FTM here,
As I approach my due date, I become more and more nervous and paranoid. I only have a few weeks left and was told it could be anytime now. How will I know when it’s time? What were other mamas’ experiences like? Help me know what to watch for and what to expect, could use some peace of mind and comfort! Thank you!
Due in 5 weeks with my first. I’d like to know myself.
My waters broke when I got into bed with mine…but a few days before I wiped away like a jelly type substance when going to toilet…I didnt know at the time that was the plug of your cervix and only a few days to go when happens… every one is different …don’t listen to the horror stories girls i didn’t go to one class…you’ve got this ladies…remember relax .its not as bad as people make out…truly.xx
You will know trust me. Your water may break, you may start spotting or you may have labor pains.
Read the Bradley method
When it’s time … you will know it. Now my kids had to be forced out at 41 and 42 weeks
With me I went to the hospital because I thought I was severely dehydrated to the point that I needed and iv (happened to me a lot towards the end and I have a high metabolism so if I wasn’t literally drinking water like a fish I got severely dehydrated) went to the hospital they was giving me the usual check up checked my cervix and I was 5cm that’s how I found out
So when I had my daughter 2 yrs ago I had really bad period like cramps and when I went pee I had discharge I guess it was my mucus plug didnt kno at the time what it was I only have my baby girl 3 days later I had my beautiful baby girl good luck mamas u got this
Don’t be nervous ladies. One day at a time; just get your hospital bag packed and put by the front door, have your call list, take short walks each day, relax. DO NOT eat chocolate, it gives the baby gas and when born; the baby will have tummy pains if they have to deal with gas. Remember once the baby is born their digestive system has to process what you ate… relax and enjoy the quiet now.
I’m due in a week now! I’m ready to get this done and over with!
Felt a lot of movement, them started period cramp pain which was actually contractions. Started slow
Trust what your body is telling you. At this point even mild menstrual like cramping can be contractions (my contractions were all in the front and felt like horrible menstrual cramps) if you experience cramping that is about the same distance apart call your doctor and let them know!
You will know, your stmack will crap like when you have u period, then it will go away, then you time it. Five minutes apart go to the hospitol or your water could just break. Everybody will get nervous espically if its your frist.
As cliche as it sounds, you REALLY DO just know!! I was induced with my first and never “went into labor” so i was nervous with my 2nd, and 10.5 yrs later when i had my 2nd, i actually went into labor and knew right away after the first painful contraction…it almost felt like the cramps you get when you have the “bubble guts” and just gets more and more intense
Well if your water breaks u will know…but that happen to me with my first so i went in got induced…contraction so intense from pitocin…so with my 2nd I thought I would be able to tell when i was in labor bcpain would be so bad contractions hurt everyone says u will know…nope I slept threw the shit woje up water broke had baby at home he came right when my water broke…i had been constapated and that night was able to use restroom a little well I thought I. Was havingpain bci still needed to go bc it wasn’t bad nothing that made me think labor…it was the same slight pain with my third I just knew that if I was continuing to have pain and was consistant than i was in labor I drove myself to hospital was ten cm when i got tbrew doors…with my daughter i was having contractions for weeks she was breech so they did c sec for her…but everyone is different u may have intense contractions and know right away… your belly does tighten up it gets really hard when ur contracting .now if they r consistent like every 12 to 8 min apart its go time…once u are having contraction every 2 to 3 min u are about to be having a baby…our bodies are ment to do this…so good luck all u ftm u got this
You will know when it’s time
You just know…good luck for a safe and easy delivery
You can do it. We were created to prosper.
On the day of my due date, my doctor did a membrane sweep to potentially help bring on labor… (TMI) but i has a lot of discharge afterwards, which was normal. The following two days I was having to change pants 3x a day because of it. On the the third day (after talking to my own mother) I went to get checked. Turns out my water has broken and I did not even know! So what I thought was still that discharge was actually amniotic fluid!!
Went to the hospital and I had actually been having contractions 4-5 minutes apart. They ended up starting pitocin around midnight, I started feeling labor around 3am, had a baby by 10!
Every person is different, but you’ll know. The contractions will be absolutely unbearable
Everyone is different. My baby #4 and i was still paranoid. Went to the hospital for the third time and finally had him. Best is to wait for contractions and bleeding.
I know people always say this, but you will know. Contractions feel a lot like period cramps. Definitely make sure your bag is packed. Time your contractions once they get closer and head to the hospital at about five minutes apart! If you need relief through contractions while at home, I suggest getting in the bath. That helped me a lot. You got this momma❤
Oh. And I know it’s pretty difficult, but get all the sleep you can:joy:
I understand your being nervous but birth is a normal event and the nurses at the hospital can handle anything, anything and so can the dr.
My first I went into labor at 38 weeks 6 days. I was told it would feel like bad period cramps … yeah no…I had back labor with her. I didn’t feel not one ounce of pain or tightening in my stomach … I felt everything in my lower back. But, I knew it was labor (aside from the fact that my water broke prior to the contractions starting lol). The week of her birth I remember having my bloody show but that’s about it. I’m 38 weeks 3 days with my second and I had my bloody show yesterday… so hopefully I have this baby this week!
When it’s time you’ll know.
Bloody show about 12 hours before, lots of blood. Contractions felt like I had diahriea but I couldn’t poo. Once they were excruciating I went in. My water didn’t break, they had to manually break it at the hospital. Definitely time the contractions. Your tummy will literally contract during them. It’s an extreme spasm all over your stomach as opposed to a like a baby kick in one spot. There’s no way you won’t know when it’s time.
Also pay attention to any discharge you have! A few days before, you should lose your mucus plug!
I had to be induced with all 3 of mine and my middle one was the only one that came on his due date.