Could my 2yr old be going through anxiety separation? She was very independent until about three days ago. She would stay alone and play in a room, be on the phone, or watching TV. Now she follows me EVERYWHERE. I cannot leave her side, or she will start whimpering. And when she cries, she cries. As if in pain or if someone was aggravating her. And on top of that, she still doesn’t talk. It frustrates me so bad, and I get so angry because she has never done this before. She would go to the bathroom alone, with the lights off, because we leave the door open, and plenty of light comes in. Now she won’t unless I come with her. I will be sitting, playing with her and her sister, and she’ll start whimpering again. I do hold her for a bit to comfort her. But it’s no use. She’ll start crying again. I miss my old little girl with attitude and easily getting angry and storming off. Nothing has changed at all in our home, absolutely nothing. So Idk why or how this new thing of hers came about. Has anyone’s child behaved like this? Does it go away? What can I do to help her overcome whatever it is she’s going through???
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the signs of separation anxiety in kids?
Maybe something was done to her wouldnt wish that on any child or she seen something where she needs you. some kids go through those phases where they just clingy my kids it almost when I was pregnant before I knew I was. If something has changed in routine or in general there’s been a change that will most likely happen.
It could be a phase but it could be something deeper. Do you leave her somewhere where something may have caused her to not want to go anymore. Have you expressed your concern about her speech with her dr. Does she get socialization. With other children
This is a completely normal phase of growth. Some kids never go through it, some have a severe case. They will grow out of it, but your response will have a lot to do with how long it lasts. Just like if they are hungry, they need to be fed; if they are scared (regardless of the reason), they need to be comforted.
I would start with a doctors visit, she could be in pain or uncomfortable and not knowing how to express that. If something internal is happening it would be hard to know since she can’t tell you. I’d also look into whether that’s a response so how someone other than you is treating her…
But aside from all the serious stuff, my daughter went through a brief phase like this when she was a little younger, and even still every once in a while but for much shorter time periods. She’s totally fine, just loves her mama and wants to be clingy sometimes
In our culture they say innocent little kids can see things we can’t. So maybe something was passing through and she doesn’t want to be alone. I mean I wouldn’t, if that were the case.
I’m a stay at home mom with a 3&4 year old and they tend to do this when they are growing alot at once. Or when they start feeling like they are not
in control anymore, so to help when they feel like this I have them help more in making decisions and even let them help me clean make meals and pick what snacks they want. It helps give them some control back. My oldest has been non verbal, until recently. So it’s been rough but it will get easier.
Might need to monitor what she is viewing on the phone maybe she is watching YouTube videos she shouldn’t be watching just a suggestion
My daughter was the same, but it has gotten better now. It has been a while though…
Maybe something is wrong. What if she has a uti baby girls get them too. Maybe take her to the doctor for a check up. Talk to her when you comfort her.
It sounds like it’s painful for her to go to the bathroom. Get her checked out by her doctor. She may have a UTI or constipation. She’s whimpering in pain and it’s a sudden change. Get her checked out.
She could be seeing someone in spirit. My son use to talk about an old man. Or it could be a way of her wanting more attention from you. Has she been left with anyone? My daughter had some issues after her grandfather died of cancer, I took her to the dr. The dr. Told her she has no cancer, she had a good check up and she started eating and resting well, back to herself.
Have you ever experienced anything paranormal? It sounds like she has.
when was her last doctors appointment? any new meds???
My kids all went through a phase like that around that age. It didn’t last very long with any of them.
It really was annoying at the time. But now they are 20, 18. 14. And 9 years old…and I would LOVE if they wanted to hang out with me…WITHOUT using my phone or asking for money.
Developmentally as children get older the imaginations start to become a lot more active. It’s possible that she had a bad dream and feels anxious to be alone.
I’d start by a doctor appointment but most likely it’s just that she’s two. When my daughter turned two she wanted momma more. She has also experienced bad dreams. I’d consider this. Also look up spirit interactions with children
My son only did this when he was sick. He would cuddle and lay with us too which he never does unless he is not feeling well.
