What are the signs of a miscarriage?

im going to dr later tonight but does this sound like a miscarriage of something else ?
monday i tested positive finally for being pregnant, but today i woke up to a pink clour bleeding (im 5w6d) and being really dizzy and it’s making me nauseous on and off. i didn’t pass any clots and it hasn’t filled up a pad like my normal period would do. i’m really confused and scared myself more by looking it up on the internet lolol.


I had some bleeding around 5 weeks and some heavier bleeding at 8 weeks with my son and he’s now 10 months old! Just rest and don’t panic

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Could be implant bleeding


Could be the implication bleeding which his normal and common and safe.

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I had bleeding around five weeks my sons three now.all was fine try and rest

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I went through that with both of my girls. I went straight to the ER with both of mine just to put my mind at ease. They just told me it was normal and just to take it easy and if you go through a pad every half hour to a hour then definitely get back to the ER.

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Probably implantation bleeding.


I would go straight to the ER they will be able to do a ultrasound right away to ease your mind!


Sounds like implantation bleeding. But definitely get an ultrasound and get off your feet and drink lots of water.


I had bleeding when I was pregnant with my son, called the doctor and they usually say don’t worry unless it’s bright red. Light pink bleeding usually isn’t anything to worry about but definitely go get checked!

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I was put on bed rest for bleeding in my first trimester with my daughter. She is now 2 and we are great, dont worry and put your feet up

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Some bleeding or spotting is normal in early pregnancy. Its implementation bleeding. But still get checked. I had a miscarriage on August 2nd last year. I spotted then bled for 3 days with clots. HOWEVER with every one of my pregnancies I spotted around 4-5 weeks and had a healthy baby. I’m currently 11 weeks with my rainbow baby and spotted early too and panicked because of the miscarriage I did have.

Light bleeding or spotting is actually normal. Don’t freak yourself out of stress unless it gets heavier/darker red. You have to realize your body is going through some major changes right now and it’s making room for baby. You’re already pregnant so I doubt it’s “implantation bleeding” considering the fact you’re ALREADY PREGNANT. just kick your feet up and relax. Make sure to hydrate yourself and eat small things when you feel like you’re nauseous. It’ll be okay momma, you and your body got this :smiling_face:

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Implantation bleeding but always get it checked, I had this, then randomly I’d get decent sized gushes of blood like I got my period, turns out I had a subcordial hemhorrage because my placenta detached and then re attached, it all fixed its self around 20 weeks but can be very dangerous if it continues into the third trimester, usually doesnt continue past first trimester.

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Sounds like implantation bleeding, totally normal, with both my pregnancies It seemed like I got period around the 6 week mark

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I got that plenty. Implementation. If it’s just spotting I wouldn’t worry. Still see your dr of course. But seeing pink blood is fine. If the amount increases or you start seeing clots, then I’d start being concerned.

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Did you have sex last night…

I bled lots while conceiving.

It can happen if you have sex, I had full a couple of full on periods with my daughter, everyone is different so I would get checked just in case.

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Implantation bleeding actually happens a few days before your period would normally start. Although spotting is also normal in a pregnancy and can be an early sign of pregnancy.


I had bleeding on and off during my first trimester of my 1st pregnancy. It was terrifying, but my doctor assured me it was okay as long as there was no pain/cramping. I would still totally get it checked out to ease your mind though! I am on my 2nd pregnancy now with zero bleeding and I’m so grateful. It’s terrifying to see
:frowning: Hope all is well! <3

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Go get checked ive had spotting several times during my pregnancy especially the first trimester, and it’s scary mine has been surface bleeding so it could be that. Good luck mama’s.

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Unless you have SERIOUS bleeding (filling up 2 pads in an hour) do not go to the ER. It would be a waste of time and if you are miscarrying (which I highly doubt) there is nothing they can do for you.

