What are the side effects of birth control?

Okay, so I was on birth control for five years. I felt like I didn’t have any side effects like mood swings, but I’ve been off for three years, and I definitely do feel calmer, I just recently got an Iud a week ago, and the “crazy” came out again. Just not being able to hold back the comments, and it’s like it just consumed me, I couldn’t just let the situation go. Has anyone had a similar problem while on bc, or am I just crazy…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the side effects of birth control?

Definitely made me crazy. My ex even said when i went off it was like a switch was hit

My side affects was just wait gain ugh

Depending on the hormones in the IUD could cause that. One pill I had caused crazy anger issues. Changed to a diff one and I’m calmer.

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Try reading how the pill changes everything by Sarah hill

The iud made me crazy in the beginning. Oh boy I love it now but that first year and half :woman_facepalming:t2:

Birth control is crazy. Let’s mix up your hormones so your body can’t function like it should :smiling_face_with_tear::thinking:

My dr told me when I got on nexplanon if my mood changed too bad that they would get me a hormone stabilizer. I would look into that.

I have the nexplanon I gained like 40 pounds in 3 years :sob: on the bright side I am not pregnant :blush:

Birth control pills make my 2 daughters and I sick with extreme mood swings! Also there was another side effect I was never warned about that got me. According to my gyno, you’re not supposed to get pregnant within a year after taking birth control because of the amount of hormones it leaves in your system and your chances of having multiples dramatically increase. I ended up with twins! You’re not crazy, that’s a real side effect!

Weight gain, blood cloths, constant headaches, anger out of nowhere, pains, anxiety, couldn’t sleep, breast pain, nausea, and when I got off it the worst 5 months of my life :cry:… I will no longer get birth control

Yup me every time. I’m a super bitch on birth control.

Nexplanon has made me a psycho so yea it’s prob the bc

I was literally crazy on birth control. I think it messes with your hormones too much.


Unfortunately I got a dvt(blood clot) from the pill. It worked wonders for everything else, no cramping,cleared my acne and my energy( mine had iron in them) was back up.

Dosage matters when it comes to hormonal birth control, and it can be hell trying to get right. Non-hormonal IUDs exist, and a lot of people report less mood swings. I was told my own mental health had a great effect on how I might handle the hormonal changes; in other words my existing issues with depression and anxiety likely make it worse. I will be having the Nexplanon removed in October after three years, and I’ll be glad to be rid of it. Hormonal BC doesn’t seem to work for me, and it never has in the last decade of my using it; in whatever form.

Even with the non hormonal coil I was a bitch lol they say to give it 6 months though. Could be ur body getting used to it. Sometimes though being outspoken can be a good thing. Noone will mess u about :rofl::heart_eyes:

I don’t remember any difference when I was on birth control but that was like 12 years ago. After my birth control failing me 3x 2 pills baby and my iud fell out ( we didn’t know it and miscarriaged ) I my tubes tied after my 5th and last baby was born.

Advice: don’t go to facebook for medical advice. No ones personal experience has anything to do with you.

I’ve had my implants for 2 years and feel the same way. But it’s the only bc I can have (due to blood clots) or that works ( 2 birth control babies) my anger is out of control. And mood swings galore. I’m sorry your going through it too.

I had an iud and it was awful. I now just get the depo shot and everything is great. No periods or anything.

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Anything other than a low dose of hormones makes me into a crazy person

As my husband and son’s uncle said it made me a psychopath, I had every horrible side effect you could imagine zero sex drive not even an ounce, angry all the time even over the most simplest things, weight gain, hair loss, depression it was horrible that it got to the point I noticed how crazy I was being on the mirena iud. Only good thing from it was I only spotted during my periods instead of having a normal flow. It took me 3m before my hormones finally balanced back out but still have a very low sex drive even a 1.5yr after removal.:pensive:

I have the implant…had it for 2 years now and absolutely hate it. Ive gained alot of weight, sweat horribly and have had the worst acne of my life and I spot regularly and I’m 32 years old! Totally messes with my insecurities, can’t wait to get it out.

This could be from anything!

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So my pms is crazy if I’m not on the pill. I didn’t go on the pill until my mid twenties and my friends were saying when I was a teenager if I ever fall pregnant they are staying away. I can be overly emotional crying over silly stuff or fly into a rage and throw a metal Santa at a car (I knew the person) without the pill I suffer physical issues with periods as well. Can’t wait for menopause lol

Yes, I haven’t been on birth control for years because they make me crazy

When I got the IUD I had zero side affects. BC pills make me crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I had such crazy side effects as it turned out with my second Mirena. I had one for just shy of 5 years and started feeling off so it was switched out for a new one since we assumed it was due to it coming to an end. But then I made it about 2 years when small lumps were found in my breast, which was caused by the hormones in the mirena, along with the crazy PMS symptoms which is assumed was my lack of taking meds like I should. I told them to remove it before I did lol, so I have a hormone free IUD and feel tons better and am lump free.

I cant do hormonal birth control as it makes me crazy. I have the paraguard iud which is hormone free so basically zero side effects

I always say I get psychotic on birth control. I had just come off birth control when I met my husband. I’d been on it for 10+years. While were trying to conceive, I was recommended by my doctor to “regulate” myself and take 3 months of birth control. After the three months were up, I literally felt like I was losing my mind. I was accusing my husband of cheating on me, I was going ballistic on small things, I was imagining things that were not there. After about 2 weeks I got back to normal. I swore I would never take birth control again. Fast forward to my pregnancy, I felt the same psychotic feeling at about 9 months pregnant, it was my hormones going crazy. I could feel myself being crazy and couldn’t control myself. I would literally just lock myself in my room because just seeing my husband would trigger me.

***He is the most amazing, beautiful person to me. It was all on me. He kept me sane and would give me my space and love when I needed it. I don’t know how I got so lucky with him.

I am constantly having this issue. I’ve also decided to stop taking my birth control after this shot runs it’s course because I’m tired of not feeling like myself. I’m tired of feeling mean and terrible all of the time. Especially towards the man I love. He shouldn’t have to deal with this.

Yes it messes With your hormones big time and it’s worse when you have it removed. When I first had it implanted I was cramping really bad and always VERY irritable. I wanted to go back and get it removed but my dumbass let the dr and nurses convince me to keep it and that it was normal. After a year I was good but when it came time to get it removed and found out it was embedded and had to get it surgically removed. my DR told me that my hormones were going to b all over the place after. Now I can tell when I’m going to get my period because I feel sad and depressed

i did on depo but the iud has been amazing for me . of course i have no filter as is so i seen no big change …stupid gets under my skin more thou

It is the iud. Might want to look into the copper one which doesn’t contain hormones. Just so you know the crazy doesn’t completely go away once you take it out either but a world of difference when I did.

Yes. It made me feel ragey. I have been off for years now and I’m keeping it that way.