My little dude is like this mostly when company is in the house, so I limit who comes and goes. When it’s just me and him he’s totally fine, he will play and watch TV while I do the housework. But if anyone else is in the house he loses his mind and has a meltdown if I’m not close enough for him to sit on.
My daughter at that age became my Velcro child. Lol. It passed but not without a lot of tears on both our parts. As far as the talking goes my son didn’t really talk till he was almost 3. He said maybe 10 words. Then one day he just started talking. He’s just one of those kids ( he’s 39 now) who can’t be pushed. He has always done things in his own time. Too many I think rush for testing. My Dr said he would talk when he’s ready. If he’s not showing signs of other stuff ( not meeting my looking at him) then he just may need time. And he was right. That kid never walked around furniture or pulled himself up. Just one day we were at in laws place n he wanted something on the couch. He was in the middle of the room n he just stood up n walked over. All the adults in the room were very surprised. Don’t worry she will get back to that. This was my velcro child n my newest grandchild. She is 36 now. Lol
Separation anxiety is normal for that age
It’s just a phase shell grow out of it
My 1… 4…and 6 year old do that at 1 time all 3 of them were around me and wanted me to pick them up lol but its mostly my 1 and 4 year old that always whines when I get up to do something and I can’t get nothing done. I have 5 kids and am trying to manage
Mine started to have night terrors and that caused a shift in them. But that resolved itself but due to my personal spiritual beliefs it could be something on that realm if nothing is physically wrong with them
She probably saw something scary on the phone and is scared to be alone.
Sounds like there’s something else going on either medically. I’d have her checked by her ped. If nothing is wrong, it’s probably just normal 2 year old behavior.
3 days is nothing to be too concerned about. My little one does this, sometimes little children get clingy, he can be so independent than next second, he has to be clued to my leg. Even if in the same room, can’t even go to the toilet without him banging on the door coz he isn’t near me lol
Sometimes growing pains affects my boy this way, or teething 2 year old molars. Or sometimes little things can scare him for a while to the point he wasn’t comfortable sleeping in his cot. Everything is new to them and dreaming will start and be more vivid as there imagination grows.
Not talking at 2 is normal, so don’t work yourself up over it, kids can sense what us mummas are feeling. Sometimes pushing kids before they are ready can set them back. My boy does everything on his own terms in his own time. And also sees spirits from time to time that scare him for ages.
Taking him to the doctors is always my last option unless there are actual symptoms, for it, coz the docs just cause my little one more stress and clings even more.
You know ur baby girl better than anyone tho, kids are smart and know what to do to get what they want and that cry gets me everytime, to run and pick him up coz I’m thinking his fallen and hit his head or the corner or the table or something but nope he just knows how to drive mumma crazy haha give it a week if it doesn’t get better or if u feel she is slightly getting worse then call a doc out but be patient and give it some time, and enjoy having a little helper.
My 2 year old is going through the same thing. I cant even go to the bathroom without my little girl losing her mind and it does drive me crazy🥴but honestly I think they are realizing that they are their own little persons and not attached to mama anymore. And that realization is scary for them. I try to reassure her that everything is ok and that she is a brave girl. I try to build up her confidence. But it’s a phase that will pass…eventually. Try and be patient with her.
Instead of getting angry try to get to the root of it. You never know, something could have happened without your knowledge. Kid’s change behaviors usually when something bad has happened or traumatic to them.
I understand being frustrated but try not to get angry. It doesn’t help anything.
I pray nothing bad has happened but in my experience, that’s usually what it is. If she isn’t speaking by the time she is around 3, I would possibly get her tested for Autism?? Just to be safe. It could explain some of her behaviors. Children with autism can’t help their behaviors. It may look like they are acting out but they really aren’t.
She’s only two. Give her some time.
