What are the signs of RSV?

Signs and symptoms of RSV? Really starting to worry right now. I was up from 3am-5am with my 7 month old daughter this morning she had a 102° fever. Gave her a lukewarm bath, Tylenol, fed her and she eventually went back to sleep. She’s had a bit of a runny nose, otherwise been completely fine for the rest of the day until now. Her fever is back and she’s tossing and turning. Have an appointment scheduled for her tomorrow and I’m just praying that’s not it.


It’s different for everyone my daughter had a super runny nose but no coughing at all. It led to pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung. Best of luck to your daughter! My daughter had it for a good 6 weeks straight she had such a bad case. During that time she never had a cough so it’s just different in everyone. She did have a hospital stay for a while with it.

My poor 2 month old caught RSV which lasted 3-4 weeks. Difficulty breathing from congestion, runny nose, constant phlegm, hoarse cough, wheezing in lungs, fever, projectile vomiting, stomach retractions. We went to the hospital, there was nothing they could do & told to just keep giving Tempra/Tylenol.

The main thing is the wheezing and coughing. There’s a lot of illness going around, don’t worry just yet. The cough is very pronounced.

My son had exactly that and I ended up getting it. I feel like crap and can barely get out of bed. Not rsv. This week is gonna be rough. I still have a sick kid who needs love and special attention. These illnesses suck

My daughter had RSV at 10 months, was extra fussy a few days but thats pretty much it. RSV is not a one size fits all thing. If you want to get her looked at faster you can go to an urgent care.

Fever is not a bad thing, it’s literally how the body kills pathogens. Try

Give meds around the clock, rotate motrin and Tylenol. Keep her nose cleaned out and make sure she has plenty of fluids.

Take him in. It could be the start of RSV. It definitely sounds like he has an ear infection. Good luck Mama. I hope that he feels better soon

It sounds more like teething.
But with him being so young it’d be safer to get him checked out

It sounds like a cold, he might not want to lay down because he is sick and wants to snuggle with you. If he doesn’t have a fever, or is not puking or not in pain he is probably fine. For your ease of mind you can always take him to get tested, they will test him for few things including RSV.

How’s his breathing? Is it labored or pulling at his neck or rib cage?

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RSV is generally a cough and wheezing. It very well could be covid. Thats going around pretty strong in my area right now. The doctor told me that a lot of the home tests aren’t detecting the new strains so people are going in after getting at home negative tests and then leaving the clinic with positive results. Unfortunately for a lot of symptoms it could be be viral and some things it could be helped. It never hurts to take them in. Better safe than sorry when they are so young

Just get him checked to be sure.

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If he isn’t having breathing issues I wouldn’t drag him to the dr. Even if it us rsv it has to run its course like any other virus. Cool mist humidifier, vapo rub, and try to keep his nose as clear as you can and keep him hydrated. Just keep an eye on him for the time being.

I currently have rsv as an adult with no fever. It’s possible. I would definitely take him in to get checked out regardless.

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I’d take him in to have his ears checked! Out of my 4 kids 1 of them didn’t get fevers with ear infections but they all cried when laying down, fussy, runny nose etc! Either way it definitely wouldn’t hurt to have him checked out!


Take him to get him checked. A young child can go down quickly. His stuffy nose can keep him from breathing good which causes him to not want to lay down. Get him checked to be sure. RSV can be dangerous and fatal if not treated

My son just tested positive for RSV today and he was very whiny, sneezing like crazy and had diarrhea they said he’s probably on day 1-2 of having it and it usually gets worse around day 4-5


Sounds like a cold amd when they lay down its harder to breathe as everything runs down, but your instincts as a mother are usually right on point. Now I’ve been overly cautious but I also followed my gut and found my 1 month old had covid, always trust your gut. If it tells you to go the the ER go.

If he’s congested his ears probably hurt, when you lay him down.
Or he’s just miserable and wants to be comforted.

Ear infection sounds more likely than rsv. I would take him in to get checked ASAP, like tonight. Right now. Just go.


Laying flat when you’re stuffy is hard isn’t it? He probably would do better not laying flat. I know it’s hard at that age finding a way for them to sleep safely but not flat, but even as an adult when I’m stuff I’m trying to prop up. Lather him up in Vicks, do saline spray and suction his nose, and if whatever there is available for that age that can help with his symptoms.

