What are the signs of labor?

Hi mommas. So I’m 37+5 days pregnant with my 5th. I haven’t had many contractions throughout this pregnancy like with my other babies but have experienced some sharp pains here and there. Yesterday I went into the hospital because I wasn’t feeling well I found out I’m 3cm dialated and 70% effaced when they did an exam on me. Good right ? I’m progressing! However I’m miserable :weary: after I left the hospital I’ve been having contractions constantly, no not regular but just enough to be annoying and I’m curious if the exam is what caused them? And is that normal?


This went on for me for 4 weeks!! Still prego lol :unamused: (39 weeks)

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Oh man , all I can say is I hope you go into labor soon❤ hang in there.

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Yes, exams can cause contractions

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Yes! Every single time I went for my weekly checks it kick started contractions but not enough to put me into labor :expressionless:

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Just had my surro babe on the 10th. Went in the morning for regular check up… 70% and 3. That whole day I had contractions, started getting regular about 4pm and I went in at about 530 and I was to 5 so they broke my water. I was 38+1 then.

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Try nipple stimulation to induce labor (if that’s what your trying to do) naturally… Worked for me.also ask your Dr for cervical sweep. I also took evening primrose oil for all 3 pregnancies and had sweeps done

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I’m 36 weeks today and had an exam 1 week ago was 1cm 60% today im 2cm and 70% … Had crampy feel after exam but has gone away. They say I’ll just know when its time :person_tipping_hand: well see! He said could be tonight or 4 weeks from now.

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Exams can cause cramps and for you to feel uncomfy it happened to me with my first

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Normal. Thats why i never liked to be examined to see where baby was at. Always caused cramps afterwards :persevere: