Could you post this please? I’m 33 weeks pregnant and I feel like babies head is laying and pushing on my cervix. I get sharp pains sometimes but other times really heavy pains like her head may just fall out. I can even feel her hiccup in my lady bits and butt
Is this normal? Does it mean she has dropped? Can I go 7 more weeks like this or will she maybe move? Any advice is appreciated
This morning i woke up feeling fine. Drank my water ate my breakfast. An hour into work i passed out and someone had to catch me as i fell against the wall. I had a few drops of blood but it has since stopped. I can feel baby moving but this is the second time this has happened. By the time I checked my blood pressure it was fine but now i keep feeling worse and worse. I’m waiting on a call back from my nurse but last time they just monitored me and sent me home. Has this happened to anyone? What do u do to prevent it? Side note I was just sitting in a chair, not doing anything crazy or laying down. I got nausea then ears starting ringing things went blurry then i passed out. They’ve checked me for pre eclampsia before and I didn’t have it
Yes it’s normal and a very good sign that she’s in the birth canal and probably won’t turn by this point so you wouldn’t have to worry about a breech baby that’s how I always looked at it sitting on a birth ball can alleviate some of that discomfort but she probably was sitting up higher before you noticed it and now it’s drop down so now you noticed a lot more because of gravity
Prop ur legs up that work for me or put the pillows between your legs and yes this is normal
I agree ^^^ completely normal. That far along she is literally right there, where you think she could easily “fall out” lol…of course that’s not an issue. She’s getting heavier and the drop was a major change from what you’ve felt for months. And yes, the birthing ball would be a good way to alleviate some of the discomfort but the pressure probably isn’t going away.
Congratulations and good luck to you! 
Totally normal, my 3rd was like this. I did alot of walking from 25 weeks on and my labor was swift and quick. (With no pain meds, yes it is possible) i noticed when i did alot of walking or bending over i had alot of discomfort in my lady bits. I would just lay down and put my feet/legs up on the back of the couch for a bit. Or use my big yoga ball and get my hips as far apart as possible. You got this!
It’s probably lightening and normal even that early. If you arent having contractions then you are probably fine.
I had painless contractions around then, my stomach went as hard as a rock. I dilated to 7cm before ever being in active labor. Made it to 36 weeks. My story was weird, most of the time they arent just itching to fall out of you lol. If you don’t have contractions then that’s good.
This morning i woke up feeling fine. Drank my water ate my breakfast. An hour into work i passed out and someone had to catch me as i fell against the wall. I had a few drops of blood but it has since stopped. I can feel baby moving but this is the second time this has happened. By the time I checked my blood pressure it was fine but now i keep feeling worse and worse. I’m waiting on a call back from my nurse but last time they just monitored me and sent me home. Has this happened to anyone? What do u do to prevent it? Side note I was just sitting in a chair, not doing anything crazy or laying down. I got nausea then ears starting ringing things went blurry then i passed out. They’ve checked me for pre eclampsia before and I didn’t have it
I’ve passed out like that before with 3 of my babies usually when I ate something sweet it helped me alot
The passing out is a sign of preclampsia but I also was like that earlier in my pregnancy. It was most of the time low blood sugar so I ate something sugary like a popsicle or candy. Also you may be going too long without food in your system. Smaller more frequent meals is better than 3 big meals throughout the day. More water intake to. ALWAYS get monitored by medical professionals after something like that though!
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Well if there was passing out and some blood I’d rather go to l&d and get checked even if they just monitor and have you leave. But try food and maybe some sugar, but I personally wouldn’t wait for a call back lol.
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Make sure u stand slow I have had to law on my bathroom flow because I all most blacked out keep snacks with u and buy your bed
I would honestly not leave the hospital if you are feeling uneasy about this and explain you feel that this is uncomfortable. It is not normal as i was told by my ob and i almost lost my son. I was the same 33 weeks. My placenta was detaching my body was rejecting him. I did not let them tell me no i was determined to keep my baby. Hes healthy and happy now. But my body can never havr children again. It can be nothing like some people or worse.
Im 33 weeks also and it is completly normal. Ive asked my doctor and he said all is fine.