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If all else fails get him checked out!
My daughter always had breathing issues anytime she had a cold of any kind. I propped a pillow under her crib so it was at slight upper angle. And place peeled onion in a bowl under her bed and she was better within a day or two. Worked every time! Good luck momma I know how hard it is to deal with a child who can’t tell u what’s wrong. :disappointed:

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Could be anything, could be rsv, could be a cold, could be allergies could be the flu could even be Covid. Best thing to do is if he starts running a fever take him to the doctor. Also run a vaporizer in his room!

Maybe he has an ear infection? Is he pulling or rubbing his ears?

I would take him to the dr, my son had similar symptoms then his breathing started to get worse. He tested positive for rsv and was rushed to hospital. He was so miserable.

Sounds more like an ear or sinus infection.


Could be an ear infection

My son is the same way and was told he had a double ear infection. But honestly I’d take him in because there are 6 viruses going around attacking children. And also strep is going around. Also without being treated most viruses turn into something else. Last month my son had a viral infection that lasted 25 days runny nose, diarrhea, coughing, no fever, body aches, fatigue. Almost every symptom of covid but tested negative for covid, strep and flu and RSV

If you think he has rsv then you take him to the doctors. That’s your child so you should never be hesitant regardless of a fever or not.


Never dealt with RSV, but there’s a nasty cold like virus going around. My daughter was out cold for 4 days. Had a small fever, body aches, fatigue, ear infection.

Your baby might have an ear infection. RSV has similar symptoms too.

& u haven’t taken him 2 the Dr yet ?

my son had RSV when he was a couple months old. His breathing was very rapid and you could see his stomach go in every single time. That’s one of the big signs to look for. If you have any doubts take the baby to the ER just to safe.

When my kids were little they got RSV a few times. My middle daughter more than the other 2, but, I know my daughters symptoms were along those lines but also sounded real raspy when crying. She had to do breathing treatments so many times as she got RSV 3 times and because of that as she got older anytime she got even a common cold it AlWAYS turned into Bronchitis. When my son (who is the youngest) got RSV he had a difficult time breathing and resulting in Ambulance being called and trips to the ER that’s how bad his breathing got. The ONLY thing that helped along with breathing treatments and meds was him sleeping in his car seat. I had told his doctor that anytime we were in the car or something that’s when he got the most rest without the heavy wheezing, is when we’d go somewhere. I explained that to his Doctor and he said to let him sleep in his car seat at home as much as we could since it helped so much. He was about 4-5 months old so his car seat was an infant one. I know this post is long but it was a nightmare seeing my babies go through that and the car seat trick helped so much!

If it’s not RSV- with the symptoms mentioned, I’d head to the hospital to get baby check out.
Could be RSV, strep, or an ear infection.
When my kids were babies, if they cried when laid down…99/100 it was an ear infection.
Best of luck mama! :heart:


if your kid is sick and it’s not improving, take them to the doctor. RSV presents in various ways and is dependent on the kid, adult, etc.

Maybe it’s his ears… laying down flat and sleeping for that matter is really painful.


Cold,teething, sinus infection literally could be anything. Take him to the doctor instead of asking facebook🤦‍♀️

My 3.5 yr old had RSV recently, no fever, mild coughing, just cold symptoms. It has been rough getting over it completely, definitely worth a dr visit in my opinion so at least you’ll get advice on the best way to treat whatever it is.

My daughter had rsv at 8 weeks and again at 15 weeks. The biggest sign was that it started with a rattle cough and then turned into her barley being able to breathe.

My daughter just went through a bad case of rsv she was hospitalized for almost a week it was absolutely devastating but the signs are coughing wheezing runny nose no appetite fever but not everyone’s child is the same

By the time u guess all these folks different opinions u could have done had him checked out by someone who matters!

My daughter had RSV and pneumonia, she still has lung issues today (she’s 11) if you’re worried take him in. She needed an inhaler with a mask and chamber at 1 year old.

When my little one had RSV she had severe coughing and could barely catch her breath tons. She also had a fever and was pretty pale.

at that age take him to be tested. if it rsv its not that serious at 16 mos… but have him looked at for the meds

Sounds more like an ear infection.

My daughter had a simple cough for a week, then had a low grade temp, the next morning she was admitted into the picu for a week on highflow oxygen and slightly sedated. Worst week of my life. I would go to the doctor to be safe. In the meantime just suck out his nose, use a humidifier, maybe some tylenol to make him comfy.

Id call and talk you doctor my daughter had the same and had strep throat!

Try the doctor . Not Facebook