Sounds to me like something may have scared her
Could be as simple as a sore throat or earache
Therapist here- it’s developmentally appropriate for your kiddo to display this. It’s a sign of attachment, and crucial to their development. You are her safe place. Continue to assure her and just express what you notice. ‘I noticed you want to be around mommy more’ or ‘i noticed you don’t want to go to the bathroom alone’ and wait for her response. Assure and comfort, that’s much of what’s needed here. You’re doin’ great!
If she’s starting to whimper while you are sitting playing with them i doubt its separation anxiety tbh…id go more for urine infection ear infection , teething , constipation…pain from these things comes in waves .
If she’s moving as normal and not guarding any limbs or holding her head id visit the Dr.
My son had growing pains in his legs around that age but he would literally scream in pain and started crawling because walking caused him too much pain.
Really wouldnt be concerned about the talking …if she’s babbling the rest will follow.
Have lots of patience mom.
Maybe ear infection?
my 2 yr old lil gal never lets me leave her side unless she had boob n she wants to play
I think it’s normal… you will miss it when she’s 16 and totally ignores you…
Something is clearly bothering her. Go get her checked out just in case she has an earache or something else.
If she isn’t talking yet, maybe she’s trying to tell you something is wrong? Maybe she is in pain? See the doctor.
If she’s crying out in pain or like someone is aggravating her then maybe she is in pain. Also you should have her seen for her speech she should be saying some words at this age. You cannot get angry at her because of how she’s acting either of course it frustrating but you are her safe place too. U need to figure out what the heck is going on soon imo. And how positive are you that’s nothing has happened to her without u knowing?
Just sit down and let her sit with you
Talk to her calmly
She will grow out of this she just needs you right now
Have her checked out by her Ped. If nothing is wrong than I would sage my house. Kids are subseltable to things we as grown ups are not because of their innocents.
Sounds to me that she may just be feeling unwell. Mine does this when feeling sick or when teething. Maybe her molars are coming through. Give it a few days to a week and see if she feels better. I would take her to the doctors for a check up.
If this is an abrupt and sudden behavior change then something is going on. I would take her to the doctor and discuss it with the pediatrician to rule out a medical problem. She maybe having night terrors or something
You said she watches on your phone. YouTube?? My daughter was 2 also and she would do things on her own and one day she wouldn’t anymore she could talk a little. She said something I went back through her watch history and there was a video and it was creepy for a two year old but was in the kid shows. It was a flying microwave attacking things and I can’t remember all of it but I remember it scared her so much that she wouldn’t let me out of her sight. She is 7 now but it scared her forever.
THIS IS NORMAL Kids usually develop this phase of separation anxiety around 2 years of age. I have 4 kids and I have gone through this with 2 of them and currently going through this of one of them. You just need to reassure them you will come back or you’ll be in the next room etc.
Yes, they go through several phases of separation anxiety and that’s the age for it to hit again.
It’s normal for kids to revert back to how they were when they were younger. Same with my daughter right now. She’s independent and hard headed but lately… Potty training has back tracked and I have to hold/carry her everywhere, she wants us to feed her. Just keep going, and keeping giving her the opportunities to be independent. I think separation anxiety is if she used to being with you and then there’s a schedule/life change (school, daycare, work).
Everyone has already said it, but this is normal. My 3.5yo goes through these phases pretty frequently, usually coinciding with a physical growth spurt, a developmental leap, or any kind of change in our routine at all. He’s going through one now due to all three at once. Best thing I’ve found to do for my son is to be calm, let it happen, and be transparent with him about what I’m doing and what my expectations are for him.
Has someone baby sat her . Bothered her in a wrong way . It happened to my friends child . God Bless .
Has she been checked for autism. My granddaughter is non verbal autism. There are so many types autism. It would not hurt to have her tested for it my granddaughter was 3 when she was diagnosed. Best of luck.
Maybe she has had a bad dream or a nightmare. You might want to talk to her dr. Good luck, I pray to will overcome it.
Sounds like a developmental leap.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the signs of separation anxiety in kids?
Completely Normal for that age
I would take her to a pediatrician. It probably is the normal separation anxiety, but what if it isn’t?
It’s called the terrible twos for a reason……