What are the symptoms of croup?

Has anyone’s babe had croup? What were there symptoms? My sweet girl has had some kind of cough the last like 3 weeks, a low grade fever on and off but she doesn’t seem to really feel bad, but I’m not sure what the cough is cause it doesn’t seem to want to go away, she also sounds a bit congested when you listen to her breathing

Between my three kids we’ve had a couple bouts of Croup. The cough is usually distinct, like a Walrus or Sealion “bark” if that makes sense. If she has a on/off fever that last for more than a few days I would take her into the docs. Even w/o the fever, it’s worth going in to see if they can provide any type of relief from the cough.

My kids suffer croup ALL the time. The cough is worse of a night and its a very distinct sound. You will definitely know. Like comment above described. Its horrible.
Definitely go to the doctors. Steriods for 3 days. They help very quickly :slightly_smiling_face:.