). I didn’t think anything of it and put him on the boob, he didn’t like it. By morning he woke really hungry, so I fed him. By this stage he was drinking from both sides as he was so hungry. He had a longer nap than usual. He was fine. He was about 4 months old at the time

You only need to “pump and dump” for comfort (ie. avoiding engorgement). You can breastfeed again when you’re sober!

Use your motherly instincts do what Makes you feel comfortable,Only you know how you feel after drinking!

I have breastfed my son for a full year now. For the past 3 months i have consumed 3-4oz of whiskey over 3 hours more nights than not (don’t judge, it’s how i unwind). I have never pump and dumped and he is just fine.

Your milk is only as drunk as you. So if you feel sober it is safe.
This is what they teach Lactation counselors
They also say the strips are not reliable. You are a better judge of your level of intoxicated.
I also tell my mom’s not to pump and dump unless very full. But even then I never say dump. Just label and freeze for bathing if baby gets a rash or something (any non consumption use)


Agreeing with pump and dump. I nursed 3 and had an occasional night out with hubby while grandmas spent quality time. For about 24 hours after drinking, I’d pump and dump. I would pump enough for them so the grandma would have bottles and extra in the freezer. Didn’t waste any good milk. Enjoy your night out. :heart:

Pump n dump yes! & use your back up. Ive had to pump and dump at a wedding. No matter what you have to pump it out so you wont dry out. Have fun!!! It’s worth it!!

Alcohol cycles out of breast milk within two hours. You don’t have to “pump & dump.” As long as you have been sober for two hours, your milk is safe. Just make sure you are hydrating well; both alcohol and breastfeeding are dehydrating, which will make a hangover happen (or worse).

If you’re too tipsy to drive than you’re too tipsy to nurse, otherwise you’re fine.

I think there are test stips to determine when your milk is safe.

You can google how many hours are recommended.

Back in my days I was told to pump and dump the day after. But I want a drinker so it never mattered.

Pump & dump even if it’s a few. Use freezer supply for at 24 hr after last drink.

I always would fo the pump and dump for 24 hours so if I drank I would still pump but I would dump it down the sink for 24 hrs once I stopped drinking

If you can safely drive you are safe to breastfeed

WIC office once told me if you are tipsy so is your milk, and that’s the pump and dump point


I think it is 2 hrs per drink

I think
Pump 24 hours afterwards

I breast fed all three of my children and NEVER drank alcohol until the youngest was weaned…because, my children were more important, to me, than myself.

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Pump and dump. There are also alcohol tests for breast milk.
Peace of Mind Breastmilk Alcohol Testing Strips - Test Mother’s Breast Milk with Fast and Reliable Analysis With Graded Results - Be Safe When Breastfeeding Your Baby https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DM6SRLC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_FVJgEbAF201CR

If its hungry feed it

If you’re good to drive, you’re good to breastfeed. So little alcohol gets passed through breast milk


Alcohol metabolizes out out your breastmilk just like it does out of your blood. You can have a glass off wine or a beer and be fine.


It take about 2 hours for the body to breakdown and get rid of 1, 5 oz glass of wine. unless your baby eats every hour you should be fine, just pace yourself


No reason to pump and dump, unless you are engorged and just need relief. But even then you could save the milk for a bath or to make soap. And according to the cdc, you shouldn’t nurse if you’ve had more than 1 12 ounce beer. You also shouldn’t drive if you’ve had more than that, as it puts most over the legal limit.

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Drinking doesn’t really effect the breast milk like that. Apparently someone did a study on it and tested their own breast milk and it was all good to go


Girl have your drink, the baby will be fine.


Most of the time your fine . Like above comments very little gets passed thru so you don’t have to worry but if you are really concerned you can always buy test strips for your breast milk.


I usually have one half glass of wine and breastfeed…but if I have more I pump and dump

Ask your lactation consultant or pediatrician

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Why would u want to drink an breastfeed makes no sense


U might have to drink? Isn’t drinking a choice.

1 do you luv your child enough to give them a lif
Otherwise and a shot of tequila with your drink