What are the signs of labor?

Fan Question

  • V :dizzy:

I went to labor and delivery today lost my plug am dilated to a 2 had contractions on the monitor bout 8 were ten minutes apart am at 32 weeks. Should I prepare my hospital bag?


Should have one Incase.

You can but I doubt you’ll need it for a while. Loosing your plug doesnt mean much and you can be 2 cm dilated for ever pretty much.


I would just to be safe, however you may still have a while before you go into labor.

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No harm in it :blush::blush::blush: it’ll get used at some point!

Mine were 15mins to 10 apart the whole time tell I was at 9cm! I was 40 weeks but they NEVER got closer. Had my daughter within a few hrs after noticing them.

Yes! You are going to be great.

Everyone is different. I would pack my bag if I were you but I had my bag packed 3 months early. With my first I was dialated to 4cm for over a month before I had him. And I had him 3 days after 40 weeks. My 2nd I was in labor and only dialated to a 4cm for a short time

Get your bag packed, and walk and walk and walk.

I would. Better ready than not. Good luck

I would just Incase considering ur already 2cm and contractions are kinda close together. Rather be prepared then not be

My plug came out 6 weeks before my son was born :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yes…still pack your backs everyone pregnancy is not the same. Four pregnancy for me and all different.

Yeah but can still be a few days/weeks

Pack your bag, please don’t let your significant other do it! I learned that the hard way


Yes. Never hurts to be prepared

This is my post and it’s my second baby my son was born 36 weeks 4 days and am worried for another early labor or how long I could expect for it to be moving along quicker

From What To Expect When You’re Expecting 5th Edition

Why not? No harm in being prepared

I would prepare your bags… Just because someone lost their plug 6-12 weeks then went into labor doesn’t mean that’s the case for you or anyone else. I lost mine and went into labor the day after, so we are all very different… I wish you the best of luck and congrats!!!:purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Because you are 32 weeks yes. But losing your mucus plug has nothing to do with labor…

I lost mine 2 weeks before I had my son and lost pieces with both daughters…it does grow back to prevent infections losing it isn’t a sign labor is near

Are you really asking or joking? I had my bag packed 3 weeks before my delivery date!

I hung out at 2cm until 37 weeks. I was put on bed rest though

pack your bag and just go

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I had mine packed at 20 weeks when I found out what I was having. But couldn’t use anything i had in there cause she ended up coming at 38 weeks weighing 5 pounds and needing preeme clothes

Pack it to be safe then take it easy and stay hydrated

I was prepared and ready to grab and go and b yuh the door.

I prepare a bag before ER visits.

I was in L&D at 32 weeks with similar symptoms, except I lost my plug at 27 weeks and was 50% effaced… my son was born at 39 weeks.

My first born was also born at 36 weeks.

Have your bag packed but it doesn’t mean you WILL have an early labor.

Your plug will regenerate doubt you have anything to worry about this early

I was 2 centimeters for almost 10 weeks I had my baby only 2 days early! Never hurts to have it packed though. I never saw when I lost my mucus plug with my daughter!

Definitely be ready! :slight_smile:

Yes, because preparing it while IN labor sucks major sacks

I would prepare the bags even if that hadnt happen

Go get checked they will either keepyou or send you home either way it will make you feel better

Yes you need to prepare. You need to be seen. May or may not be time.

Giiiiirl, my hospital bag would have already been packed, ready, and sitting close to the front of the house at 32wks! :joy: Both times I hit that 30wk mark, I knew I was a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

Get that bag and yourself ready.

Why are people finding this funny? Be helpful not catty…this is not a page for that it’s so mom’s first time mom’s can get some advice with out be mortified we’re not in highschool, *coming from me who’s 21 in September * …is it that so hard?