What are the signs of anxiety?

Anyone on here suffer with bad aniexty if so what are your symptoms on a daily basis?

I suffer with anxiety that stims from intrusive thought form of OCD. It’s like living in hell more days than not. Heavy chest, sometimes even chest pain or like the feeling of a broken heart, high BP, my face gets hot, I pick my skin till I bleed around my finger nails, I throw up sometimes, my jaw stays clinched tight, tension head aches daily, fatigued constantly, I stay over stimulated and angry. Basically if I look like I’m having a good time I’m faking it. :ok_hand:

I have moderate anxiety I would say. I have a script of Valium when I absolutely need something. Most of the time in a panic attack a few times a month breath and I smoke marijuana. The burn in my throat helps me focus on that instead of what I am panicking about. Sometimes I don’t even know why I have an anxiety attack. I worry a lot about things that are irrational. I have always had anxiety but it got a lot worse after my brother dies in 2015. I had my daughter a year and a half ago and I got postpartum pretty bad for the first year. Lots of reassuring myself everything is ok and a lot of breathing has helped.

I have it pretty severely. (It comes and goes every couple of months)
My main symptoms are nausea, sweating, shaking, vomiting and diarrhea.
I just try to make it through my days and occasionally take half an Ativan to take the edge off. I don’t like the feeling of being medicated.