Some slight bleeding around week 5 is normal, alert your dr to it. They will probably run your labs to get your hcg tonight and again within 48hours, to compare your numbers. That is around the time I miscarried, but my bleeding started out pretty much how my period would.


I had bleeding with my pregnancy now for about one month… it started at 4 months I am now 29 weeks and my baby is healthy as can be… but definitely get checked out… it sounds like what i had…

I bled and cramped from week 5-10, I had a sub chorionic hemorrhage, I now have a healthy 6 week old baby.

I had this happen at 6ish weeks with my twins. I’d get checked out for safety. Do you have lots of stress? Or anxiety. It could simply be your body adjusting to pregnancy however get looked at just to be safe

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I actually bleed on and off my 1st trimester every pregnancy

Implantation bleeding…embryo attaches to uterus…dizziness and nausea could be cuz you freaked yourself out or you need to drink some water or eat or could be something more medical

Doesn’t sound like miscarriage to me. If it’s light in color, and not enough to fill a pad in an hour with no clots or severe cramping…it’s probably not a miscarriage. If you want some reassurance you can always call your OB. :blush: Good luck, mama!

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Thats how I knew I was pregnant. my period was always the same so when I had a very pinkish bleeding it freaked me out until my ob gave me an ultrasound and I was pregnant. I got light headed because of Anemia

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I was a little further along, about 2 months, but I bled a good amount and have a perfect 7 month old now.
My mom bled all throughout her pregnancy with twins.

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Go to the doctor instead of asking Facebook doctors

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I had bleeding when I was about 10 weeks and it was bright red. Found out it was a hemmorage that is very common and it healed itself. Doesnt hurt to get looked at, but don’t stress too much as light pink bleeding is common in early pregnancy.

Either way at this point the er cant help Id just see the Dr asap so maybe you can have an ultrasound in a week or so. If it makes you feel better though if its just spotting my dr said thats okay as long as its not alot and even then its possibly not a miscarriage

Spotting is normal but if it comes with cramping also then that’s when it’s cause for concern

I had spotting and passing blood clots with my first, the first 3 months when I would have my period. He is a healthy 3 year old that likes to get into stuff he shouldn’t. Get checked out and make sure everything is ok. My mom knew women who periodish blood every month while pregnant.

I bled and eventually found out I lost the baby at 13 weeks. They say bleeding is normal, but you know if it’s not

I had a clot in the toilet at what should have been 7 weeks … they told me I miscarried at the ER my levels were low…I asked to be retested 2 days later turns out i was only 5 weeks and doctor said it was possibily implantation bleeding…I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant now

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Try not to worry. Nature will take its course either way. Just rest till you feel better. Probably nothing you can do either way. In reality more than half of pregnancies end in miscarriages. It just happens during implantation. Hopefully you are just one that will bleed in the beginning and that’s all it is. See the Dr later today and God bless you. It’s going to be ok.

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Probably implantation bleeding. A little bit of bleeding is normal.

I also had heavy bleeding at 12 weeks with pain. Scared the crap out of me. It was something called a subchorionic hemorrhage. The bleeding subsided. I delivered my son 2 weeks ago. He’s perfect and healthy.

I had spotting during ny normal cycle time. So I didn’t know I was pregnant for months!! I went for my normal annual checkup and found out!! Never took anything to prevent pregnancy so had given up

Never google stuff like that. You’ll drive your self crazy… Buutt i had bleeding at 10w and 12w…she’s almost a month old now… But it could be normal…you should deff go in though. My blood was dark(red and at 12w it was like black and gross) but not a whole lot… I was told to just relax and keep my feet up and ect…

Sounds more like implantation bleeding but make sure to keep your appointment. Good luck

See the doctor just in case. I miscarried at about 6 weeks. I had hardly any blood at all. Better overly cautious than sorry. If you are that worried you could go to the hospital.

Don’t worry. See your doctor. Follow Doctor’s instructions throughout your pregnancy. Take a deep breath and exhale.

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