So, I’m a breastfeeding mama & I have yet to get my period (my baby will be one next month) I stopped taking my birth control about 1-2 weeks ago. After birth control how did anyone feel??
I’m breaking out.
My nipples hurt when baby eats -she’s not grinding or biting-
I’m moody af
Im not trying to get pregnant, I just live an hour away from my pharmacy & don’t feel like traveling that far. Tia!
… you can transfer your prescription to a nearby pharmacy. It’s super simple!!
I got pregnant before my son turned 1😳 if you are having sex unprotected it will happen
I didn’t take BC, but mine didn’t come back until babe was around 20 months, and a week before it came back, my nipple were sore and I was moody AF. So you may just be about to start.
And, might want to load up on some condoms just in case your not pregnant now
I honestly was on birth control for like 3 months. I haven’t taken it since 2011. I dont like birth control because it makes me moody and like you said i break out. Plus i was having irregular menstrual cycles, which my body is like a clock its never irregular. Could be the birth control.
I just call my pharmacy to mail my prescriptions. I didn’t have a problem not taking birth control pills.
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Maybe you’re getting ready to start? Breastfeeding can stunt your period. My doctor actually told me I could use breastfeeding as a form of birth control. And I actually did, because the less medicine and hormones the better for my body. And it worked for me. I started my period 5 months postpartum and started using my birth control then. Although, your body may be reacting to the lack of hormones your birth control provides. I lost my last pack a few months ago and my body started feeling like that and despite having my period a few days prior and started my period again. I really think it’s the birth control.
With my first 18 months without a period got pregnant with my second after she was born I went 2 1/2 years with out a period had birth control IUD fell out in 2017 got pregnant with my third she will be one in just two days and just got my period back and still breastfeeding
I nursed my son until he was 2yrs & 7 months & got my period at 4 months with him. Took the mini pill from 4 months till he was 27 months & was pregnant 4 months later. With my 2nd, got my period back at 5 months & got the paragard iud at 6 weeks pp